Corrupt official in the gambling industry took bribes in cryptocurrency


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The Main Department of Digital Development of the Preliminary Investigation has completed the investigation of a criminal case against one of the leaders of an organization specializing in conducting tests in the gambling sector.

Investigators found that from May 2019 to May 2023, a 42-year-old man received bribes from representatives of companies operating in the maintenance of virtual gambling establishments.

The criminal scheme of a resident of the capital was established and put on stream. For 4 years, he received money on a regular basis for a favorable solution of issues related to the successful testing of virtual gambling establishments and the issuance of the necessary protocols in the shortest possible time.

During the investigation of the criminal case, highly qualified investigators found out that initially the resident of the capital carried out his criminal activities according to the "classic scenario": he met with representatives of organizations and received the amount of money he needed in cash. It is important to note that money was transferred to a resident of the capital on a monthly basis. Realizing that this scheme of so-called additional income is illegal, the man decided that by receiving bribes in cryptocurrency, he would remain unnoticed, but this opinion turned out to be erroneous. It did not help that the man used an "unlit" device for his criminal activities, and often changed crypto wallets.

Law enforcement officers managed to stop the corruption scheme in the gambling sector. In May 2023, a Minsk resident was detained by police officers when he was driving to the forest to hide a mobile phone, which he used to carry out criminal activities, namely to receive bribes, transfers and cash out cryptocurrency.

Later, the investigators also found out that in addition to bribes, the Minsk resident persuaded a representative of the interested organization to transfer a large sum to him, which he allegedly would give to the commission members in order to favorably resolve the issue related to the issuance of an expert opinion. The issue was really decided in favor of a virtual gambling establishment, but, as it turned out, not at all because of money.

During the investigation, the person involved refused to cooperate with the investigation, and the staff of the main digital development department of the preliminary investigation was faced with a difficult task – to collect and analyze all digital traces in order to prove the involvement of a resident of the capital in a corruption scheme, as well as to establish all episodes of his criminal activities.

It is established that for 4 years the man more than 100 times received bribes, and the total amount of his criminal income exceeded 665 thousand rubles. A resident of the capital spent money on "a beautiful life", buying real estate and premium cars. Investigators seized his property for a total amount of more than 1.7 million rubles.

As a result of the investigation, the man was charged under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus:

part 3 of Article 430 (taking a bribe on a particularly large scale);
part 3 of Article 426 (abuse of power or official authority);
part 3 of Article 209 (fraud committed on a large scale);
part 5 of Article 16, part 2 of Article 431 (incitement to pay a bribe).

A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was applied to the accused.

The investigation of the criminal case has been completed, and the materials have been transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus for referral to the court.