Clothes carding via PayPal


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Hello carders! Today I will talk with you about clothes and other useful purchases that you might have guessed about, and the emphasis will be on PayPal.


PayPal is the coolest giant that you see: Mastercard is resting, Kiwi is on the sidelines. The capitalization of this company is higher than that of all three. And of course, the grandmothers are poured into security very cool. Simply gorgeous. And we will use it every time.
Already a bunch of manual articles, how to properly clean a PC when working with a PP, what emulators and browsers you will have to use, thousands of sleepless nights little carders lost money on proxies, on the purchase of Amazon's RDPs, on trying to check what did not work. Has never worked.
Ultimate 100% guide how to work with ease, driving iPhones on sales, throwing dust in the eyes of all children from carding forums. I'll tell you how respectfully I should treat them - "I don't care." Lies and mama's children, who in life did nothing except take the accounts of the PayPal and sell them to the same roll-ups, after whose check the PP lived for exactly half an hour.

So let's go through the technical part of what parameters - the PayPal says: "okay, you are my master":
  • the ip address of the owner of the PP, which stably shines on all open spaces of the network
  • the browser of the owner of the PP - the one in which the stick itself saved a bunch of settings
  • flash and javascript plugins that also glow and save all the information about the owner
  • and most importantly - the taste and choice of the owner of the PP, the shops in which he buys, the goods he buys, those holidays at which he buys. By the way, today is April 26 - and here in America - May this Diwali be as bright as ever. Diwali celebration. Hindu Festival of Lights. But I'll tell you about this later.

Often very shitty PP is sold on the net. It is either from the logs from stealers who have resold them into hands, for more than a dozen times. Or a brute, who brutalized, no one understands why. There is shit - don't buy it - it's a wiring for children!

How to do all this? Punching the master?
Strong enough to settle on his PC. Namely, to work in a bunch of KVNTs for access to the desktop and STEALER, which saves not only logins / passwords, cookies, but also the browser history, those sites that this person visits. You will find even the most impoverished American - there is a great history of purchases, these are not our Slavs from whom - buying on Ali is just a holiday.

So, what is next?
You quickly analyze the history, there are programs for this, you look at what a person was doing, what search queries he wrote, a search query - this is always, in all 100% of cases, an advertising offer on Google or Facebook, which will take you to an online store. It is desirable that it was already a store in which this peoples made a purchase. Do you get it? Each store stores data on the person that has already been bought from it, and if purchases were made with the same PC data, you already have 80% of your IP address that everything will go through good. And clicking on that guy's social media ad will give you an even bigger boost.
In particular, everyone buys where? On Amazon, eBay - forget other sites for now (within the framework of this article). But if you still come across such an option, then be so kind as to use it. The operating principles are always the same.

What should I do when I go to the Store?
Work it out. All the nuances have already been taken into account. His PC, ip, mac address, all the metrics - says that you are a cardholder, and if a pirate luck smiles at you and you will be smart and creative in your shopping, for example, today in the comments, I inserted a postmark about the holiday, and that this product would be sent early.
As soon as you see that everything is fine, then go to the next battery, the next pc, and work out to the maximum from each log - as the Lord taught you.

Where to send the goods?
This is not true for myself. That would be all fucking awesome. We need US/EU address, namely US/EU, from any state - no difference. Americans are very lively people, it is completely normal for them to move. To study, or for some other reason, you can also indicate that you congratulate someone on a holiday, recovery, thrush and the like, and so on.
The most important thing in our case is that you don't need a call or any other crap. You only need a service that will accept the product, sell it, or send it to you. Don't be fooled by any bullshit. Use only high-quality stingy and drop-services for staff. They work on black, and only with reliable people. These professional drop guides will sell goods for you, send money out and be elusive in your place. And if you use the official service of intermediaries, then the parcel can be deployed. But all the movements are just the beginning. You will earn more and better with such manipulations.

I will tell you more further, about distribution, about software, about carding, just remember - this is the only way - to break out of this poverty is to be like me.
The lord will always tell you about all the chips and nuances.