Carding Shop operator ?. Shadow professions.


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The store operator acts as a key employee. The targeted development of the store and the growth of the company's profits depend on his professional skills and a responsible approach to personal responsibilities. The operator is the “face” of a particular Internet resource, therefore it is obliged to fully comply with its high rank. Its activities directly affect the company's profitability. Everyone can see how adequately he is able to solve various issues and "resolve" force majeure circumstances. His demeanor is also clearly visible. If the operator behaves incorrectly, constantly allows himself to ignore the questions and appeals of customers, then the likelihood of the store's success in the future will be in question.

A good operator is always worth its weight in gold. He will be kind and in solidarity with the client under any circumstances, will be able to competently answer questions and, if necessary, will advise if there are difficulties with the choice of a particular product. Sociability plays a big role in modern life. The confidence of customers in the store depends on how confident the operator will communicate on the forums and effectively solve various problems. To become a really good operator in a short time, you need to have some knowledge not only in the field of business, but also in the psychology of personal relationships between the seller and the client.

The main responsibilities of the operator
Paradoxically, the main task of the store operator is not to communicate, but to sell. But at the same time, he must be able to interest a potential buyer, make him an offer that he cannot refuse. And in this situation, the ability to communicate, of course, will play an important role. In addition, the operator performs other functions:
  1. Represents the interests of the store on thematic forums;
  2. Conducts active negotiations with the administration of the forums;
  3. Answers customer questions in online messengers and social networks;
  4. Provides payment details and accepts applications;
  5. Promptly solves difficulties in placing or sending an order;
  6. Is making every effort to promote and develop the company;
  7. Communicates with internal employees of the online store.

Sometimes the operator has to simultaneously fulfill his duties on forums and negotiate in messengers, therefore, the success of the store in the eyes of customers depends on his activity and responsibility. If the promoted Internet resources can afford to maintain a whole staff of employees, which, in addition to the operator, also includes an accountant, drops and technical support, then beginning stores at first have to limit themselves in this regard. As a rule, the main characters of the start-up shop are the operator and the miner, who plays the role of the mortgage courier.

Features of the position "Store operator"
Operator work is both dangerous and difficult these days - no exaggeration in that. There are many pitfalls on the path of career growth, which in especially exceptional cases are fraught with a real threat. Before starting the work of the operator, it will not be superfluous to study in detail the theoretical and practical information

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the legal risks. The operator's activity is a direct violation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and falls under the article "Sale and sale of narcotic drugs", since the main responsibility of the store operator is the sale of illegal drugs. When disclosing the "underground" activities of the operator, he is threatened with being charged under Article 228-1, and if accomplices are found, they may additionally attribute Article 210 - participation in a criminal community.

In addition, by his work, the operator violates such articles of the law as drug smuggling (Article 229-1) and the legalization of material assets that were earned by criminal means (Article 174-1). To protect yourself from all sides, it is necessary to provide for all possible "approaches". The main evidence against the operator is a computer or laptop, with the help of which the seller goes online. It is more expedient to immediately limit the circle of persons who can testify against you. To do this, you must exclude personal contacts within the store.

Operator location
The main task of any operator is to ensure a high level of anonymity. For this reason, if you decide to devote yourself to this profession, then it is more advisable to take care of your reliable location in advance. If your activity will be carried out within the Russian Federation, then you need to take care of a temporary move or permanent residence in another country. Working on the territory of the Russian Federation, you expose yourself to an unjustified risk - law enforcement officers do not sleep and at the slightest mistake they will easily figure you out.

The best option is to move to the countries of the European Union, China or other exotic countries. If this is not possible, then you can consider a place of residence in the CIS or on the territory of Ukraine. It is not recommended to travel to countries that actively cooperate with law enforcement agencies and the authorities of the Russian Federation. In particular, we are talking about Thailand. The best advice from the "experienced" is to postpone the launch of an online store indefinitely, than to start working on the territory of the Russian Federation, and then just think about moving. In this case, you may simply not have time to "wind up the fishing rods".

Competent organization of the workplace
The main device with the help of which the active activity of the store operator is carried out is a computer. But it is better to provide a laptop for this purpose - it provides increased mobility, which is very practical and convenient. You can buy a laptop of absolutely any model, but before starting work, you need to remove the webcam with a microphone from it.

The choice of the operating system is also important. Installing Windows is strongly discouraged. Better to give preference to Mac OS or any version of Linux. On these operating systems, you can easily install the necessary software and cryptographic elements.

In addition to a laptop, you will need stable and maximally secure access to the global network. It is not wise to use a high-speed cable Internet connection in this situation. You will "sleep" on it much faster than you think. The optimal solution is to purchase a 3G modem and a new SIM card every 1-2 months (it is advisable to use different mobile operators each time). At the same time, the SIM card should not be registered in your name. It is possible to buy left SIM cards on specialized Internet resources.

