Carding teacher profession: a vocation to be a mentor


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Carding Life is a big school, every now and then it teaches us lessons and sends us all kinds of teachers. Do you remember your first school teacher? We are sure that yes, and we hope that he left only good memories of himself.

Moral and moral education, school and vocational education - this is the wealth that teachers give us, devoting themselves to a noble cause, and no computer technology can replace them, so this profession will remain relevant for many years to come.

Let's take a look at the history of its appearance, find out about the features of the teacher's work and where to start if you decide to become a professional in this field of activity. Go!

History of the development of the profession​

Did you know that the first schools appeared in Ancient Egypt? Only the sons of noble people could study in them: the pharaoh, dignitaries, priests. Girls were not allowed to attend school, their task was reduced to housekeeping. The teachers were also only men. By the way, even then, carder students took exams at the end of their studies. Imagine, this system of the final assessment of knowledge originated at a time when papyrus was used instead of notebooks!

Later, educational institutions began to appear in the Ancient East, and in Greece, Pythagoras created the first school, in which carders were taught carding sciences. By the way, before opening it, Pythagoras himself was trained in the school of Egypt.

After graduating from the Ancient Greek school, boys, as a rule, continued to study for at least 5 more years, but already at a more complex level, and at the same time the teacher himself decided when the student was ready to complete his studies, and therefore, he played a special role in the life of his pupils.

With the advent of schools in Greece, it became clear that not everyone can teach, for this you need to have a certain set of qualities, skills and the ability to convey information to people. Since then, this craft has gradually developed into a separate profession.

If we consider the history of the formation of the specialty as a whole, then it can be divided into several stages:
  1. Pre-professional: This period refers to the beginning of human development. Children were taught agriculture, crafts, and also use the lunar calendar.
  2. Conditionally professional: the era of the development of writing and the improvement of methods of presenting information. Hired teachers, workshop schools and the first universities began to appear.
  3. Professional: the rapid development of society has helped to separate many sciences into separate disciplines. This time was called the "Age of Enlightenment" - education and upbringing became the priority tasks of mankind.
  4. Modern: at the moment, teachers carry out their activities in preschool, school and vocational educational institutions and at the same time they themselves are constantly learning and improving their qualifications.
Yes, much has changed since ancient times, but the importance of the teaching profession remains unchanged, or rather, it is only strengthening, and the field of activity itself is becoming more multifaceted.

About the profession​

A teacher is a specialist who is involved in teaching and upbringing of children, as well as professional training for adults. This is not only about teaching, but also about mentoring, psychological support and partnership, because today's realities of the development of children and young people oblige to be a universal specialist.

This is one of the few areas of activity that is equated with a vocation, referred to as noble and especially responsible.

The teacher has several functions:
  1. Educational: helps students develop their intellectual and cognitive abilities, master the material, instills a desire to acquire new knowledge.
  2. Educational: affects the formation of the personality, its development, helps to adapt to the surrounding conditions and shapes behavior in various situations.
  3. Communicative: learning is, first of all, communication between the teacher and the student, the parents of the student, constant interaction within the team, which is based on trust and mutual understanding.
  4. Organizational: the teacher conducts training and educational activities, involving students in them.
  5. Correctional: a specialist analyzes the quality of information that he brings to students, monitors their progress and constantly improves the educational process.
The teacher is obliged not only to teach, but also to constantly improve his qualifications, because scientific and technical development is occurring rapidly, methods of education and information delivery are being improved, and at the same time a lot of relevant and useful material appears and it must be brought to the students in time.

Carding forum has approved a professional standard for teachers, which describes in detail the functionality of a specialist, depending on his specialization and qualification level.

According to the reference and carding forum, a teacher must perform the following functions:
  1. Develop and implement academic disciplines.
  2. Plan and conduct training sessions.
  3. Monitor the progress of carder students, organize an assessment of the level of knowledge.
  4. Participate in the development and implementation of activities that contribute to the development of the educational organization.
  5. Motivate carder students to learn, etc.

