Debate manipulation techniques


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Manipulative tricks work. This is doubly unfortunate in the digital age, in which people communicate much more than before. It is easy for a person to be fooled when speaking in person, due to the lack of time to think, but when the same happens on the Internet, where there is time to think, then he has the opportunity to seriously think and analyze everything.

Manipulations in discussions very often have a logical error in their structure. It is extremely important to understand this, since in such cases a person, consciously or not, makes a logical error and defends his thought, which means that this argument cannot be correct. In other manipulations, the opponent uses emotional techniques designed to evoke in the interlocutor, for example, a sense of guilt. In the third case, these are the tricks that the manipulator has arranged in order to win the discussion and convince everyone that he is right. Manipulation includes both outright and partial lies.

Does it matter whether the opponent deliberately uses dishonest techniques or is not even aware of his logical mistakes? Perhaps it does. At a minimum, after recognizing the manipulation, you can respond harshly (if the person understands that he is manipulating) or softly (if he does not understand).

So, what techniques does the manipulator use during a discussion or dispute:
  1. Over-informing. The manipulator tries to make a lot of arguments in order to confuse the opponent. Not only is it simply impossible to compare these arguments in response, but also the information channels of the interlocutor do not withstand such a load. When you have only one, but a real argument, and the manipulator has dozens of them, the psyche may not stand it, and the people around them also see it as a victory for the manipulator. The opponent can easily lose the main point when the witnesses of the discussion switch to the side of the manipulator.
  2. Psychological tricks . This includes absolutely any manipulation of the emotional state of the interlocutor: the use of guilt, flattery, playing on pride, irritation of the opponent, humiliation of personal qualities and other individual psychological characteristics of a person.
  3. Opponent's irritation. It can be taken out in a separate paragraph, because there is a whole scattering of tricks here: indirect allusions, ridicule, irony, sarcasm, unfair accusations. All this is aimed at unbalancing the interlocutor in order to knock out the logical ground from under his feet and become personal in response.
  4. The use of words and terms that are incomprehensible to the opponent . This technique works effectively, because the opponent in response hesitates to ask again the meanings of the terms, as this will show the superiority of the manipulator. Due to the fact that the opponent is afraid to ask again, there is nothing to argue about - the manipulator wins.
  5. Greasing arguments. “You, as an educated and erudite person, will surely agree that…” - such a phrase poses a dilemma to the manipulated person, whether to accept the argument and flattery in his direction in one bottle, or to reject the argument and his education.
  6. Avoiding discussion. Demonstrative use of resentment: "It is impossible to discuss serious issues with you", "Your behavior makes it impossible to continue the discussion." Often used when the manipulator has run out of arguments. Such provocation of conflict, as it were, puts the search for truth out of the brackets. Indeed, is the truth important now that you have been offended?
  7. Reading in hearts. The manipulator does not comment on your arguments, he appeals to why you are bringing them, as if trying to understand the reasons for your arguments, and not the essence of what was said. For example: "You only say this because you are ashamed." It doesn't matter if the opponent is right or not, it is important to bring up the motives of his words for discussion.
  8. Change of emphasis in statements. If the opponent cites a particular example, a refutation is expressed that this cannot be the general picture. Conversely, the big picture is not always private. At the same time, a logical error in the argument of the manipulator is that its examples can be exceptions or atypical examples.
  9. Incomplete refutation. Why break all the steel arguments of your opponent when you can find the most vulnerable and thereby prove that everyone else is the same?
  10. Demanding an unambiguous answer. The object of manipulation is invited to give an accurate and clear answer with the help of phrases such as: "do not evade", "tell it straight", "say clearly in front of everyone." Despite the fact that this technique seems to be honest, principled and a sign of decisiveness, in fact, the manipulator wants to get a clear "yes" or "no" to a question that requires a detailed answer. Not all questions in the world can be answered unequivocally "yes", even if you mostly tend to accept the argument.
  11. Hanging labels . Offensive metaphors, epithets, comparisons. Labels are chosen in such a way that they evoke an emotional negative attitude from those around them, which allows you to win a psychological victory. In order to avoid a fight, the manipulator can label not the opponent, but beliefs, positions and ideas. “Absolutely stupid idea” is not the same as “You are a fool,” which means that there is no reason for a physical threat.
  12. Building on a past statement. A brilliant example of manipulative art. The manipulator cites the opponent's past statement in a slightly modified interpretation and requires an explanation. This has an impact not only on the surrounding public, but also on the opponent himself - it seems like his words are quoted, but so twisted that it is necessary to understand where the substitution took place - and at that time the manipulator requires an explanation. If there is enough time for an argument, you can calmly detect the substitution and expose the manipulation, but if the time is limited, the opponent is defeated and shows himself to be a liar.
  13. Seeming carelessness. Do not notice what can harm. The argument is long, there are many arguments, it's time to pretend that you have “forgotten” the most important argument of your opponent.
  14. Growing demands. The manipulator so demands to recognize the perfect trifle that the opponent gives in because the argument is unimportant. But then the stakes rise and the manipulator demands acceptance of other claims. And we know that it is worth conceding in something small, then an avalanche of demands will follow.
  15. The accusation of theorizing. Nobody likes theorists. Therefore, when the people around the disputants hear “Well, this is all just a theory, all this is on paper,” they tend to accept the point of view of the manipulator, forgetting that some things simply cannot be implemented without careful preparation on paper and theory.
  16. Pulling others to your side. This technique summarizes everything that was discussed. If the manipulator manages to arouse the sympathy of others, it becomes incredibly difficult for the opponent to argue, he feels incredible pressure and condemnation. This technique is manipulative for the reason that it makes no difference how many people supported your point of view - it still does not mean anything. I can, of course, say, but not always.
These are far from all the techniques that were invented by a person, and in the future they will be invented more. Memorize these 16 ways and you will be warned about the moral character of the opponent, as well as his methods of arguing.

