Carders stole card data through fake ATMs


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Employees of the “K” department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, specializing in crimes in the IT sector, caught a gang of fraudsters who installed fake ATMs. Three residents of Udmurtia bought decommissioned ATMs, updated them and placed them in crowded places in Moscow, the Moscow region and Sochi. Externally, the devices were designed like ordinary ATMs, only they belonged to banks that actually did not exist.

Instead of dispensing money, ATMs read information from the card's magnetic stripe and PIN code, then reported an error and returned the card to the owner. Naturally, the data from the card was transferred to a remote server. This gave the attackers the opportunity to make a duplicate card and withdraw money from it at a real ATM.

So far, information has not been disclosed as to whether the villains managed to steal money in this way. What is known is that they were detained and the fake ATMs were dismantled. It is also reported that information from more than a thousand bank cards was found in the seized ATMs.

I would like to advise you to be vigilant and avoid suspicious ATMs - and this will not always help. As I wrote not so long ago, “invisible” skimmers have already appeared that can read information from a card, while freely fitting directly into the slots of the card reader. This is how you have to pay for the convenience of cashless payments with security.