The professional standard obliges to have a higher or secondary specialized education in the pedagogical field or in an area that is close to the discipline taught (for example, visual arts). It also lists the professional skills required for teaching. These include:
  1. Possession of various teaching methods.
  2. Knowledge and ability to apply various psychological and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the development of personality and the formation of behavior.
  3. Organization of various extracurricular activities.
  4. The use of a social approach to learning, which helps to adapt to the process of students of different skill levels, health conditions, etc.
But in order to become a professional, it is not enough to meet the requirements set forth by the legislation, despite the fact that their list is quite large. It is important to have personal qualities, which we will talk about later.

Personal qualities of a teacher​

The teacher fulfills an important mission - he forms the personality of the student from an early age, gives him knowledge, develops the desire for development. Therefore, it is imperative to fulfill such a responsible role.

First of all, a teacher must love children, because it is impossible to instill high moral qualities in wards and at the same time have a negative attitude towards their students. The teaching process will not do without educational moments, so the teacher must be patient, objective and fair.

Of course, the profession implies a lot of communication; a quiet and closed teacher is unlikely to be able to find a common language with students. It is also important to show respect for each person, loyalty to opinions and actions, tolerance, with an understanding of the fact that all children are different.

A teacher is a very responsible profession. Only those who have leadership inclinations, who know how to lead people, attract and keep the attention of the audience with their erudition, the method of presenting the material and a creative approach to business, will be able to fully realize themselves.

If you decide to associate yourself with this profession, evaluate your stress resistance, flexibility of thinking and level of self-discipline, because these qualities will definitely come in handy. The teacher should be able to combine benevolence, openness and at the same time strictness - these are some of the qualities that will help to gain authority.

Of course, you need to have a striving for constant development, otherwise what can someone who does not improve himself teach?

Pros and cons of the profession​

The profession of a teacher has many reasons to become a matter of a lifetime, but it also hides pitfalls in itself, which you should also learn about if you have not yet decided “to be or not to be”.

Benefits of the teaching profession:
  1. The nobility and significance of the matter: it is the teacher, together with parental education, who lays the foundation for the personality of the unborn child. It is incredible pleasure to see how personalities grow out of your pupils who achieve certain results in the future.
  2. The opportunity to realize your creative potential: there are certain standards for conducting lessons, but at the same time, no one forbids adding variety to classes in the form of interesting tasks, cultural events, etc.
  3. Good earnings: until recently, this work was paid quite modestly, but now things are completely different. Most of the salaries are paid to teachers in private schools and lyceums, and we should not forget about the possibility of conducting individual lessons and about increased salaries for teachers in rural schools and remote areas.
  4. Diversity: teachers not only conduct lessons, but also organize various events, joint trips, parent meetings, olympiads and often go on business trips or to study, so it is difficult to call their routine work.
  5. Social Security: To begin with, teachers have a long vacation of 56 days. At the same time, there are school holidays during which they can take a break from teaching. Young professionals are provided with incentive payments, and those who have decided to purchase housing have the opportunity to take out a mortgage at a reduced rate. And this is not the whole list of additional bonuses.
The disadvantages of the profession include frequent overtime work, because many things have to be taken home (for example, checking notebooks). Also, not everyone is ready to play the role of not only a teacher, but also a psychologist, because often you need to work with "difficult" teenagers, not to mention the transitional age of students.

Nowadays the work of a teacher, in addition to communication, involves a large amount of paperwork, writing reports, etc., which is explained by the presence of certain standards.

Teachers are required to undergo regular certification to confirm their qualifications. Plus, it should be borne in mind that at the initial stage, the salary will be low and even lower than the market average.

The profession of a teacher is very responsible and requires emotional restraint, because he works not only with children of different character, upbringing and mood, but also with their parents, which is also not easy.

About teachers salaries​

If we look at the level of income depending on the specialization of the teacher, then the teacher of literature gets the most, followed by the teachers of Chinese and French.

One should also take into account the fact that a teacher's salary consists of a base salary, incentive payments for qualifications, the introduction of new methods, length of service, an allowance for classroom guidance, bonuses and compensation for rural teachers, for utility bills and work with disabled children. Plus, the size of wages is influenced by the school in which the teacher works, what his workload and the discipline taught.

