Darknet replenished with minerals: Northern Minerals in the hands of hackers


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How does a cyberattack affect a strategically important company for the whole world?

The BianLian group claimed responsibility for the attack on the mining company Northern Minerals, as a result of which part of the data was published on the darknet.

The company said in a statement that the data was stolen from its systems at the end of March 2024 and subsequently published on the darknet. The leaked information includes corporate, operational and financial data, as well as some information about current and former employees and shareholders of the company.

Northern Minerals has already notified the Australian regulatory authorities about the incident, and affected individuals will be informed via personalized notifications. The company notes that the incident does not affect its mining or commercial activities.

BianLian has added Northern Minerals to its darknet site.


Cybercriminals who switched from encrypting files to exfiltrating data for later extortion of victims published the following data:
  • Operational Information;
  • Documents on Australian and foreign projects;
  • Research and development data;
  • Financial information;
  • Personal data of employees;
  • Data of shareholders and potential investors;
  • Email archives of the Chairman of Northern Minerals, Executive Director and CFO.

The full release of the stolen data indicates that Northern Minerals refused to pay the ransom.

In 2024, the BianLian group remains an active player in the field of ransomware, and among its victims are companies from the fields of health and human rights, as well as developers.