Checking CC for validity


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Terribly tired of the phrase "give me a checker that does not kill cc", I decided to chew everything one and the last time. Therefore, we wind the following words in the text on a mustache.

Let's split the question into 4 points to make it easier to answer.

a) CC lock
b) CC check
c) How CC is checked
d) Checker CC

a) The card can be blocked by itself, if the bank and the payment antifraud system decide so, or on the initiative of the cardholder and his call to the same bank. Such a phenomenon is quite rare and usually simply does not allow the transit to be missed. For example, two situations from my experience when this happened: I beat too many transactions, and also drove a huge amount one-time into the merch novbv.

b) Usually, a check is called the same operation as with a purchase, but for a small amount of about a dollar, so if it passes, then it is called valid. However, it happens that CH fires a transaction and quickly and quickly blocks the card. Moreover, now all SMS notifications, so checking the card and postponing it is idiocy. I will write for the 1001st time that after the purchase, you must immediately beat, if you did not enter, then after that you check for validity, and not vice versa.

c) The first is the СС checker, which is installed in the card shop itself. It should be said here that despite all the pros, the cons are so much harder. We will not talk about the pros, but what is really alarming is that when checking with this checker, the level of card fraud may increase, since the merchandise quickly clogs up, so it can decline cards or, even worse, kill on the spot in one transit.

The second is a donation, where you donate one dollar. Everything is easy and simple here, if the payment has passed, then the card is valid. If not, then perhaps there is simply no money on it, since a larger number of cards usually climb into the donation. If it turned out that the payment did not go through, then perhaps there is simply no balance on the СС, it is not necessary to throw out the card, you can postpone it until the day of the СР's salary.

The third is card authorization. The whole point is to link the card to the service, where you do not need to pay anything, but only a certain amount of up to five bucks will be written off and returned back after a certain time.

d) Checker CC can be used both in the cardboard shop and in services. It is not necessary to enter for free, as all the cards will be taken away there. A card check costs little money. You can search for donations in Google, so you may not find a good one right away, you will have to look for some time for one that you can constantly use. By authorizing the card, you can resort to the help of the same Google, there are a lot of such services in pindos.