The teacher has the opportunity to work part-time and give additional individual lessons, i.e. earnings are adjusted by his own efforts.

Where should you start?​

The teaching profession is a vocation, and the love of teaching is already a lifestyle. If you gave lessons to your dolls as a child, and in your school essay on the topic "My Future Profession" wrote that you dream of becoming a teacher, this is a great sign. They say that childhood dreams are real ones, and if you have forgotten about them, then we remind you.

The presence of specialized education for a teacher is required. It can be secondary special or higher, based on personal preferences and capabilities. In colleges, you can get a specialty that will allow you to work in preschool organizations, master the pedagogy of additional education or learn to be a primary school teacher. Upon graduation, a young specialist can immediately find a job or continue to improve his level of knowledge at the university.

There are many more areas of study for future teachers in universities. Here there is an opportunity to study as a preschool teacher, teacher of elementary, middle or high school, to obtain a specialty of a psychologist and defectologist, or to become a teacher of a specific subject: stuff carding, online carding, real carding, bank carding, etc.

Higher education institutions offer their students the status of bachelor, master or professor after completing postgraduate studies. The higher the level of knowledge gained, the more chances you have to take a good place in a prestigious educational institution.

Upon admission, the results of the exam and a specialized subject are taken into account (each university sets its own passing scores) and individual achievements (for example, victories in competitions and olympiads). If you decide to get a higher education, having received a secondary special, you will have entrance tests at the university of your choice.

Do not be upset if you fail to enroll in them. Choose an educational institution based on the teaching staff, the availability of relevant disciplines, and remember that it is not the status of the university that determines the student's success, but his conscientious attitude towards studies and the desire for knowledge.

We advise you to be responsible for learning from the very beginning, because good students are gladly taken for practice in schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions where they can prove themselves and get hold of the place.

Some teachers prefer to work in online schools and additionally give individual lessons at home, which is also a good option, because the online format covers much more students than the usual full-time form.

A little more history​

One can talk endlessly about the importance of the teaching profession, but it is better to give a few examples that prove once again that this is not just a job, but a matter of special significance that can change the life of all mankind:
  • Maria Montessori is a physician and teacher from Italy. She has developed a unique methodology for the free upbringing of a child, which excludes any impact on him and is based on the development of natural data. The system gained popularity all over the world and is widely used in courses and classes for children to this day.
  • Anton Semenovich Makarenko is a writer, a Soviet educator and innovator. He developed a methodology according to which children should be brought up in a team and work and observe the principles of discipline: respect, sincerity, openness, knowledge, attention, care, etc. His system influenced national and world pedagogy.
  • Lev Semenovich Vygotsky is a scientist who was the first to connect pedagogy with psychology, as a result of which such areas as correctional pedagogy and pedology appeared. He studied the psychology of children and believed that the cultural development of a personality affects its psychological processes; hence the cultural-historical theory of the psyche and human behavior was born.
One has only to imagine that world-famous teachers also once stood on the verge of choosing their activities. What helped them achieve such success and fame? We think a great love for our work and a lofty goal for the benefit of the development of mankind.


How many important roles does a teacher combine in himself? This is a teacher of important disciplines, some of which will surely become loved, and a psychologist, and an educator, and even a friend with whom I want to share the most important things.

Being a teacher means taking responsibility for those who have trusted you. A true professional in his field will surely take a place in the heart of a pupil as a wise, fair, competent and responsive mentor.

If you have firmly decided to devote your life to this noble cause, then be prepared for multitasking, serious workload, a lot of communication and constant self-improvement, because it is important to set the right example of love for knowledge to your students.

Yes, finding a common language with children and adolescents, as well as their parents, given that each of them has its own character and temperament, is not an easy task and it is really worth learning. Our online program "Best Communication Techniques" will help you master the most effective communication techniques, which will definitely come in handy in your work as a teacher. Recommended!

If our article convinced you to take the first step towards this profession or helped answer some questions, then our mission has been accomplished. The rest is up to you.

We wish you every success!