Cybersecurity culture: a set of basic rules and tools

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Cybersecurity in 2021 is already akin to washing your hands and wearing a mask - everyone knows, but they won't get used to it. And, despite the large number of rules and tools, the information security of companies is still very vulnerable. Indeed, often the main threat to the entire system is an inattentive employee.

And this is not about forgotten passwords or a lost document, but about how one successful cyberattack can harm an entire company, including financial losses, a decline in reputation, loss of trust from customers or theft of intellectual property.

Company FalconGaze, Limited liability compani, an expert in information security, has told about the basic rules and tools of cyber security.
  1. Staff training and awareness.
  2. In a good scenario, each employee is responsible for the information security of the company. The bottom line is that the rules developed by specialists must be conveyed to each link. The official IS policy should be constantly updated, checked and monitored, this is the only way to ensure strict adherence to the rules and regulations.
  3. Cybersecurity and digital hygiene must become a habit.
  4. Only when the developed rules are brought to automatism, the information security system will really start working.
  5. In this situation, an attack by malefactors should elicit the correct response from the employee. But you need to understand that the human factor has not been canceled, and a person is not a machine and can make mistakes. And here the good old truth will help: repetition is the mother of learning.
  6. A training phishing attack would be a good option; it will show the real picture of the staff's readiness for cyberattacks and the ability to follow the established protocol.
  7. Have a risk management plan and strategy.
  8. The first step in developing a truly effective cybersecurity policy is risk assessment. Understanding the weaknesses in the protection of the company should consist of an analysis of possible penetrations by outsiders and leaks within the team. Based on this data, a plan is later formed and documented, which must be known not only to the management, but also to each employee. Also, do not forget about system monitoring and document updating.
  9. Develop a cyberattack response plan.
  10. Be prepared for the worst scenarios, thereby protecting yourself from them. Prepare your response team and provide them with all the tools they need to resolve the situation immediately. This can be instructions or checklists, a clear division of responsibilities between participants and regular training. Additional training for the cyberattack incident response team will be one of your best investments, believe me.
  11. Take advantage of the Falcongaze SecureTower DLP system.
  12. She will do a lot for you, by installing the system you can solve such issues as:
  13. protection against data leakage through full control of all communication channels and automatic analysis of multiple parameters;
  14. identifying potentially dangerous employees and analyzing risks, by means of forming a model of personnel behavior and assigning them an appropriate level of risk;
  15. monitoring the effectiveness and loyalty of personnel: monitoring all user activity at the computer, automatic control of actions and violations;

By bringing all these points together, you can make your business as safe as possible.