Complete guide to scam Europe 2.0


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Hello. This manual will be useful for both scam beginners and experienced killer sharks. Many, at some point in their dark career, have problems finding, processing and finishing mammoths. Don't worry, this is temporary and you can fight it by increasing your skill and experience in the field of scam.

In this manual, I will try to show you a different angle of working with mammoths, and convey the experience that I have gained in different countries. Pure material, maximally adaptable to any country, to any mentality. Material that will expand the boundaries of understanding and, I hope, will allow you to increase your wallet.

This manual could be sold, like any other author's manual, for a substantial sum, but my task is to automate the process of introducing a scammer into a European niche and self-training. Can you help me pump you up?


Before each labor-intensive work - and working with mammoths is exactly that - careful preparation is required. We are now not talking about online security, but about preparing the necessary and necessary tools for a comfortable stay in the world of scam. Security in Europe is far from the main thing, because in fact, you remain unpunished in 99% of cases, therefore, choose anonymity methods to suit your taste.


Much work on mobile devices, which I gave up a long time ago. If you own an iPhone and coo from it, then I recommend switching to an Android smartphone. The problem with iPhones is that it is impossible to change the hardware data. Moreover, in order to revive at least 50 WhatsApp messages, you need to completely reset the phone to factory settings, as well as change your email or even the cloud itself. If you haven't had such a ban yet, well done, you're lucky so far. But how long will this last?

An Android smartphone will be more practical in this matter. A mobile phone for 3-5k from a flea market or used store is enough. There are a lot of advantages: cloning an application, changing all hardware data, various process automation, etc.

I'M WORKING THROUGH AN EMULATOR. An emulator is an imitation or virtualization of the workspace of an Android smartphone on your computer. So if you have a PC, skip the extra purchases and just install the emulator. There is a wide choice: Nox, Bluestacks, Memu and others. I work on MEMU, as it has fine-tuning for your work, as well as the ability (like everyone else) to multi-thread. I'll tell you how to configure the emulator.

THIS IS WHAT MULTI STREAM LOOKS LIKE IN MY MEME. I made many copies of the emulator and configured each one for a specific country. Also, on each emulator I cloned the WhatsApp in 3 copies so that I had a reserve in each country.


Magyarors - the name of Hungary in their native pronunciation

The rest of the settings are not that important. By installing a virtual camera, you exclude the possibility of turning on your webcam and there will simply be a window that scans the space on the computer. For example, you can access the web version of Vots by scanning a QR code. Mobile attribute settings - set them to the country you need. They are identical.

Oh, and yes. In the MEMU emulator, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V work through the English keyboard layout.


There are so many of them that it's not even possible to recommend anything specific. I use two VPN services: ProtonVPN and Nord VPN. If in Nord there are dirty IPs, then I have not seen this in Proton. But the problem is that finding a proton account is 10 times more difficult and more expensive, respectively. I bought a subscription for $8 per month to the Plus tariff and I don't worry, it completely pays for itself. It's easier to find a Nord account, even a ton of them are free (I personally have 16k lines of premium accounts). There are also options by type: Express VPN, Alli VPN, etc., choose according to your taste and budget. If you need any feedback or reviews, look on Google. DO NOT BUY BRUTAL ACCOUNTS MORE THAN 10 RUBLES! It's not worth it, believe me. You can buy an account for 300 rubles on Proton, like me, and after 2 days your account will fly off. Brutes have a maximum warranty. for 24 hours and not always.


I'll say right away that we will only download APK files, not through Google Market. I'll explain why: sometimes Wotz gives you a ban based on your Google account. And the bans will be repeated until you change this account. To avoid spending extra money and make your life easier, just install the APK right away. This is done simply: download the APK file and simply transfer it to the emulator window (on the desktop). The installation will go smoothly.



Click to Chat is a software that allows you to immediately go to a chat with a phone number without adding a contact.

Device Id Changer Free is software that will help you change hardware data and deceive Vots or Viber.
Viber and Votz - there should be no questions here.


