China's progress in building stealth submarines is becoming a "nightmare" for the US and its allies

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They are like ninjas-invisible and dangerous.

China continues to actively develop its navy, making significant progress in the development of the latest Type 096 ballistic submarines . This fact caused alarm not only in the United States, but also among its allies in different regions of the world.


According to a defense research analysis, there is a growing body of evidence that China will be able to fully operate these submarines by the end of this decade. One of the reasons for this rapid development was the technological assistance from the allies.

Christopher Carlson, a retired submariner and military-technical intelligence analyst, shared his opinion on this issue: "Type 096 will be a real nightmare. These submarines will be very difficult to detect, making them a serious threat to any country."

A study conducted by the China Maritime Research Institute at the U.S. Naval War College confirms Carlson's words. According to a study presented at a conference in May and published in August, new Chinese warships will be much harder to track, making them one of the main challenges to global security in the coming years.