Cognitive effects that affect life and work


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The brain does strange things at times. Time confuses, makes you overestimate your own capabilities and believe in all sorts of nonsense.

Dunning-kruger effect

This effect explains well why many beginners consider themselves experts and good specialists underestimate themselves.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a distortion of ideas about one's abilities. It is expressed in the fact that the first successes in a new business raise self-esteem to unprecedented heights. Therefore, beginners often teach more experienced ones and do not understand that they are doing some kind of game. This often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts at work.

But getting more experience, a person realizes how little he really knows, and gradually descends into the pit of suffering. Surely you have many acquaintances who are very good at what they do, but at the same time constantly belittle their own abilities. They just sit in this pit.

And only after becoming an expert, a person can finally assess himself soberly and look with horror at the path he has traveled.

Déjà vu effect

Everyone knows the effect of déjà vu. What it is? Matrix error? Echoes of a past life? In fact, this is just a malfunction of the brain, which can occur due to fatigue, illness, or a change in environmental conditions.

The crash occurs in the hippocampus. This part of the brain is looking for analogies in memory. In fact, the effect of déja vu is that in an event a second ago, the brain finds some details that it saw, for example, a year ago. After that, he begins to perceive the entire event as something that happened in the distant past. As a result, you feel like Wanga and think that you foresaw this event a long time ago. In fact, it is your memories of a second ago that immediately come back to you as information from the past.

You see the same scene twice, but you are not aware of it. For what, the brain? For what?!

Comfort zone

Why step out of your comfort zone? Why is work and life in a calm environment bad? It turns out that the degree of comfort is related to performance, and unusual conditions not only open up new opportunities, but also make you work better.

Comfort means doing the usual things, the absence of any trials and a measured course of life. The level of anxiety in this zone is low, and the productivity is sufficient to carry out the usual tasks.

So why bother when it's so comfortable here? In unfamiliar conditions, we mobilize all our strength and begin to work harder to quickly return to our comfort zone. So we move into the learning area, where we quickly gain new knowledge and put more effort. And at some point, our comfort zone becomes wider and encompasses part of the learning zone.

The same thing happens with the training area. So the stronger the stress, the cooler we are? Great! No. At some point, the anxiety grows so much that we move into the panic zone, and there is no question of any performance. But if your comfort zone grows, then things that are scary will just fall into a learning area that has grown too.

So in order to grow, you need to challenge yourself and learn to cope with difficulties.

The Dr. Fox effect

This effect makes it possible to make implausible information interesting and even cognitive in the eyes of the public. It is he who explains the popularity and persuasiveness of all sorts of pseudoscientific trends and sects.

It turns out that it is enough to be charismatic for this. People are more likely to listen to artistic lecturers and take their words for granted. During the performance of an artistic and charismatic person, the contradictions and even illogicality of his statements are less obvious to the viewer. It is more difficult for him to adequately assess the value of what the speaker is talking about. Moreover, according to the results of the lecture, it may seem to him that he received new valuable knowledge, although in reality everything may not be so at all.

Less charismatic lecturers will not leave the same vivid impression of themselves. By the way, this, in turn, can create the feeling that the information and knowledge gained is less important and interesting.

Restricting selection

The variety of choices is so great. But why do we choose from a heap of different options for so long, and then we are also unhappy with our decision?

The point is that diversity not only slows down decision-making, but also makes us unhappy. People hang in front of the shelves in stores and cannot choose a pack of pasta. However, this does not only apply to grocery shopping. Any life situation that presents a choice from a large number of options leads to a decrease in the speed of decision-making.

But that is not all. When the choice is finally made, there is a feeling of insecurity and dissatisfaction. Is this the right decision? Maybe I should have chosen another option. But that guy bought other pasta. Why? He knows something! As a result, we are dissatisfied with the choice and depressed. This would not have happened if there were about five options.

To avoid this effect, you can limit the selection in advance. For example, buying only farm products, only equipment from German manufacturers, and so on.

And when the choice has already been made, do not let doubts overtake you. After all, if someone makes other decisions, it does not mean that they will suit you too.

Survivor's mistake

Survivor bias is the tendency to draw conclusions about a phenomenon only on the basis of successful cases. For example, we hear the story of a man who was pushed to the shore by a dolphin and thereby saved, and we conclude that dolphins are intelligent and kind creatures. But the one whom the dolphin pushed in the other direction, unfortunately, will not be able to tell us anything.

This mistake forces us to repeat the actions of successful people in the hope that it will lead to success for us. He dropped out of school in 7th grade and is now a millionaire! Great, you need to do that too. But first, think of the thousands of people who dropped out of school and achieved nothing. They don't lecture or make the cover of magazines. But knowing about their experience is also useful in order not to repeat their mistakes.

In order not to perish, you need to know not only about the experience of the "survivor, but also about what the" deceased "did in order to have a complete picture.

Emotional anticipation

This effect explains why fulfilling a long-awaited dream sometimes does not bring us joy. The child is that emotions are often ahead of events.

How it works? Let's say you set out to buy a car. We set a deadline and started saving money. Along the way, you are encouraged by the thought that a lot of positive emotions (and a car) will follow the achievement of the goal.

If you confidently move towards the goal and fulfill all the necessary conditions, at some point it will become clear that the goal will definitely be achieved. For example, a month before buying a car, it is obvious that the required amount is being collected. At this moment, an emotional peak comes - the car is already in our pocket!

That is why emotions are not at their maximum at the time of buying a car. Of course, some emotions appear, but they are no longer so strong, and sometimes we are completely disappointed. It often happens that a person achieves the greatest and most ambitious goal and no longer sees the meaning in life. To prevent this from happening, many set themselves such big goals that they achieve them after death.

The main thing is to have time during life to get to the very point at which it is clear that the goal will definitely be achieved. This saves you from disappointment and sad consequences.

Crab bucket effect

Has it happened to you that you tell your friends about your goals (to quit smoking, learn to play the violin, etc.), and in response they amicably dissuade you from doing so? They begin to say that this is all a whim and that no one needs it at all, you lived normally until that moment!

This phenomenon is called the crab bucket effect or crab mentality. Observation of crabs has shown that one crab can get out of the bucket, but when there are a whole bunch of them in this bucket, they begin to cling to each other and prevent their fellows from getting out. As a result, everyone continues to sit in the bucket.

It's the same with people. They subconsciously do not want someone to start changing their lives. After all, this means that it is time for them to think about the changes, and the excuse “everyone else lives like this” no longer works. Perhaps they themselves dream of quitting smoking or learning to play the violin, but they are afraid, lazy, or something else bothers them.

This does not mean that your acquaintances wish you ill, you just drew their attention to their own unfulfilled dreams, and this is not very pleasant.

So if you have already decided on something, do not listen to such excuses. Get out of the bucket and drag your friends along with you.

Sinister valley

We like objects that outwardly resemble people: dolls, robots, soft toys. But as the similarity grows, the moment comes when such an object starts to look scary.

This psychological effect is called the "sinister valley" effect. When the resemblance between a doll or a robot and a person becomes very strong, we are ready to mistake this doll for a person. But minor inconsistencies in appearance are alarming. It begins to seem that the creature that is in front of us seems to be a person, but somehow he is not like that and it is better not to mess with him, just in case. Things get even worse if the subject is moving.

People have been trying for a long time to develop a robot that would resemble a human. But still he is not able to move as naturally as a living being. And looking at it we involuntarily think: “Oh no, it is inanimate, but it moves! What are you?! "

By the way, horror movie makers often use this effect to scare us.

Don't let your brain fool you!