Clearing Windows Event Logs with PowerShell and wevtutil


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In some cases, you may want to delete all entries in the Windows event log on a computer or server. Of course, you can also clear the system logs from the event viewer graphical snap-in - Eventvwr.msc (RMB on the desired log -> Clear Log), but since Vista, Windows uses several dozen logs for various system components, and clear them all from the Event Viewer console will get pretty tedious. It is much easier to clear the logs from the command line: using PowerShell or the built-in wevtutil utility.

  • Clearing Event Logs Using PowerShell
  • Clearing Logs Using the WevtUtil.exe Console Utility


Clearing logs from the Event Viewer Console

Clearing Event Logs Using PowerShell
If you have PowerShell 3 installed (by default it is already installed in Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012 and higher), you can use the Get-EventLog and Clear-EventLog cmdlets to get a list of logs and clear them.

Start the PowerShell console as an administrator and use the following command to list all the classic event logs on the system with their maximum sizes and the number of events in them.
Get-EventLog –LogName *


Get-EventLog –LogName * - list of all logs

To remove all events from a specific event log (for example, the System log), use the command:
Clear-EventLog –LogName System

As a result, all events from this log will be deleted, and only one EventId 104 with the text "The System log file was cleared" will remain in the event log.


Clearing of logs is recorded by EventId 104 with the text The System log file was cleared

To clear all event logs, you would need to redirect the names of the logs to the pipeline, but unfortunately this is not allowed. Therefore, we will have to use a ForEach loop:
Get-EventLog -LogName * | ForEach { Clear-EventLog $_.Log }

This will clear all classic EventLogs.

Clearing Logs Using the WevtUtil.exe Console Utility
For working with events in Windows, the powerful WevtUtil command line utility has been available for quite some time .exe. Its syntax is a bit tricky at first glance. For example, here's what the help utility returns:


wevtutil / help

To display a list of event logs registered in the system, run

the command:
WevtUtil enum-logs

or a shorter version:
WevtUtil el

The screen will display a fairly impressive list of available logs.

Note. You can count their number using the command WevtUtil el |Measure-Object. In my case, there are 1,053 different logs in Windows 10).


WevtUtil el - Output all available logs on Windows

You can get more detailed information on a specific journal:
WevtUtil gl Setup


WevtUtil gl Setup - detailed information about log parameters

Clearing events in a specific log is done like this:
WevtUtil cl Setup

Before cleaning, you can create a backup copy of the events in the log by saving them to a file:
WevtUtil cl Setup /bu:SetupLog_Bak.evtx

To clear all the logs at once, you can use the Powershell Get - WinEvent cmdlet to get all the log objects and Wevtutil.exe to clear them:
Get-WinEvent -ListLog * -Force | % { Wevtutil.exe cl $_.LogName }

or so
Wevtutil el | ForEach { wevtutil cl “$_”}

Note. In our example, we were unable to flush 3 logs due to an access error. It is worth trying to clear the contents of these logs from the Event Viewer console.


Wevtutil full cleanup of Windows event logs

Clearing the logs can also be done from the classic command line:
for /F "tokens=*" %1 in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO wevtutil.exe cl "%1"