Carders gang arrested in Spain for stealing about 200,000 euros using skimmers


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Spanish police have arrested three suspects in credit card fraud. According to GovInfoSecurity journalists, carders used cards cloned using skimmers, which allowed them to steal about 196 thousand euros. The whole trio was detained in Valencia after a special operation, which was attended by members of the department for combating cybercrime and financial fraud of the Spanish police.

The investigation found that at first the criminals installed skimmers and microcameras on ATMs. This made it possible to copy and save data from the magnetic stripes of bank cards, as well as fix the pin codes of the Spaniards. Then the stage of cloning the data onto clean plastic took place. In addition, the group is known to have sent phishing emails and used false online profiles to collect passwords and other information, such as user identification documents.

During the arrest, a card reader, 300 bank cards, including fake ones, six skimmers and 13 configuration plates for skimmers were confiscated from the fraudsters. Two suspects remained in custody, while police are looking for other members of the gang.