Carding is "Good" and "Evil" - an illusion generated by the specifics of human perception! Objectively, there is no "good" or "evil" ... ?


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The first thing that a person who has embarked on the Path of spiritual development has to do is to refuse to evaluate what is happening as “good” ? or “bad” ??. It is no coincidence that I put these two words in quotation marks. We are people, and it is not surprising that we perceive the world from a purely human point of view. But, as F. Nietzsche said, "man is something that needs to be overcome." ✍️ Artificially dividing the world into "black" and "white", into "bad" and "good", we not only do not gain anything, but, on the contrary, doom ourselves to senseless, unnecessary suffering ... ?

In the eyes of the Lord, there are neither the right nor the guilty. Good and Evil are just an illusion generated by our limited consciousness!

What does a gardener who kills a caterpillar do? ?
Good, - some will say, - for it protects the garden from the pest ... ?
No, evil, others will object, because it deprives a living being of life. ☠️ Yes, and the caterpillar looks like a "pest" only in our eyes, because it tries to eat from the same source as we ... ?

Let's turn to history.
From the perspective of an ancient warrior, war was seen as a blessing, because most of the empires of antiquity could develop and prosper only at the expense of military booty, ruining neighboring tribes and peoples. However, from the position of an ancient farmer or pastoralist, war seemed like a terrible disaster, bringing desolation and decay to the earth ...

There are an infinite number of such examples.
Everything that is disadvantageous for a person, everything that brings him suffering, he calls "evil." ? And everything that is beneficial for him begins to be regarded as "good". ?

When the consciousness of an individual rises to the consciousness of a tribe or a nation, even that which from the standpoint of the individual himself will look like "one hundred percent evil" may seem "good". This is exactly the case with a soldier who gives his life "for the Motherland" ... ??

Even more paradoxical contradictions arise in the consciousness of a person who begins to look at the world around him through the eyes of all Humanity. And all this happens only because there is an opposition between "I" ("We") and "not I" ("not We"). If you mentally rise to the level of the Absolute, where this contradiction is removed, the concepts of "Good" and "Evil" disappear with it ... ?

No matter what battles the living beings localized in time and space enter among themselves, all their actions, in the end, turn out to be aimed at the development and improvement of the Absolute (God, the Universe), and therefore - themselves. Any action, any event works for the common good! ?

But if there is no "Evil" in the world, then the meaning and the category of "Good" automatically loses its meaning, for one does not exist without the other! ?

Stop being human for a while, feel yourself as a being, Eternal and All-Encompassing, and then you will understand that "evil" and "good" are an illusion generated by our clinging to the human form.

And if there is no "good" or "evil", then there should be no condemnation, no offense. ?

Life is beautiful in all its manifestations, feel it!


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Good time! Please tell me how, in your opinion, if we are parts of the Divine consciousness, are there other worlds and realities, are there "good" and "bad" particles?

Evaluation of "good" and "unkind" comes from the mind. For absolutely everything that exists in the universe, from the point of view of the soul, is only love, wisdom and sincerity. Everything. And we already divide into good and evil on the basis of some motives, therefore Psychomagy divides everything into destruction and construction. Destructive is what brings pain and suffering to someone, this is the real bad. True good is what ultimately brings creativity and love. If we are not aware of the laws by which this reality is arranged, then we fall into a certain trap, and this trap is any negative experience. But if we are aware of the laws of this reality, then in principle we will not be in something bad in any way, because everything that will surround us will be creative. Those who develop steadily in Psychomagic cannot be surrounded by inadequate people, criminals, aggressors. Because these people are in a different reality, they are realizing their mission in other forms, they are at a different frequency.