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How make transfer bank and cashout in succes ?

Bank transfer is a very good biz for make $ fast , but u need respect some trick .

First u need decided which country u want operate ? europe , usa ...
some country are easier to open account and wildraw possibillity .

u Really need learn on that before start ur operation .


For This example i take an USA account bank for explain my trick .

CHAPTER 1 : The Drop ( Mules)

2 solutions is offer to u :

1: U have money to invest :

Buy some fake ID + electricity bills ... ETC ( whats ur bank ask for open an account )
Better look like a businessman ( class suits , perfume , watches ) but the attitude do all . like that u could ask good card with ur account +better limit on wildraw .

2: Without cash to invest :

Find someone who can accept a transfer on his account ( at his own risk ) or find a reliable MULE bank ( always control this guy ) .
in this case its better use someone who could control it ( ppl in real life , not e-cashier ripper drop ) *

CHAPTER 2 : The Transfer Online ( or phone)

In this case ; u need have login Bank ( better have same as ur drop )

Then collect a max of info for this guy . ssn , dob , mmn , adress , phone ....
+ search on all his account his life .
I explain lhe last point : see what he paid , wich bills .... ETC if he have some LOAn .....
Who have acces to this account ......

+ u have some personnal info better u could talk and act like the owner of the account hacked if u need call to the bank for change some detail ( phone ... confirm transfer .... )

Then Go on ur online account , add info etc .... make the transfer and wait the money .

For a succesfull transfer u need change the pass of online account like that owner cant see whats u have done the same day ( day after its too late !! money on ur account )

Use Ip from same city +socks , the best if u have hacked ur logs with Zeus .. U USE backconnect and do the transfer .

** IF transfer required a Call , collect all ur info , try to use same accent like the owner and use the good voice ( depend age of victim )

THATS VERY IMPORTANT : sometimes just some word or expression could burn ur call and ruin all ur work :mad:

aFTER ur transfer is confirmed u wait the cash in ur drop .

CHAPTER 3 : The Cashout Bank

If job on chapter 1 are good = good card in ur hand

** NEVER order all cash in one time **
the job are different for a small transfer like unless 10k and over 10k .

- 10 k =

some card have like 1k limit atm per day , so use card for 1k and go in the bank and take the max authorized by ur bank in one time ( 2k to 20k depend bank ... U HAVE choose one good before becoz u have made good search on bank :rolleyes: )

so take per ex 5k then go in other office of ur bank then do the same , here stay only 4k then take it and say good bye .

+10k = the best thing its to resend the money in a third drop bank where u have more time to go take it .

recommand some paradize fiscal like Belize , lichteinchtein ... secret bank service , alias account . ( u could buy one account ready in this country for like 3 to 5k eur )

Thanks for the time u have take for read my tuto , i wish he could really help u and could help comunity to make some cash .

ps: And really SORRY FOR my english ( not a native english )
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