Do all ATMs accept bank cards with a chip?


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When receiving a bank card, few people think about what design features it has. However, sending it to an ATM to withdraw cash, some people are faced with the fact that a specific device simply “does not see” the card, does not read it, and, accordingly, the issue of funds becomes impossible. Why this happens and whether all ATMs are universal - we will tell you further.

What is a bank card with a chip?​

If you look closely at the card, you will see a magnetic stripe on it, in addition to the image of the bank, number and CVV-code. However, some plastic additionally contains a chip - a kind of microprocessor, into which the data on the cardholder is “sewn in”. It turns out that in order to read information, the device will need not only to understand the data from the magnetic stripe, but also from the chip.

Despite the existing nuances, a card with a chip is quite common. Operations with it in no way create inconvenience to the user. On the contrary, they additionally protect the security of the account and personal data.

Where to apply for and receive chip cards?​

Most Ukrainian banks issue cards with chips. Such plastic is often referred to the elite category, GOLD or PLATINUM. The point is that such a card will cost the bank more than its magnetic counterpart. For salary projects, mass use, a card with a privatbank chip or an Oschadbank card with a chip will most likely not be issued. But for saving funds, transferring interest on a deposit, making payments abroad, traveling, business, currency transfers, such cards are most suitable.

The main differences of the card with a chip:
  • enhanced security;
  • paid service;
  • stylish design;
  • availability of additional opportunities for cardholders.

Do ATM machines accept chip cards?​

We asked this question to representatives of several banks at once and all gave the same answer - modern ATMs can easily cope with chip cards. A few years ago, users could face difficulties, especially in cases where funds are withdrawn from an ATM of another bank. However, after meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Railways of 2006, all banks committed to modernize ATMs so that they could recognize data not only from the magnetic stripe, but also from the chip.

Despite all the innovations, from time to time clients have difficulties with the issuance of funds. All of them are due to the fault of the bank, which did not replace the outdated ATM. In such cases, you must immediately contact the hotline of the institution.

Chip card: how to use?​

The mechanism for using a card with and without a chip is no different. In order to pay with a card in the terminal, you must either swipe the magnetic tape in a special slot for reading the card, or insert the card into the device with the side where the chip is located. When withdrawing cash from an ATM, you will need to take the card with a chip away from you and insert it into the card reader. After that, the device will require you to enter a pin code and select the operations of interest.

Pros and cons of chip cards​

The chip card has no significant drawbacks. Today it is almost impossible to find devices that do not read such plastic. Therefore, anywhere in the world it will be possible to use the card at a point of sale, terminal, ATM. Thanks to the chip, the card becomes as secure as possible, because it becomes almost impossible to counterfeit both the magnetic stripe and the chip.

At the same time, the presence of a chip does not guarantee increased security in the network. Having the details of such a card (number, expiration date and CVV-code), fraudsters will be able to complete the operation. Therefore, it is important to remember that the three numbers on the back of the plastic cannot be told to anyone, even if people introduce themselves as bank employees.

What part of all ATMs of Ukrainian banks accept cards of international payment systems with a chip without a magnetic stripe? And cards with a chip and a magnetic stripe at the same time?
Experts of the Ukrainian banking market answer

Tatiana Kovach
Head of Payment Cards Department
Bank: Eurogasbank

In Ukraine and around the world, plastic cards with a chip are accepted in all ATMs and terminals, without exception. If for some reason the card is not accepted or read by the chip, then the information is read by the magnetic stripe, and vice versa.
Also, according to the requirements of international payment systems since 2006, banks are obliged to ensure the acceptance of plastic cards with chips in their ATMs and terminals.

Elena Suvorova

Most banks have already been certified to accept chip cards at their ATMs. An important role in this was played by the Ministry of Railways, which in recent years have been actively encouraging banks to switch to chip technologies due to their increased safety of use.
If the card is hybrid (i.e. has a chip and a magnetic stripe), then it is accepted by all ATMs bearing the Visa and MasterCard logo. But in this case, the transaction "passes" not over the chip, but over the magnetic stripe.

Sergey Kiryukhin

At the moment, about 95% of ATMs of Ukrainian banks accept cards equipped with a chip module.

Victoria Gretskaya
Head of Retail Business Organization and Support Department
Bank: Ukreximbank

There are no ATMs in Ukraine that accept MPS cards only with a chip, just as there are no banks that issue MPS cards with a chip without a magnetic stripe. That is, all MPS cards issued by Ukrainian banks are either hybrid (i.e. with a chip and a magnetic stripe), or only with a magnetic stripe. Today, for banks, transferring ATMs to accept cards with a chip is quite an expensive undertaking, therefore, the infrastructure for accepting such cards is not yet so developed. Nevertheless, all ATMs of our bank are certified by international payment systems to accept cards with both a chip and a magnetic stripe.