? Comparison - unnecessary chagrin


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Each of us unconsciously analyzes and compares ourselves with others, often not paying any attention to it. People compare their appearance, their accomplishments, and even their goals.

This is a fairly common practice and is best avoided. But why? The answer is simple: this is not objective and leads to unnecessary disappointment or cynicism.

Arrogance, schadenfreude and cynicism are formed when you are surrounded by only mediocre people - a person rejoices and is proud that he is Tougher than others. It's not even worth commenting on.

Additional disappointments and disappointments in oneself are more frequent than those mentioned above. When a person strives to become better, he surrounds himself with people who have already managed to succeed in this and continue to grow. While his achievements seem symbolic and insignificant in such a contrast.

This happens only because of the desire to endlessly compare oneself with others, and therefore one needs to get rid of this in order not to be “driven out”.

This is not objective, but do you know why? Because no matter how different people are, everything is extremely individual. The same goes for progress in various endeavors.

For some, something takes more time, and for someone less - everything is purely individual and therefore comparing with others is an act of vandalism towards oneself.

You may be better than others at one thing, but they may be better than you at another. And this is not at all a reason to be disappointed or gloat. This is a reason for cooperation of efforts and exchange of experience.

And if you are not ready for this, then a weighty argument to stop comparing yourself with others.