Deceiving the terminal for online wallets


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In the image, a 100-ruble bill, we use it as an example.


There are schematic marks on it:

Red spots: The thread must not go through these spots.
Blue dotted line: there is a thread on it.
To prepare the bill, we need a white thread.

1. We make a double thread and thread it through a needle.
2. At the end we tie 3-4 knots, one on another.
3. Thread a thread every 2-3 cm. As shown in the picture.
4. We tie two threads and attach a thread 4 cm long.

There is a way to process a bill using scotch tape. Everyone chooses for himself what is more convenient.

The process of "driving in" the banknote will be clearly shown in the video.

The main thing is to calculate the moment when the vending machine wants to accept the next bill (the green indicator will light up), at this moment it must be pulled out in order to reduce the risk of its possible loss.

Safety precautions:

Walk only late in the evening or at night.
Wear a non-casual jacket, preferably with a hood.
Change the point after each run.

Do not leave a bill in the machine, or only without a thread.