We partially configured the software in the first subsection. If you are working from a smartphone (iPhone or Android), then we will make a natural selection - download this application: (register an account on the forum to download) and look for your version of the application. Whoever can install it will go to the next level.

Disable geolocation in Android settings.


We change the Android time to the time zone of the country you are going to scam.
In general - ready.


We choose any available country in our HaraKiri After Lose team. For the country you choose, we do all the settings described above.

I recommend now paying attention to:

Germany - no matter how strange it may sound, many workers are leaving Switzerland, and this does not make the number of mammoths smaller. The market is freeing itself from hungry and inexperienced people, so there is a chance to grab the last piece of the pie (or pick up the crumbs, depending on how you work)

England - the grace of the country is that its mammoths weed out most of the workers at the initial stages and leave only the strong in spirit. The field will soon be left without fruit, because sites are already starting to fight scam 2.0. Have time.

Switzerland is a country of the rich and smart. Switzerland has a huge percentage of credit cards with huge limits. Sweden has nice and very generous banks that will kindly give you their money (exaggerating, well). But here are the mammoths... You will have to work for quality and, perhaps, you will sit for several days without profits, but believe me - 1 profit will cover all your DOs.

Czech Republic, UAE - countries that have long been used by scammers, but the sites of these countries are still not going to fight the deception of their own clients. Apparently they also benefit from this, I don't know. In any case, the mammoths there are hardened and you will spend 90% of your time on finding your treasured one.

Do you think I want to scare you and recommend some kind of calla lilies? No. These countries lost interest among workers at the stage when every third one began to say - no, fuck you, submariner. But you and I are purposeful guys. And where sharks no longer graze, we organize a ranch.


Everything is simple here, my friend.

We have our own bot for purchasing numbers, you can find it in the main bot or ask the administration.


For information on warming up, bypassing bans and setting up Device Id Changer, see the manual. I don't see any point in duplicating.


Choose according to your taste and color. Almost all translators translate, plus or minus, the same way. You must understand that this is a machine translation based on algorithms and previously collected data. And a living person will understand this sooner or later. Take this into account!

I use


I won't explain why. I just use it and enjoy it.
The working method is simple. We enter something in Russian and receive it in German, for example.

If the translation does not suit you, simply rephrase your text. Some words may simply not exist in use in another language. And yes, my advice: make your sentences SIMPLE, MORE CLEAR. There is no need to use phrases like: no, it will probably be easy, etc. The translator will translate word for word, occasionally building a logical sequence in the sentence. Please use your head when translating.


Finding a mammoth is 30% of your work. Try here and increase the percentage of your profits. The mammoth is selected at the ad selection stage. Many mindlessly poke and write to everyone indiscriminately, increasing energy costs for searching. If you do everything wisely, you will not only spend less time on that very search, but you will also be able to focus on the quality of mammoth processing.

I will show you everything using the example of the Czech site TUTTI.CH. Similarly, you work with other sites in other countries.


For ease of use, you can use a browser with the ability to translate the page into Russian. I don't need this and will show it on the original page.
Please pay attention to the category you want to hire. We are interested in the number of advertisements. Select your category (for those who do not work on a specific product)


For example, I will select the category - Auto.


You can concentrate on a specific subcategory, I will select auto parts and the first ad that comes across.


Just an ordinary person with brain cancer is selling wheels from the most beautiful BMW car, you should understand that he invests all his money only in this car. Let's take a closer look:


This is clearly not a store, an account with three ads. I conclude: the guy is selling his product, he has money to promote the ad. I'm looking to develop such a seller.

I have a phone number - I'm writing to WhatsApp. If you like the option of writing directly on the site, you can register an account and try your luck. There is an opinion that this way the mammoth has more confidence in you.

CONCLUSION: I gave illustrative examples of what advertisements interest us. Do not try to write such advertisements to stores and we are not interested in sellers.

