Carders rarely succeed if they are busy doing something that does not give them pleasure


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We are taught from childhood that the most important thing is to find our way, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. By the age of 25, many already understand what they would like to do all their lives, but doubts do not torment only rare of us.

You can do the work of your life at any time, under any circumstances, and in any state of health.

You are immersed in the process of work instantly and for a long time. Concentration on what you love is like deep meditation. Time and everything that happens around ceases to matter.

You are constantly in need of striving for professional growth and obtaining new knowledge. You participate in discussions related to your favorite business.

You share your experience with other people free of charge. Your knowledge comes to you easily, so you are just as easily willing to share it. You are not worried about the idea that someone will become better than you by using your knowledge.

You are open to everything new. What you love gives you a big boost of energy that you want and are ready to spend on exciting things.

You are open to new acquaintances, travel and experimentation.
Money is not the determining factor for you. If you are completely immersed in your life's work, then it is easy to spend a significant part of your money on it. And after a while, your favorite business brings you income just as easily.

You notice that the events you want begin to form on their own, and you just have to observe the successful coincidence of circumstances. New acquaintances, creative ideas, as if they themselves come into your life.

If you are still looking for your business, remember:
“You cannot take one huge step that will immediately ensure you achieve the desired goal. For any desired goal is achieved through many small and quite ordinary steps."