DDoS attack with an MP3 file? Website administrator became the hero of a viral story on Reddit.


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How the $ 9.5 million bill helped draw attention to the pricing of hosting platforms.

Sudden invoice for $ 104,000 (9,572,420 rubles at the current exchange rate) from the company Netlify for using the hosting service was an unexpected surprise for a Reddit user under the nickname "liubanghoudai24".

Such a large amount was billed for extremely high traffic on a simple static site, which , according to the victim, has existed for 4 years, and its daily traffic does not exceed 200 people.

However, the popularity of this site increased dramatically between February 14 and 19 and reached millions of visits and 60.7 TB of bandwidth spent. The total amount of traffic was a crazy 164 TB, most of which was caused by downloading the same mp3 file.

The song by Taiwanese singer Teresa Tang was so popular on this site that it was downloaded several million times. The affected site owner believes that he was the victim of a powerful DDoS attack, although he does not understand who suddenly came up with the idea to attack his small site.

In response to a user's request to the Netlify support service, the platform offered to reduce the bill to $ 5,225 (481,000 rubles), explaining this as standard practice of the company after such incidents. However, the user did not agree with this situation and turned to the public for help, giving his story wide publicity.

The situation quickly resonated on the web, which led to Matt Bijlmann, the chief executive of Netlify, personally intervened in the situation and announced that the user will not be charged any payments. He also noted that the company has always sought debt forgiveness in such cases and is now working to change its policies to avoid similar situations in the future.

After additional investigation, Netlify rejected the version of a malicious DDoS attack. In addition, according to the platform, the user was notified of an abnormal increase in traffic, but did not respond to it in any way. However, Netlify completely relieved the site administrator of financial responsibility and promised to update its systems to prevent such incidents.