I'll point out a couple more points by which you should select sellers:
• We are not interested in registering an account, so you can take the seller who has been sitting since 2002. The percentage of those who fumble for something there is the same as that of Novoreg.
• If you see that the photo looks like it was taken at a photo shoot, be sure to look at the seller's profile. If he has no more than 2-3 such advertisements, then he is an ordinary person. About 30% of people simply post a photo from the Internet. If the situation is as in the example above, then the store.
• If the photo was taken on a phone in a normal environment, check the profile as well. It is quite possible that the seller is an ordinary outbid and a bunch of goods.
• We are interested in mammoths that have no more than 20 advertisements of different products. With rare exceptions, there are sellers who dump the same type of goods because they are no longer needed (mothers, for example, dump the old things of their back-eater).
• If an ad is paid for promotion (it is marked TOP or any other designation) - this is not always a store. If you find such a seller and he has few advertisements, take him to work. Such mammoths, as a rule, always have money.


The more time you spend sifting out ads according to the criteria that I outlined above, the higher your percentage of finding your treasured mammoth that will bring profit. Don't print to everyone. See how long ago the person was online on WhatsApp (if there is a number). Check sellers' accounts. Don't waste extra time on those you will never deceive.


Before moving on to the main step, let's determine whether the seller is worth spending your time on. Again, point by point:
• Your seller is on WhatsApp. Stupid - yes, but many do not understand this.
• The seller answers you openly and conducts a loyal dialogue, plus or minus. This is the basis of your profit. If the seller responds to you by saying “fuck off”, then it's 50/50. Either he's fumbling, he doesn't want to, he's a lazy fagot, or he's just busy and there's no way to fully respond. Play like a sucker with these guys - I wrote everything down and the link is in your face.
• The seller does not ask you to switch to official. website to chat. If you wish, you can simply work out the objection and suddenly get lucky, but from experience I will say that such types are scammers and are unlikely to follow your link.

Guys, who do not agree with what I write, I will repeat: I base all my knowledge on the experience I have gained over a long time in the scam. Yes, some have exceptions and they contradict what I write. However, that's exactly what it is - EXCEPTIONS. If you start 100% every day using a method that goes against what I write, make it easier, close the manual.
And so, we have selected sellers, we have everything ready. Let's move on to processing.


Working with a seller and transforming him into a mammoth: a whole art. Remember, until you have received a profit from the seller, he is not a mammoth. If you describe every nuance and point out every circumstance, the material from the manual will turn into a manual and psychological literature. I believe that each worker has his own style of work, his own methods. Here I will show you the basic ones, which you can improve and modify to your taste and color.


And yes, this does not mean that in a commanding tone you are telling him what to do (again, there are exceptions). This is a game where the seller thinks that he is the master of the situation, but in reality he is an ordinary puppet in the hands of a skilled worker. If you correctly submit your method of payment or delivery, consider yourself a winner.


In the world of scam, a funnel is considered a tool that allows you to conduct a pre-prepared dialogue in a scripted manner. There are different funnels, with different outcomes, but one outcome is important to us - to give a link to the mammoth and the main thing is that he dutifully clicks on it and enters the data. Creating such a funnel is not difficult. Below I have given you the main messages from potentially your funnel. IMPORTANT : your funnel should have several message options with the same meaning. Otherwise, the messenger will simply freeze you and your account will be banned. We translate messages to ourselves.


GREETING : ... - the name of your product.
• Hello. I was interested in your ad on the NAME OF THE SITE. Tell me, do you still sell...?
• Good afternoon. Found the NAME OF THE SITE. Is the offer current?
• Hello. I'm interested in your proposal. I would like to purchase. Are you still selling...?
• Greetings. I found your wonderful product on the NAME OF THE SITE. ... - do you still sell?

QUESTIONS: ask as many as you like. I recommend no more than 3 questions.
• Wonderful :) Tell me, is the condition as in the picture?
• Tell me, how long ago did you buy the product?
• Are there hidden defects?
• I see that everything looks very good. Why did you decide to sell?
• Have you set the final price?
• Please tell me where you are?
• Wonderful! How did you use it?
• I've seen many similar options. Yours is the best so far. What is the sale related to?

