Depression prevention


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In the modern world, more and more people suffer from various forms of depression. What can you do to avoid getting sick?

In the modern world, more and more people suffer from various forms of depression. Depression negatively affects the quality of life, and is dangerous because in some cases it can lead to suicide.

As you know, any disease is better, if possible, to prevent than to cure. How can you prevent depression? Here are the basic rules, the implementation of which will help you prevent a serious illness (we are talking mainly about psychogenic depression):

1. Care for forces
Depression is associated with loss of strength, exhaustion. Therefore, it is so important to keep an eye on where the depletion occurs most, where the loss of strength occurs. These are usually areas where a person acts without inner consent, mostly out of a sense of duty. Exhaustion can occur if you exert too much effort in any activity.

To understand where and on what your strengths go, where exactly you are depleted be sure to make time for rest alternate work and rest go in for sports, if you do not like sports - walk, walk observe the daily routine live at your own pace

2. Caring for valuables

Where there is joy, there is life and there is no place for depression.

Pay attention and time to what you like look after a relationship move more maintain good physical well-being every day, at least half an hour to do what you like and enjoy.

I foresee a bunch of objections in the style: "I have no time", "I have a small child", "I have a lot of work, I need to feed my family." All these are just reservations, if you wish, you can always find time for.

3. Addressing "life's obstacles"

Understand the causes of burdensome feelings address loss, embrace the feelings of failure and disappointment to be sad.

Sadness is the most important thing in preventing depression. It is the absence of sadness that is one of the main causes of depression.

4. Time-saving use

The biggest waste one can make is a waste of time. / Theophrastus /

How often do you hang out on social networks, looking at photos of friends, or even unfamiliar people in general, read a friend feed or play games? How often do you communicate with those with whom you do not really want to communicate?

Ask yourself during the day the question: what I am doing now - is it really important to me? Not giving up yourself for the sake of others if possible, do only what is important to you.

Depression is a very unpleasant and difficult disease that you can prevent in many ways. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Literature: Alfried Langele "Reaching for Life"