cc to crypto


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Hello, I'm new and i want to know if there's currently a method on how to cashout ccs to crypto, would appreciate any help


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Three Ways to Perform CC to BTC Carding​

How do you move money from a cc to btc? This is, without a doubt, one of the most challenging aspects of the carding profession. Many people lose a significant amount of money when moving money from credit cards to Bitcoin.

You might be surprised to learn that it is not simple to make purchases with your compromised credit cards. Just because you bought one with good credit history doesn’t mean you’ll be able to use it all willy-nilly. This is because, before you are allowed to make payments, 90% of crypto exchanges need you to provide proof of identity through the KYC process. It is not possible to purchase cryptocurrencies with a credit card that has been compromised.

Now, how exactly did you manage to accomplish that? Is there a proper approach to taking care of it? Yes, there is. It is possible to game the system and make purchases with your credit cards. If you are interested in doing this, then you have come to the right place. The aim of this article is to show you how exactly you can cash out your newly acquired credit card for Bitcoin. Let’s get started.

Things You’ll Need​

If you’re a fan of heist movies, you know that no operation is truly complete without a plan. Consider this a heist, too! If you want to do it right, you’ll need a few things with which to pull it off. In this section, we will list out everything you will need:
  • A Virtual Machine Workstation. You can, of course, do without this, but it is a very secure piece of equipment to have.
  • Socks and a VPN.
  • A VISA card from the US, the UK, or France.
  • The card you’ll be using on Amazon.

How to Perform CC to Btc Method​

Having gotten your hands on everything you’ll need, it’s time to get the show on the road.
  • If you are closer than 100 kilometers to the city that is associated with your CC, you should turn on VPN and Socks.
  • If you do not have VMWorkstation installed, run CCleaner and clear your cookies before opening your browser. If you do have VMWorkstation installed, turn it on.
  • Go to this website, https://purse.IO, and make an account for yourself. When you first sign up, you will only be able to complete one transaction; this restriction will be lifted after you have completed two transactions.
  • Choose the amount of interest you wish to accrue from the options provided on the transactions tab.
  • If this is your first time placing an order, make an order of between $30 and $90 before moving on to orders of more than $800.
If you follow the directions, the site will lead you directly to the item you want to purchase on Amazon. That’s what we’ll deal with next!

Creating an Amazon Account​

The next thing on the agenda is making an Amazon account to get you ready for the carding.
  • Make sure to include the credit card’s name and address in the Amazon account that you create.
  • Activate ‘Check out all Amazon Prime has to Offer.’ When you are logged in, you will notice this immediately to the right of the My Account link.
  • Add whatever you want to the shopping basket option on the Amazon site.
  • Take note of the instructions and the address for shipment. Select the address that is displayed on purse.IO within the pre-recorded message on Amazon.

Get Your Carding Bitcoin Here​

Finally, it’s time to collect your Bitcoin! Here’s how you do it:
  • If you require your Bitcoin in a hurry, you should go with the rapid delivery option so that the escrow service can deliver them.
  • Amazon is more likely to conduct an audit when a buyer receives BTC and confirms it on the site, but the delivery time is short. If you choose shipment within one day, for instance, there is a thirty percent chance that your order will be verified using a phone that is connected to the distribution center.
  • Before transferring the funds to your wallet, be sure that the buyer’s order has been fulfilled and that the account is still active. When using a single credit card, you can create multiple purse accounts for the purpose of carrying out multiple transactions.

Second Method to Cash Out a CC to BTC​

As with most things, you shouldn’t rely on just one way of doing things. To that end, we are going to offer you a second method of cashing out your CC for BTC. As usual, these are the things you will need to pull this off:
  • Socks5
  • A US private proxy.
  • BINS that are good.

Once you have all these in hand, move on to the next steps:
  • Go to
  • Visit the website and sign up for a free account with an email address.
  • Once you have created an account on the website, you must next authenticate it using your email.
  • You are required to fund your account using money from one or more credit cards.
  • If you click the Deposit button, you will be sent to the Payment Options page.
  • On this screen, you will need to enter the amount of money that you wish to deposit as well as the information from any credit cards that you have.
  • Next, complete the billing information and any other parts; if the site does not include the credit card numbers, you can use phony information from
  • In order to complete the part on SSN, you will need to do some basic tasks. On the website, there is a section called fake info that is dedicated to this.
  • You take the number 367-66-XXXX and replace the X with four arbitrary numbers of your choice.
  • If you want to be absolutely certain, I can point you to those websites that will help you get a Social Security number that has been confirmed. You can go to and for SSN verification.
  • After that, hit the PROCEED button, and you are finished.
  • Your account will be credited with fifty dollars from the credit card that you recently obtained.
  • Next, return to the homepage and locate the BUY/SELL link.
  • You have the choice of purchasing Bitcoin in the amounts of $100, $200, $500, or $1,000. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your amount, such as $50 or $17. Now you may click the buy button, and after you do, they will deduct however many dollars you selected from your balance account and give you the requisite amount of Bitcoins. You will then have Bitcoin in your account and can withdraw it by clicking the WITHDRAW button.
  • To be paid in Bitcoin, click on the BTC icon.
  • Put the amount you wish to withdraw from your BTC wallet and deposit it.
  • Once you have selected the Bitcoin you wish to withdraw and click the Withdraw button; the funds will be sent directly to the address you provided.

