Create a PayPal self-registration


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Today, we will talk about the creation of self-registers of the PayPal for the next: refund, deposit, drive, cash out.


What do we need​

  1. GV - Google Voice, the virtual number needed to receive SMS. Has such a log - login | password | login from additional mail | pass from additional mail | number that we enter when registering in PP | state of the room
  2. BA - Bank Account (Chase, TD Bank, Bank of America), in the guide we use a chase, because it is linked by insta to a PayPal, there is only a log and a pass.
  3. Fullz - the data with which we will do self-registration has such a log - name | surname | address | city | state | zip code | mail | phone | ssn | ext

Registering a PayPal​

We connect to the Dedicated Server (RDP) / Tunnel, go to the PayPal website (

Go to Sign Up, select Personal and press the button.

We fill in the data from the fullz, we take the number from the Google Voice. We indicate the mail to which the Google voice was registered. Then we confirm the mail and number (the code will be sent to your mail).

After that, click Wallet.

See the payment methods, select Link a card or bank.

We see 2 icons, link a card or bank account, click on Link a bank account. After that, select your bank and enter the user ID + pass.

Select the account with the most money and link it. If you receive a notification that everything went well, then you are great, and if, when linking, you have 2 fields in which you need to enter an account number and a routing number, then this most likely means that the account you are attaching is already attached by the owner.


Well, that's all, your self-registration is ready! By the way, for a better chance they register 10 self-registers, I advise you the same.