Basic principles of behavior in everyday life
The main rule on which the success of the event depends - never disclose the scope of your activity to anyone, even if it is the closest person. Maximum anonymity and confidentiality. This is what you need to think about first when it comes to personal safety. It is best to come up with a plausible "legend" for yourself so that people around you believe in it, and which will not cause unnecessary suspicion.

The workflow (transactions, operations, etc.) must take place on an encrypted laptop. It is also necessary to take extra care of the proper appearance. No one should guess that you are not who you say you are. Behave yourself decently and at ease. It is better to give up excessive alcohol and drug abuse, as excessive talkativeness or inadequacy can play a bad joke with you. It is better to keep an encrypted laptop with a modem in the most secure place, since a sudden search can lead to very dire circumstances.

Basic "minimum" for full-fledged work
A useful quality of any good operator is quick wits. Without good ingenuity, you will not see success in such a difficult matter. In second place are sociability and stress resistance. In addition, the store operator must be adequate, attentive, concentrated and, of course, free of bad habits. Together, these skills will make it possible to work fruitfully under any, even the most extreme, circumstances. In its activity, the operator must be able to find the right approach to a specific client - this is already half of the success.

From basic knowledge, confident use of the Internet and a computer in general is encouraged. Also, the operator must, if not perfectly, then at least at a decent level, have practical skills in working with various programs. You need to constantly improve your skills and knowledge in order to be able to develop further. For this, it will not be superfluous to sometimes look at specialized thematic Internet resources.

In addition to confident knowledge in the field of IT technologies, the operator will need to study well the rules of procedural law (in particular, the laws of the criminal code), be fluent in information about psychoactive substances, and also understand human psychology. The operator must know a lot about modern legal drugs and "traditional drugs", which are classified as illegal products.

Organization of work schedule and daily routine.
The main distinguishing feature of the operator's work is a free schedule. Most aspiring salespeople prefer to "plow" a standard five-day week and take a break on weekends. However, as practice shows, this approach is deliberately losing and unprofitable from an economic point of view. Retail trade is often chaotic, and it is often on the weekend that the main "movement" begins, which can bring decent earnings. Working at night has a number of undeniable advantages: the number of offers is sharply reduced, and therefore many "merry fellows" are willing to pay exorbitant prices for a standard portion of goods.

If the store does not have the ability to maintain a staff of competent operators, and this important function is performed by only one person, but at the same time, the store works around the clock, then it is more expedient to consider the Ready Storehouse system as the best option. In other words, it can be called an Auto Sales service. This tactic of retail trade is not devoid of sense and, with a competent approach, demonstrates quite good results. However, there is no need to completely automate the sales process, because live communication also brings good results, especially when it comes to wholesale sales.

At work, the operator must always be balanced and absolutely sober, since sales growth and an increase in the number of potential customers depend on this. Restraint is the main trait of a good operator. Under the state of alcoholic intoxication, such cases can be heaped up that the entire success of the event will be in jeopardy, and this should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Salary of a store operator
The salary in each case is calculated individually and directly depends on the level of admission and work skills. On average, an operator can earn from 25 to 150 thousand Russian rubles. Sometimes the operator's earnings are calculated from a percentage of the store's revenue (depending on working conditions, this figure ranges from 5 to 50%).

All operators fall into three main categories:

  1. A junior operator is a store employee with a minimum security clearance. Works exclusively in a team.
  2. An average operator is a trusted store representative with a higher level of access. Often he runs the store on his own, and a miner is attached to him as the main assistant. In most cases, it has access to payment details. Salary is expressed as a percentage of revenue (up to 20%) or is charged in the form of a fixed salary - from 45 to 150 thousand rubles of the Russian Federation.
  3. The senior operator is the "old-timer" of the store, who has open access to all available information. Huge experience and a decent stock of knowledge enable him to make especially important decisions on his own. In fact, the senior operator performs the functions of a full-fledged store manager. The official salary in this case is up to 50% of the total revenue of the store.
It is necessary to approach the search for any operators with all responsibility, since the volume of sales and the profit of the store depend on the choice made. And the choice of a senior operator all the more requires a special approach. Trusting such important work to strangers is a huge risk.

In the section of our thematic forum "Vacancies and Resumes", you can choose a worthy candidate for the position of a store operator and leave your own ad.

The issue of keeping funds
When making any financial transactions, it is recommended to completely abandon any payment details that are issued in a personal name or on close relatives. It is necessary to stop using ATM cards, QIWI wallets, Yandex.Money service and similar online resources. It is best to get left accounts or cards, which can be purchased without any problems on our forum or specialized Internet resources: DarkMoney and others.

It is easy and simple to secure money payments as much as possible using the Bitcoin system. In addition, through this system, it is possible to pay for various services that are provided on the forum without any problems. Regarding the safe storage of money - here everyone decides for himself what is beneficial to him. However, it is strongly discouraged to keep money in personal accounts, and even more so under the pillow. The money earned can be transferred to the account of some remote bank or transferred to Offshore. The ideal option is to invest money in lucrative projects or purchase shares, but here you need to be well versed in this area so as not to miscalculate.