PURCHASE REASON: Serves as a trigger for a purchase through the site.
• Thank you for information. Now I am in another city and am buying your product as a gift for a loved one (sister, mother, father, husband, wife, daughter)
• It's good that you told everything as it is. It's important for me. I would like to purchase your product.
• Great. I'm happy with everything, overall. I hope my husband likes it.
• Wonderful, I've been looking for such an option for so long and now I've found it. Thanks for the info.

PURCHASE TRIGGER: Based on the response, you make a link or work with the seller's objection. Let's not panic here, keep ourselves in control. And remember: we offer the mammoth remote payment or secure payment, or secure transaction, or remote payment. We attribute delivery as a method of sending goods, and not as a basis for payment. This is not Avito, it doesn't work like that here.

• Will it be convenient for you to send the goods by delivery? I will pay for your goods through a secure payment on the site, you will receive the money immediately, and send the goods in any convenient way.
• I think I'm happy with everything. I want to pay for your goods through a secure payment on the website and arrange delivery to my home. This is done simply. Shall we try it with you?
• Now I personally cannot pick up the goods, so I will arrange delivery. I will pay for your goods through the website using remote payment. Reliable and safe way. Let's do this?
• I will buy your product using remote payment on the website and arrange delivery to your home. Delivery will be at my expense. Will it be convenient for you to send the goods today or tomorrow?

HOW PAYMENT WORKS: I wrote in the manual for the Czech Republic, I'll repeat it here, try to explain everything in words! Use screenshots as a final argument, nothing more. I made over three hundred profits and only used the screenshot a couple of times.

• The whole process looks like this:
1. I pay for your product on TUTTI
2. You will receive a link to receive money.
3. Follow the link, enter the account number to which it is convenient to receive money.
4. As soon as you receive the money, the order processing service will contact you and assign a delivery service convenient for you. Delivery will already be paid. They will pack and arrange everything.

• It works very simply. I pay for your product on the SITE NAME, using the link you confirm the transaction and receive payment. After a successful operation, the delivery service manager will contact you and assign a service convenient for you. I will pay all expenses. They provide the packaging.

These are basic scripts that have already led a dozen people to profit. If you modify them to suit your style and presentation, and develop a system, the result will not take long to arrive.
Try to focus on the answer from the mammoth. Sometimes you have to improvise, that's okay.


B - objection. O is the answer.

Q: I sell for cash only.
A: Why do you refuse non-cash payments? It's so simple: you receive the money, give the goods to the delivery service, they will do everything for you.


O: What makes you refuse this method? It's safe and legal, and 10 thousand people buy and sell goods every day.

Q: Personal meeting or prepayment .
A: Why these difficulties and ancient methods? We live in a modern world. Aren't you interested in simplifying everything?


A: There are two payment methods for NAME OF THE SITE: cash and non-cash. Payments are made in cash at a personal meeting, which I cannot do now due to quarantine. Non-cash payments are made through the website in order to guarantee the transaction participants maximum security of the transaction and that none of the transaction participants will be deceived. TRANSACTION GUARANTOR. And these two methods are legal and legal. You are offering me a dangerous method. It is illegal. Are you a scammer? How do you guarantee that the goods will be sent to me?


A: I can buy the product from you right now. You will receive money RIGHT NOW using the link. It's safe, 10 thousand people use this method every day! There is no need to create difficulties for yourself and the buyer. Make a deal - 10 minutes. You take the money, and I receive the goods the next day. Everyone is happy!


A: I will pay for your goods from a corporate account. As you know, transfers directly from such an account to an ordinary person are illegal. I'm ready to buy the product right now. So I will pay for your goods through the site, this will save us problems and save time. I don't see any obstacles to making a deal with you.

Q: I've never sent it this way, let's try another way?
A: Send a message about how the payment works. Indicate the advantages by type: it is safe for both of us, it is simple and saves time, it is convenient and takes only 6 minutes to complete the transaction, it is reliable and the goods are delivered to me in just a day with a full guarantee of safety.

Q: How about iban/sepa/twint/cash on delivery?
A: Sorry, but this option is long outdated and has many drawbacks. I ran into a problem when the product arrived, I paid for it, and there were bricks in the box. I ordered dumbbells for the gym. There you cannot see the goods until you pay and no one guarantees a refund. And here we will have a guarantor and the goods will be checked before shipping. Believe me, you will like it and be satisfied.

