DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service)


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DDoS attack is a hacker attack on a website, the main task of which is to lead to a denial of service, in which the interaction of users with services and sites will be difficult or impossible. It differs from a DoS attack in that it is carried out from multiple devices and addresses at once. For DDoS attacks, hackers collect botnets from malware-infected zombie computers.

The purpose of a DDoS attack is to extort money to stop it and restore access to the website. Most often, cybercriminals attack online e-commerce resources, online banks, booking systems, bookmakers, information services, the media and other organizations doing business on the Internet.

There are special malicious programs (bots) that allow the creation of botnets. For example, the Mirai Internet worm infected more than 500,000 devices connected to the Internet, from which a botnet of the same name was formed for the then record-breaking DDoS attacks.

DDoS attacks gained their first popularity in 1999, when cybercriminals attacked the websites of the largest companies (Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, E-Trade, CNN and many others). A year after the attacks on large corporations, the need to take urgent measures to combat the emerging problem was realized.

DDoS attack classification

The main methods of DDoS attacks:
1. HTTP flood. The most common method, whose main idea is to send such a packet to the server, the response to which will be a packet of a much larger size. In a specially crafted request to the server, the attacker replaces his IP address with the network identifier of a machine inside the victim's network.
3. ICMP flood. In this type of DDoS attack, the hacker sends an ICMP packet (often using the ping utility) to the amplifying network. In this case, the attacker's IP address is also replaced with the target one, and the response to the command arrives at the victim server, increased by as many times as the number of machines contained in the reinforcing network. Also, such an attack can occur using UDP packets.
3. SYN flood. To exchange data, computer systems need to establish a connection, and at the same time, computer resources are also allocated to the connection itself - which this type of attack is aimed at. By sending false requests, you can use all the resources of the computer system that are reserved for establishing connections.
4. "Heavy packages". To implement this attack method, an attacker uses a botnet to send hard-to-process data packets to the server that do not overwhelm the communication channel, but consume processor resources, which can lead to overheating or overloading.

Object of influence

The goal of a DDoS attack is to disable or make a website unavailable. However, it so happens that the target of DDoS turns out to be a DNS server (for example, in 2012, the Anonymous group planned to disable 13 root DNS servers of the world in this way, which would deprive the entire population of the Earth of the Internet). A vulnerable web application can also be targeted. Some DDoS attacks are organized for entertainment or as a sign of political protest (for example, the 2007 action in honor of the monument to the Liberator Soldier in Estonia). DDoS is often carried out for blackmail or extortion. A huge number of companies and individuals suffer from this every year, because due to attacks, their sites become inaccessible to customers and do not generate income. Network resources of government agencies, media sites, online stores and online banks, portals of commercial and non-profit organizations are all potential targets for DDoS attacks.

There was some lull in the mid-2010s, but according to a report from Qrator Labs, in 2016, DDoS attacks began again harassing corporate users. Despite the fact that it is easy for many providers to neutralize attacks with a capacity of up to 300 Gbps, problems still remain. In particular, cybercriminals started using infected video recording servers, webcams, and IoT devices that have vulnerabilities. Due to the prevalence of such devices, attacks have become even more widespread.

According to Qrator Labs, technicians need to re-focus on DDoS protection. If previously there was a linear increase in the capacity of the latter, then in 2016 the situation changed dramatically. Today attacks can reach such proportions that they can cover entire regions of the globe, and this directly threatens the functioning of the work of large providers.

Cybercriminals paid the most attention to the following industries:
  • coupon services,
  • payment systems,
  • information aggregators,
  • e-commerce,
  • games and playgrounds.

Source of DDoS attacks

There are many sources of denial of service attacks: competitors, ill-wishers, hacktivists, etc. According to Kaspersky Lab data, in 2015 every sixth Russian company was subjected to a DDoS attack. In 2015, about 120,000 attacks were carried out on 68,000 different resources around the world. At the same time, the stream power reached 450 Gbit / s. Most often, DDoS attacks are targeted at large businesses (20%).

