Carding on buyers/drop-service or yourself drops?


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Every carder has a choice: to work with a buyers man/drop-service or to carding him to his own country. Let's analyze the pros and cons of each method)

Let me remind you what stingy is. Buyers is a service that has its own people (drops) who accept a parcel to their addresses. In the future, they sell these parcels. For successfully received packs (parcels), the avaricious pay the carder a certain percentage of the value of the thing that is in the parcel.

So, what are the pros to drive on the buyers?
1) Less troubles. You don't have to worry about finding a drop - they are already there.
2) A large list of drops, and therefore, their addresses are not stuck, and you can also choose a state or city that is convenient in a particular case.
3) The speed of receiving money. I hammered in - the parcel arrived (this is about 3-5 days) - the drop took a picture of the parcel - you receive a payment.

Let's move on to the cons.
1) The first and most important is the final price. The buyer will pay you a maximum of 60% of the value of the goods, and 60% is for the most liquid, like Apple products and video cards, which are quite difficult to drive in. For less liquid positions, the percentage is even lower. For the so-called illiquid stock (those things that can be sold only to a limited number of people, for example, fishing equipment), they pay about 30%.
2) The stingy people have pretty tough conditions. For example, they do not accept packs less than a certain amount (from eBay it is about $ 500). It is also important for them that the product is brand new. If suddenly the product turns out to be a used product (you yourself may not notice that the product is being sold used, or the seller on eBay can send a used product, although it was indicated on the product page that this is a new product), then most likely you will not receive any payment at all for him. Or heavily stripped down. And so on.
3) A miser can throw, although it is a rarity, but it happens.

What about forwarding to yourself drops?

The pros are:

1) High profitability. You can sell a product for 90% of its value, or even more. For example, apples, as a rule, are cheaper in America than here.
2) Even if the product turns out to be used or not quite what you expected, you will most likely still be able to sell it.
3) You can carry any amount, at least one dollar, the main thing is that the cost of delivery pays off.

The cons are:
1) We need to steam more. Search for a drop, it is possible to render documents. Worries about the customs limit (without tax duty, you can receive a parcel only for a certain amount of money per month, everything above is taxed). And so on.
2) Long cycle of making a profit. Until the pack reaches the country, while you put it up for sale, while you sell it. It's all pretty long.
3) Delayed addresses, if you first drive into the intermediary company. And this should be done if the product is more or less expensive, because will not be sent directly.

Based on the pros and cons, I think it is better to work with the stingy. And for yourself to carry only those things that you need personally, and not for sale.

But you may have a different opinion)