Dog buzz

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Interesting thing, our brain. How many different mechanisms are involved in it. How many different reactions to many substances. The brain is beautiful, it gives us the ability to comprehend and enjoy our own life. But for some reason, people throughout the history of mankind are trying to disable it by the most sophisticated methods. For what? To take control of at least part of the biochemical processes and artificially induce the release of endorphins, euphoria, hallucinations. They would be better off thinking about how to speed up the brain, not kill it.


Once, a sage decided to find out what would happen if the oxygen supply to the brain was cut off. He tried to strangle himself with both hands, hoping to turn off, but nothing came of it. Then he decided to get into the noose. But to his regret, he did not foresee an escape route. Therefore, I successfully sawed myself. But time passed and people figured out how to strangle themselves without dying. Scientists called this activity - games with asphyxiation, or asphyxiation. But why do people need such strange games. Well, reasons 2. The first is to improve sex. BDSM legs grow from asphyxiation, all these leather belts around the neck, to which then whips were added for fun. You see, when you slightly strangle your sexual partner during intercourse, he relaxes better and becomes more aroused. The main thing is not to overdo it and not accidentally strangle your girlfriend or boyfriend. It is better to use a stop word in such cases. Well, the second use is to strangle yourself for the high. When a sufficient amount of oxygen is not supplied to the brain, a state similar to fainting sets in, which apparently is very pleasant to not quite adequate highs. But bad luck, the main players in the suffocation were and remain children and adolescents. And to my surprise, there are many more children who strangle themselves than the same drug addicts. In the mid-2000s, about 15% of teenagers in some states of the United States participated in such games at least once in their lives. Well, on the terrain of our mother Russia, these games are well known to all of us under the name "dog buzz" And to my surprise, there are many more children who strangle themselves than the same drug addicts. In the mid-2000s, about 15% of teenagers in some states of the United States participated in such games at least once in their lives. Well, on the terrain of our mother Russia, these games are well known to all of us under the name "dog buzz" And to my surprise, there are many more children who strangle themselves than the same drug addicts.

Dog buzz​

The kids of the 90s were pretty dangerous people. And it's not strange if you remember what was happening at that time. The ex-pioneers sniffed glue, gasoline, gas and everything that smelled bad in general. They also loved to strangle each other very much. This was done especially often in pioneer camps. But do not think that everything is in the past and dangerous games with death are not a threat to modern children. All the information is in the public domain and what guarantees that your brother does not read about dog buzz and does not dare to experience it on himself with his friends. None. Therefore, it is important to know what it is, what the risks are, in order to then detect a young puppy and successfully neutralize it.

The mechanism for achieving a dog's buzz is pretty straightforward. There are two simple steps to follow:
  • They will breathe "like a dog" for several minutes.
  • Ask a friend to puff you with something (belt, scarf, rope, it doesn't matter at all) with an emphasis on squeezing the carotid artery.

That's it, oxygen is blocked and you lose consciousness for a while. During a fainting state, the brain due to hypoxia shows you very colorful and interesting pictures that are so attractive to modern youth. Well, and a bonus to all this is short-term euphoria. Everything would be great if not for mortality. It is not for nothing that many films show how a dexterous hero, with an accurate blow to the neck, successfully knocks out a bulky enemy.

How do they die?​

"Dog's buzz" kills, I think this is a no brainer. The question is how? Well, first of all, there are unpleasant long-term prospects. For example, brain dysfunctions, cell destruction and, in the long term, disability. As with substance abuse. Then, of course, strangulation. If your friend overdoes it with the force of pressing, then they may not pump out. Well, the last ones are an accident. During fainting, you can accidentally fall on a sharp stone, nail, bite off your tongue. And in extreme cases, your eyes can jump out of their sockets. Joke! In short, normal guys will definitely not do this. Well, dogs - a dog's buzz. Well, the death of a dog.