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Developers negligence resulted in data leakage of millions of KidSecurity users


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The parental control app revealed more than 300 million records.

The popular parental control app KidSecurity has leaked activity logs. The personal data of millions of users turned out to be accessible to intruders.

With more than a million downloads on Google Play, the KidSecurity app provides parents with tools to track their children's location, listen to audio from their devices, and set limits on their use of gadgets.

On September 16, researchers discovered that the app did not have authentication configured for the Elasticsearch and Logstash repositories, which are commonly used for analyzing logs and event data. Because of this error, user activity logs remained publicly available on the Internet for more than a month.


The leak is estimated to have affected more than 300 million records, including 21,000 phone numbers and 31,000 email addresses. Information about payment cards was also partially disclosed, including the first six and last four digits of the number, the validity period of the cards, and the issuing bank.


In addition, there are signs that the vulnerability was exploited by intruders. The app server was attacked by the Readme botnet, which often leaves ransomware files on compromised systems. Although specifically for this incident, there is no data on the ransom yet.

The disclosure of sensitive data such as email addresses, phone numbers, and payment information in the child tracking app is a serious threat. In the hands of attackers, this information can be used for identity theft, fraud, and unauthorized financial transactions, putting children and their families at significant risk. Although the location of users was not disclosed, the data leak is a serious violation of their privacy and security.