Cisco reinvents network security: new AI solutions set the company's development vector for years to come


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Proactive response to cyber threats entirely in natural language — is this not the future?

Jitu Patel, Cisco's Vice President of Security, shared his vision of how artificial intelligence can change the way we approach cybersecurity at a recent Cisco Live event in Melbourne.

In particular, according to him, the focus may shift from responding to cyber attacks to their prediction and prevention. Automated systems based on AI, in general, are already able to recognize potential threats in advance, so the widespread introduction of such solutions is not far off.

Following these words, the public was presented with a new innovative product of the company — Cisco AI Assistant. This solution is a significant step in integrating artificial intelligence into the Security Cloud, Cisco's unified cross-domain security platform.

Patel emphasized, "To be an AI-focused company, you need to be data-driven. This innovation empowers our customers with AI built into the Cisco Security Cloud." With an increasing number of cyberattacks, including ransomware, Cisco AI Assistant is an up-to-date response to organizations ' needs for machine-level protection.

Among the innovations that the new product provides, it is worth highlighting the AI assistant for adjusting firewall security policies, which will help you analyze the above-mentioned policies, make recommendations and help you configure them as efficiently as possible, without resorting to any other means other than natural language.

Cisco also introduced a mechanism for detecting malicious activity directly in encrypted traffic, which was previously considered a very difficult task to implement.

At the same time, according to Patel, the introduction of such AI-based tools will require significant computing power. Therefore, the company intends to partially monetize such services. However, we are not talking about high prices, so as not to constrain the widespread adoption of next-generation security solutions.

Thus, as AI technologies evolve, major changes are expected in the market for cyberthreat protection tools. The focus may shift from reacting to being proactive, and this really looks like the future.