Q: I don't trust this site, let's put it another way.
A: NAME OF THE SITE has been operating for more than ten years. They have the most secure online payment protocols and cooperate with all official banks and delivery services. Why don't you trust him?

Q: They ask for card details, why?
A: You enter your card details for the bank so that the payment system can identify you online as the recipient of the funds. The data is not transferred anywhere and is deleted after the transaction is completed. I also entered all my data.

Q: Some strange site, is it a scam?
A: No, of course. This link is made by the banking system to protect the payment and ensure security. Such links serve like a safe deposit box in a bank. You can safely receive payment.

Don't be afraid to ask questions in response. Your task is to identify the reasons, the main pain of the seller, why he refuses your method. Having identified these needs, for example: it's not safe, it's not reliable, I don't trust it, they ask for data, etc. - you press back with arguments in order to CONVINCE your mammoth that everything is fine, he doesn't need to worry and in general - you are an angel.


• If a mammoth starts to argue with you and prove his point - skip.
• If a mammoth doesn't agree with your payment method, ask questions, why the hell? Identify a need - satisfy the need.
• If the mammoth does not go to the typing page, ask if he has problems and offer help.
• If the mammoth is trying to insert a card, but does not insert it, see the point above.
• If a mammoth entered a card, write to the beavers and wait for feedback. Always communicate with your mammoth.
• If a mammoth tells me to fuck off, did you even read the manual, moron?


You have only 2 reasons why you can skip the mammoth:
• he is a sheep and strongly refuses all your arguments.
• he doesn't answer you

There is a 3rd reason: you pulled all the money out of him. But this is no longer a cause, but a consequence)


WRITE TO VBIVER! WRITE, TAG IN THE GENERAL CHAT (but don't flood, just write and repeat again in a couple of minutes if there is no answer). They receive all the data on the map, tell you what else you need from the mammoth, or give you some instructions for further actions. If there are difficulties in explaining to the mammoth what needs to be done, take him to the TP!


Receive an objection - identify a need - satisfy the need.

Understand correctly, everything depends on how you correctly handle the mammoth's objection. Yes, you are a fucking consultant at Euroset, Beeline or MTS and your task is to sell a fucking overprice fly to a stupid client. As long as the mammoth hasn't brought you into an emergency, it's a potential profit. Find out why he is pissing in his underwear - and counter-argument. Imagine that tomorrow you have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, you are being evicted from your apartment, you owe 10 thousand to your best friend, your loan is about to expire. Imagine that mammoth grandmothers are your only chance for a bright future. Did you imagine? Now destroy the mammoth with arguments and facts. Shoot his fear and make him go to the link, make him enter the card. FORCE THE MAMMOTH, CONVINCE HIM, BE A RAY OF HOPE FOR HIM THAT HE WILL SELL HIS GOODS!


After you have received a profit, there is an option to withdraw the mammoth for a return. You can do this with the help of TP, or you can do it yourself. You write to the mammoth:

• Sorry, tech wrote to me. support and reported a payment error. By mistake, your money was debited and not credited. But don't worry, we'll fix this confusion now. They gave me a link for a refund. There is your money and mine - just carry out the operation again and the money will be credited.

You don't have to make x2 the amount, you can first return his money, and then supposedly receive it. (just send the link again and let him repeat the operation).

Didn't work out? Fuck him. Happened? Handsome, I'm waiting for the check.


The main task of this point is to understand what you did right and what you did wrong.

Personally, I collect statistics:
• How many people have I messaged;
• How many answered me;
• How many mammoths did I have on 3DS;
• How many mammoths gave me profit;
• How many mammoths merged;
• Which product gave me the most 3DS, profits.
• How I communicated with the mammoth and what convinced him.

You can work for fuck's sake. Many people do this and collect 300-400k per month.

Well. I have told you about 30 percent of what I know and I will try to supplement and update this manual from time to time. I hope it will help you become a top.