Control of not only negativity


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How often do you hear about the need to control yourself? This usually applies to negative impulsive actions: harsh phrases, reckless actions.

But have you ever thought about the fact that this also applies to a positive mood? After all, the same harsh phrases and rash acts are often committed in a fit of reverence.

For greater clarity, let's turn to examples.

Being excited can spend a lot of money, which can lead to debt or difficult making ends meet.

You can tell casual sexual intercourse in a fit of passion that you are together forever.

You can give a driver's license to a person who cannot drive.

You can put a minimum mark on the exam for a student who, in terms of development level, occupies a position below the plinth in the classroom.

You can let short-term pleasure prevail over long-term aspirations and your own principles.

All this, of course, does not lead to the most favorable consequences. And the moral of today's post is that when you hear again that it is worth keeping yourself in control and in control - know that this applies not only to the negative.

According to statistics, by the way, a person makes rash decisions much more being under the influence of positive emotions, and not negative ones. We hope that from today you will never get into these statistics.