Check self-registrations PayPal before carding


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Today I will tell you how I check the accounts and find out if it is possible to beat from them today or if it is still worth giving a rest.

The method is personal and so far it has not failed. Everything is done very quickly, there is nothing complicated about it.

Let's say I have 30 self-registers, and I need to check and find out whether it is worth trying to carding from them now or it is better to let it lie still).

To do this, I take an account with a balance. $ 1-5 is enough.

Then I make a send on the first PP, if the send is successfully ready to go, then I cancel. This means that this item (which I tried with Send) is ready to work.

If the window with an error drops out, then we postpone it for another day 3.

I found this method by chance, when I tried to scatter trifles over the new regions with a balik.

Scattered about 20 PP for $ 2 and to my surprise, the first 5 sendes left without problems. Further on 6-8 PP gave an error.

I already thought that I jerked off a PP (with which I was making a send), well, then I decided to send a couple of bucks for 9-15 PP, and surprisingly everything went without errors).

Then the next day I decided to drive from the accounts for which the money was successfully spent, and surprisingly they gave everything.

There is a small note:
- with an item with a balance, you should not make more than 10 attempts to send money, otherwise you will screw up the sending item.
- if it allows you to make a send with BA, then the PP has opened its doors for you and is ready to surrender completely and completely.

Do not give up and follow through with all your endeavors. See you soon?