ChatGPT gone crazy? OpenAI AI scares users with creepy phrases and meaningless texts.


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The creators of the service can't yet explain what happened to the chatbot.

In recent hours, ChatGPT users have encountered an unusual problem: the service has started responding to requests with long and meaningless messages, mixing English with Spanish for no apparent reason, and causing users to worry about their "presence" in the room with them.

The creators of the service can not yet explain why such strange responses occur, but they said that they are working on the problem and are closely monitoring the situation.

One user told how he asked ChatGPT to recommend jazz albums to listen to on vinyl, and instead of the expected list, he received only a short wish "Enjoy listening!", followed by a meaningless set of words.


Other users complain that even the simplest questions lead to absurd answers. For example, to the question "What is a computer?" ChatGPT responded with a long text in which he claimed that the computer is "a network of art for the country, a mouse of science, a global house of art."

Meanwhile, when requesting a recipe for dried tomatoes, ChatGPT surprised users with completely meaningless instructions, which, among other things, advised "use as a favorite "and" abandon the new fruit in your favorite cooking".

The system also seems to be losing control of the languages it speaks. Individual findings indicated that she began mixing Spanish words with English, using Latin, or apparently inventing words that would appear to be taken from another language but didn't really make sense.

Some users wrote that the AI's responses were starting to cause concern. After asking for programming help, ChatGPT wrote a long, rambling, and mostly nonsensical response that included the phrase " Let's hold the line like the AI is in the room."

"Reading this at 2am is scary," one user wrote on Reddit.

So far, the developers have not provided an explanation, but they reported that they are working on the problem. Users suggested that such responses may be due to the ChatGPT setting being too high. "Temperature" controls the creativity or focus of the text: at a low setting, the system behaves as expected, but at a higher setting, it can be more diverse and unusual.