Cyber investigators identified participants in the anti-cinema criminal scheme


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There are dozens of scenarios in which scammers steal bank payment card details and funds. One of the criminal schemes was called “anti-cinema”.

The gist of it is that cybercriminals using fake accounts on behalf of girls meet men on various websites. For closer communication, the dialogue continues in instant messengers. Victims are convinced of the “reality” of their interlocutors’ intentions by receiving photographs and voice messages. Sometimes conversations are conducted over the phone. Then the scammers send a phishing link to the website of a non-existent cinema, where they offer to spend time. The men allegedly reserve seats and pay for the room by entering their bank card details, but in reality they give the scammers complete control over the accounts. Subsequently, the attackers take possession of the victims’ money. When trying to contact the site's support service, deceived citizens again end up with cybercriminals who, playing the role, are allegedly trying to help get their money back.

Behind this gray scheme are hidden entire organized criminal groups, where each participant plays a specific role. “Coders” and “administrators” create and ensure the functioning of telegram bots, telegram channels, and phishing Internet resources. “Drops” provide their bank accounts to withdraw stolen funds. "Dropovod" are engaged in searching for "drops". Sim activators register SIM cards in “drops” or in their own name for the purpose of subsequently using subscriber numbers to activate accounts in instant messengers and dating sites. “Workers” look for victims, communicate with them and send phishing links. “Wibbers” use stolen bank card details to gain access to victims’ accounts and steal money. “Technical support” includes scammers who communicate with visitors to phishing sites through “help desk” dialog boxes to convince victims of the official status of the Internet resource. The proceeds of crime are distributed among all participants in the scheme.

The Investigative Department of the Criminal Investigation Department for the Brest Region has established the circumstances of the theft of money from Belarusians who fell for the “anti-cinema” fraudulent scheme.

According to the investigation, a 22-year-old resident of Zhodino and his 18-year-old wife have joined the organized criminal group as “workers” since August 2022. On various websites, they met men on behalf of fictitious girls and during the conversation they offered to spend time in a movie or a sauna. Allegedly, the defendants sent victims a phishing link to purchase tickets. They entered their bank card details and lost their savings.

Belarusian cyber investigators, as a result of painstaking work to expose fraudsters, through investigative means, found the digital trail of a married couple. During the investigation, it was established that 20 residents of different parts of the country fell for their tricks. In total, the criminal duo received criminal income in the amount of more than 8.5 thousand rubles.

The defendants were charged under Part 4 of Article 212 (theft by modification of computer information organized by a group on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. A preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to them.

Work to identify all participants in scam groups and the crimes they committed continues.