Risk analysis

Resisting DDoS attacks is challenging, with requests to the site coming from many directions. You can protect yourself from weak DDoS attacks: for example, setting a connection limit will help against HTTP flooding, from ICMP flooding - disabling responses to all ECHO requests or a properly configured WAF, from UDP flooding - disconnecting UDP services from the Internet and setting a call limit to the DNS server. However, against most attacks organized by professional cybercriminals and aimed at the maximum possible amount of traffic, setting up a web server will do nothing, since the communication channel itself will be "clogged". In this case, only special protection services can help.


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DDOS vulnerability check​

Hello everyone, nowadays quite often, sites are subject to DDOS attacks, today I will show you how to check your site for vulnerability.

DDOS attack (from the English Distributed Denial of Service) - this is an attack on the site, the main purpose of which is to disable it by submitting a large number of false requests. As a result of such an attack, the servers serving the site are forced to process an excessive amount of false requests, and the site becomes inaccessible to a simple user.

The main goal for attackers, ddos is used to eliminate competition in a particular industry, by completely stopping the operation of the attacked server by submitting a large number of false requests to it, which your site will not cope with.

Commercial and informational websites are popular victims of such attacks. Hackers-ddosers have recently been using this type of attack for extortion purposes, demanding money to stop the attack, or waging an information war.

Who can make such attacks?
Previously, in the old 90's, it was possible to lay down websites with a screwdriver)

Yes, Yes, it was a screwdriver that could hold down the F5 button on the keyboard. Because of frequent updates to the page that made frequent requests to the server. The server simply could not cope with such a load out of weakness.

Now attacks are organized using BOTNETS. This is a collection of computers infected with a virus that can synchronously execute commands transmitted from the control server. For example, if a botnet of thousands of computers is given the command to open a site, the load on the target site increases dramatically and the site receives a DDOS attack.

DDOS attack methods
There are at least three different methods of organizing DDoS attacks.

1) by bandwidth -this type of attack assumes that a large number of requests are sent to the website using the TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols and thus completely fill up its bandwidth. Causing a denial of service.

2) based on the server protocol - this type of attack is aimed at specific server services. And it can be executed using TCP, UDP, and ICMP. Such attacks are often referred to as SYN flooding, which means sending a large number of SYN requests to the web server that the server must respond with an ASK request. Due to a large flood of such requests, the server often fails to cope with the load and crashes.

3) based on website-specific errors - this type of attack is the most complex in terms of execution and is usually used by highly professional hackers. Its essence is that there are vulnerabilities on the victim site, using which a high load is created on the server and it receives a denial of service.

1) Linux


- Download the metasploit-framework

- View the contents of the directory:

root@slogin:~ cd metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/modules/auxiliary/dos


These are all possible tools for checking for a project's vulnerability to ddos

There are also many programs in the Exploit Database

2) Windows
The Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is a Low orbit ion cannon. Probably the most popular DDOS program. It can send bulk requests over ICMP or UDP protocols, thereby blocking the channel to the victim's server. The most famous LOIC attack was carried out by Anonymous in 2009 and targeted PayPal, Visa, MasterCard in retaliation for disabling WikiLeaks from the donation collection system. You can download it here.


HOIC was developed during the Payback by Praetox operation by the same team that created LOIC. The key difference is that HOIC uses the HTTP Protocol and uses IT to send a stream of randomized HTTP GET and POST requests. It can simultaneously attack 256 domains. You can download it from SourceForge.


How to check your project for DDOS for a newbie
The example will be made on linux, so first we'll install it for ourselves.

Then open the terminal and write a simple command in it to download this application to yourself


Download the .C extension file! It will be located on this path: Home>xerxes

Go to this directory.


Now we compile this from the “.c "format to". exe " with the GCC xerxes.c command.


Then we take any site and specify it in the terminal with the mention of port 80 and run.


If the site is vulnerable to ddos, it will stop opening.