Remember, the best way to win an argument is not to get involved in it. Dale Carnegie argued that it is impossible to win in it, because even if you win, you will touch your opponent and gain an enemy. All the manipulative examples that you read about above are applicable in an already begun dispute, and not as a reason for it. Of course, there are moments in life when an argument or discussion is simply necessary. Therefore, study the methods of manipulation and quote their incriminating features directly in the face of the manipulator, it will disarm him, because there is not a single manipulative technique against this. For example: “Now you are pretending to have forgotten my strongest argument. Either you have memory problems, or you do it on purpose. " This phrase will expose the manipulator. Ideally, you can write down the statement of such a person and analyze each of his logical mistakes.

Always and in everything, pay attention not to the words during the argument, but to the structure on which they are based. Look for logical errors in a person's argument, especially if you intuitively feel manipulated. And of course practice looking for manipulative tricks from politicians.

What manipulation techniques do you personally know? Leave your comments.


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The art of communication: what you need to know about manipulation​


In communicating with their own kind, without realizing it, people often use manipulative methods, especially when they want to achieve something from another person.

Manipulation is a hidden psychological influence on a communication partner in order to get him to behave in a beneficial way.
The power of manipulative influence lies in the fact that it:
- is carried out secretly - in this case, both the fact of the impact and its purpose are hidden. The external meaning of words, as a rule, is innocent, not containing any infringement of the needs of another person, but the internal meaning content that brings this person to what the author of the manipulation wants from him. It turns out that the person who is being manipulated does what his communication partner needs, as if choosing it himself. In fact, he was gently led to this choice, and this choice is not free and unconscious.
- uses the psychologically vulnerable places of a person - such can be character traits, habits, stereotypes, desires, shortcomings, even advantages - everything that has the ability to work automatically, without conscious deliberation ( Example of manipulation in trade. cheaper, then more expensive things.
- This model is better, but it is perhaps a little expensive for you.
"I'll take her here."

