Digital self-isolation: a boon or a threat for hosting providers?

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The hosting market in Russia is on the verge of major changes: find out how the new requirements of the Ministry of Digital Development will change the rules of the game.

New regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Mintsifra) can radically change the hosting provider market. According to the new rules, all companies providing hosting services will be required to install equipment exclusively on the territory of Russia, use only DNS servers of the national domain name system and connect to the state system for detecting and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks.

Experts note that this decision is aimed at strengthening the digital sovereignty of the country. However, they also point to possible negative consequences for the industry. In particular, many hosting providers may need to make significant investments in equipment and infrastructure. Moreover, Russian companies will be forced to compete with foreign giants that already have significant resources and experience in this market.

It is also possible to increase prices for hosting services for end users due to increased costs of providers. However, despite possible difficulties, innovations are supported by domestic equipment manufacturers, expecting an increase in demand for their products.

The general nature of the new requirements of the Ministry of Digital Development and their impact on the hosting services market are becoming a subject of discussion among industry professionals. The measures proposed by the Ministry of Digital Development are aimed at improving data security and strengthening Russia's digital independence, which, of course, is important for the strategic development of the country's digital infrastructure.