Denial of service becomes more sophisticated: UDP flood gains momentum


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Traditional methods of dealing with DDoS attacks may soon be ineffective.

In the third quarter of 2023, there is a sharp increase in DDoS attacks, among which UDP flood attacks are particularly prominent. These attacks are carried out by overloading the server or network with a huge number of useless data packets, making them difficult to stop. According to Qrator Labs, the share of such attacks was 67% in the last quarter, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year.

Cybercriminals are increasingly using new methods to circumvent geo-blocking, increasing the frequency and duration of attacks. The average duration of a single UDP flood attack is 71.58 hours, which is the longest indicator among all types of DDoS attacks.

The report pays special attention to the new tactics of cybercriminals, which consists in using traffic from the same country as the target of the attack, which leads to a significant increase in blocked IP addresses — by 116.42% since the beginning of the year.

The financial sector has become the main target for DDoS attacks, accounting for 42.06% of all incidents. The areas of e-commerce and IT technologies were also significantly affected.

It is noted that cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated, with an increased emphasis on efficiency. Viktor Zyamzin of Qrator Labs warns that methods of dealing with DDoS attacks that were effective yesterday may be completely useless tomorrow.

The report also points to a 13.46% decrease in the total number of DDoS attacks in the fall period and a reduction in the size of the largest botnet network identified. In addition, the use of the HTTP/2 protocol to launch more covert attacks is increasing, especially against companies that rent servers in the cloud.

Concluding the report, Zyamzin emphasizes that researchers expect a new stage in the competition between defense and attacking tools, predicting an increase in the complexity of both the attacks themselves and the methods of neutralizing them.