At the external level, the seller stated some truthful facts: the high quality of the item and the low financial capabilities of the buyer. The hidden meaning of this manipulation is the expectation of the buyer's desire to look respectable at least in front of the seller (and therefore, to some extent in front of himself). The buyer took the expensive thing, stroking his pride and wiping (as it seems to him) the nose of the seller.)

- as a rule, it is supported by techniques that increase the addressee's general compliance to the impact : bringing him to one or another emotional state, limiting the time of reflection, depriving him of the opportunity to choose, etc. (At this level, the so-called emotional blackmail is often used - tears, hysteria - or threats - “if you don't go, you are no longer my friend.” They do not leave a person with a choice and phrases like “Only you can help me”).
This begs the question: “How to evaluate the phenomenon of manipulation: with a plus sign or with a minus sign? Use it in life or eradicate it? "In fact, manipulation is neither good nor bad. In general, this phenomenon is neutral. At its core, manipulation is a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes.
If you are faced with manipulation, then to assess a specific situation, you can rely on two criteria.

First. What is the motive and desired result of the manipulation author? If this is not only a benefit to yourself, but also a desire for good to you, then this deserves, if not a positive assessment, then at least condescension. ( For example, parents often manipulate their children, by hook or by crook forcing them to go to bed on time, do exercises, go to school, etc. They do this not only for themselves, but also for the sake of the future of their child, which is not yet is able to appreciate this concern).

Second. It happens that the ulterior motive for manipulation is not particularly hidden. And then the object of the application of this manipulation has a true, and not an imposed choice. It often happens that, for whatever reason, a person prefers not to call a spade a spade and speaks figuratively. This may not be manipulation if the addressee understands what is at stake and consciously enters (or does not enter) this game. ( American writer and psychotherapist E. Berne gives an example of a flirting game:
Cowboy: Would you like to see the stable?
Girl: Ah, I love stables since childhood!

Although it seems to be about the stables, both understand the inner meaning of the game. And the girl, choosing an excursion to the stable, guesses about the content of this excursion. And since she has this understanding, and no one forced her to respond to the flirtation, it means that she consciously entered this game, and therefore, there is nothing bad about it).

There is an easy way to help you resist even the most persistent manipulation. This technique is called “record play” because you have to repeat the same words as you would on a record.
Here are three steps that should lead you to the record technique.
First, if you do not understand the interlocutor, ask him about the details.
Secondly, when the position of the interlocutor has become clear, admit the truth or agree with the right of the interlocutor to have their own opinion.
Finally, try to explain that you don't feel like doing what the other person is pushing you to do.
And when you have gone through all three steps, and the interlocutor still continues to insist on his own, then proceed to the technique of the "played record" - that is, continue to agree with the interlocutor, repeating in the same words that you are not going to do what he is talking about asks you. No one is able to withstand such a repetition for a long time, and most likely your interlocutor will soon give up trying to manipulate you.
The ability to adequately resist manipulation is called assertiveness. The ability of a person to behave assertively assumes that he is able to independently make decisions and be responsible for their consequences; he is able to resist manipulation by others and knows how to say "no".

There are ten "commandments of assertiveness", which are sometimes called assertive human rights. They are based on the belief that no one can successfully manipulate us unless we ourselves allow it:
  1. You have the right to judge your own behavior, thoughts and emotions and be responsible for the consequences.
  2. You have the right not to give any explanation or justification to justify your behavior.
  3. You have the right to decide for yourself whether and to what extent you are responsible for other people.
  4. You have the right to change your views
  5. You have the right to make mistakes and be responsible for them.
  6. You have the right to say, "I don't know."
  7. You have the right not to depend on the goodwill of others.
  8. You have the right to make illogical decisions.
  9. You have the right to say: "I don't understand you"
  10. You have the right to say, "Thank you, no."

But, if you look closely, we all live in a world of manipulations, and you should not be afraid of them, but you should be good at understanding them and turn knowledge about them to the benefit of yourself and other people. Manipulation is just one part of communication.