CC to BTC Method 3​

Never let it be said that we don’t want you to succeed! Here is the third and final method that we will propose for CC to BTC carding for you to take advantage of:
  • The site that will be used for this method is going to be Although your card must be non-vbv, you can get that at the shop.
  • Create an account for yourself, and be sure to include all of the required information.
  • You need to have the CS:GO site game claimed in your steam account, which is always free, so if you don’t already have it, make sure you get it!
  • Now that your inventory connection has been linked to this account, you may begin shopping for skins.
  • You can buy skins with a credit card, but you must have a non-vbv credit card issued in the United States.
  • Now, it is best for success to use a reliable USA premium VPN that is compatible with the location of the credit card holder and to utilize socks5 on top of your VPN connection.
  • Do not relist a product for sale once you have successfully carded it; the price at which you sell it will determine how quickly it sells. For instance, if you originally paid $50 for an item, selling it for $35 will result in a quicker sale.
  • After the sale of your product, you are going to have a balance in your account; you can withdraw this value using the Bitcoin payment option.


By using these three methods, you will be able to convert your CC to BTC just fine! Make sure you have everything you need at hand before you attempt to cash out the credit card. Take care, be safe and, as always, have fun with your crypto!
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Hello and thank you for these methods. I have another question: do any of them send a OTP, and if they do does it mean the cc is invalid or im doing something wrong


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In order for sites not to send OTP, you need to use cards with non or auto vbv bins.


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I see. Is there a way to know a card has no vbv or auto vbv by BIN or the bank name?


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将 CC 兑现为 BTC 的第二种方法​

与大多数事情一样,您不应该仅仅依赖一种做事方式。因此,我们将为您提供第二个将 CC 兑换成 BTC 的方法。与往常一样,您需要完成以下这些事情:
  • 袜子5
  • 美国私人代理。
  • BINS 很好。

  • 前往
  • 访问网站并使用电子邮件地址注册免费帐户。
  • 在网站上创建帐户后,您必须使用电子邮件进行身份验证。
  • 您需要使用一张新生儿信用卡的资金作为您的账户资金。
  • 如果您单击“存款”按钮,您将进入“付款选项”页面。
  • 在此屏幕上,您需要输入希望存入的金额以及您拥有的任何信用卡的信息。
  • 接下来填写账单信息和任何其他部分;如果该网站不包含信用卡号,您可以使用中的目的信息
  • 为了完成 SSN 部分,您需要执行一些基本任务。在网站上,有一个名为 fake info 的部分专门致力于此。
  • 您使用的号码 367-66-XXXX 放置 X 替换为您选择的四个任意号码。
  • 如果您想绝对确定,我可以向您指出那些可以帮助您获得已确认的社会安全号码的网站。您可以访问 /进行SSN验证。
  • 之后,点击“继续”按钮,您就完成了。
  • 您的账户表格您最近获得的信用卡中存入了五十美元。
  • 接下来返回,主页并找到“买入/卖出”链接。
  • 您可以选择购买 100 美元、200 美元、500 美元或 1,000 美元的比特币。逐步滚动到页面底部并输入您的金额,例如 50 美元或 17 美元。现在,您可以单击“购买”按钮,然后,他们会从您的余额账户中选择您的美元数量,并为您提供所需数量的比特币。然后,您的账户中就会有比特币,并且可以通过单击“提款”按钮将其提取。
  • 如需使用比特币付款,请点击BTC图标。
  • 输入您想要从 BTC 钱包中提取的金额并存入。
  • 选择您想要提取的比特币后,单击“提取”按钮;资金将直接发送至您提供的地址。


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According to your tutorial when the cell phone number is entered, you need to click on the connection in the SMS to verify the identity, which means that this may require KYC verification, which means that this method may not work or may be very difficult.@Carding