CaSmile account deleted [EN/RU/RO]


Reaction score
Hi! about 1 month ago , in one sunny day, I tried to enter in my account, but I failed, it was closed (I don'w know why). I PM'ed Ninja, but he didn't respond to my messages. Now I need your help to continue my job.
I'd been working there for about 1/2 year, helped people, gave cc's, paypals, some soft, etc.
So, who know me and trust, please vouch, I'll help you as I always do.
Привет всем, примернo месяц назад мой акаунт [CaSmile] был удалён по непонятным причинам. Те кто меня знают прошу поставить [+] ниже, и смогу сново заняться делом
Salut si romanilor, cat timp am stat pe forum mi-am facut si cativa prieteni din RO, am fost activ in tema creata de noi, ajutam lumea in freebie cu cc paypal, soft, shopuri, si altele. De ce am fost banat/sters-nu stiu, nu am primit nimic, m-am trezit dimineata si deja nu mai aveam acces la forum..
Va rog sa ma ajutati sa intru iar in acest forum ca sa-mi pot continua lucrul mai departe. Ms mult

With respect, CaSmile (also known as nr1md in other forums)