Dating Scam - Mission in West Africa


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Hi Honey,

How you doing today? How is your work and your health that mean a lot to me. Honey, I thought I have told you before that I came here for professional course on Africa arts and culture. I will explain what this course is all about or maybe I should call it research if you would understand it better that way. I came here to know more about Africa Gold and gem to research on their Land and other things like that you know i really want to improve my skill when I start my business again and the only way I thought i could do this is by coming down here myself and see everything. When I got here I explained everything to my hotel manager I mean what I came here for and he told me that he knew one guy here that knows a lot and have experience about arts and antiques here because this guy has been working in museum now for over 20years. So he introduced me to him and I explained what i want to this guy and you know what? this guy is really nice he told me that I had to give him some time to sort some things out and we would start yesterday but he told me again he couldn't make it yesterday so we are gonna start by tomorrow by the special grace of God. This guy will be taking me around the museum and their shrines house where they usually keep antiques here so I can see them and know everything I need to know about it. I will be writing my report down everyday so I think this is gonna keep me busy during the day here. LOL. I hope you have understood now honey. I will stop here and i hope to hear from you soon.

Love you