Cybermir Institute will provide free protection of NGOs from cyber attacks


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Hundreds of ethical hackers-volunteers will protect the company's systems and create a common threat base.

The CyberPeace Institute has announced the creation of a portal in collaboration with the Cyber Response Coalition to help non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Netherlands protect themselves from cyber attacks.

The CyberPeace Institute is a non-profit organization based in Geneva that monitors cyber attacks and their impact on society. As part of its mission, the Institute announced cooperation with the following organizations at the ONE Cybersecurity Conference:
  • The Hague Humanitarian Hub;
  • Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD);
  • The Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

As part of the collaboration, the Institute will provide free training, tools and advice to NGOs in the Netherlands to improve their cyber resilience. The coalition will use open sources and verified white hat hackers to create a kind of cyber threat early warning system for non-profit organizations. NGOs will be able to register on the portal, where they can share information about attacks and vulnerabilities, as well as search for resources to help in the event of an attack.

A representative of the Cybermir Institute said that the Institute plans to offer NGOs free services and expertise in identifying and analyzing cyber threats in order to improve the security of companies ' network systems. According to the representative, many NGOs cannot afford to purchase such services due to the lack of necessary financial resources and budgets for ensuring cybersecurity, so the Institute is ready to help in this matter.

The decision to create the portal is also based on the example of a large-scale cyberattack against the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The violation affected the personal information of more than 500 thousand victims of war and violence who applied for the services of the Red Cross.

DIVD noted that the portal is designed to create a community, helping NGOs find proven cyber volunteers who can fix vulnerabilities or help in the consequences of an attack. About 200 NGOs from the Netherlands are expected to register on the portal next year.