Carder plankton. What to do for a beginner in carding? how do you have yourself?


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Attention! A very wicked article! A bearer of a huge ego and a sense of self-importance is strictly forbidden to read!

This article is a reasonable continuation of the previous mini-series of articles. So, at first, as the smartest one, you merged banks (tyk here), then you made self-register banks (now tyk here), then nodded sagely while reading about merchs and offshore (and now tyk syudy). And finally I realized that you were adonkeyat a broken trough.

This article is full of self-deprecation and a spiteful stream of crap slander addressed to 98% of the population of carder forums (and if we take a broader one, this proportion applies to the whole world). So, this article will be useful if:
  • Are you a complete newbie?
  • Have you been in the world of carding for exactly a week, or even less?
  • Do you need a job?
  • Do you want to get rich?
  • Do you want to immediately understand the environment and learn the laws of the world around you?
  • Do you need a mentor to guide you through the hardships to the stars?
  • Are you hardworking, executive, online all day long, working conscientiously and ready to plow all day long?

Do you know how to do something?

Carder Plankton = This is office plankton, except for a few details. Instead of VK, od and asechek, we have targeted forums and jabbers. For the rest, carder plankton is a backward mass of imbits that litter forums, cause minor harm, spoil the mood and periodically grow rich (in their words), while not forgetting to beg for material for free and ask for 100 rubles in debt, because “a million is frozen in yuska, you have to hold out until Monday. " In a broader sense, we are all plankton in some way, as the ocean of black money is full of predators and dangerous currents that can easily be passed out by a beginner without even noticing it.
But you are not plankton, are you? You are hardworking, ready to plow, etc. etc. and fifth to tenth.

Now let's leave the lyrics and get back to the essence of this article. So, we presented the situation:
  1. You are out of money and decided to start carding.
  2. You understand that you don’t understand shit and from this moment you start a fun journey ...
So, anonymous, first of all let me give you a shovel.

You ask why do you need a shovel? So that you start digging your shit out of your head and throwing it away. For shit, to a greater or lesser extent , is with everyone. It's just that it's distributed so evenly that sometimes it's not clear where to dig. I'll give you a couple of coordinates.

Reality number one. Carding for carders.

If you decide to become a carder, then hack into your nose one simple fact - you need experience and knowledge. You either buy them or comprehend them on your own experience. There is no mentor-apprentice system here, this is not an MMORPG for you. And even more so, there are no earning schemes here. You either learn the basics and start plowing, or pay tuition and start plowing the same way. The difference is in the time spent. Only the time spent - it does not give any more advantages (a smart person will understand everything that I mean).

Reality number two. Carding is a business.

Let me explain. If you have no money and you suddenly decided that carding is the solution to your problems, then congratulations - you are a fuck. There is a sense to meddle in carding only and only if you meet the following conditions:
  1. Free $ 500-1000 that you can afford to drain. Those. initial capital.
  2. Some kind of income that will feed you while you are learning a new profession. And this process can keep you busy for a very long time.
Reality number three. Carding is hard.

Believe it or not, there are only two difficulty levels in carding. Easy andfuckingcomplicated. There is no medium difficulty level! The distance between difficult and easy is colossal! To jump from easy to difficult takes experience, wisdom, money and careful calculation. All 4 factors - ALL FOUR FACTORS!

Target portrait of karder plankton level beginner.

So, you are without education, practical skills and purpose in life. At the same time, you do not want to work for your uncle and consider yourself "free, daring, harsh, etc." Your CSV is prohibitive and you are mega-cool in communication. You are ... twenty years old, and during all this time you have not even bothered to learn average Photoshop skills and at least at a fluent conversational level to master the English language. You are not an engineer, not a scientist, you are not a person of a creative profession or a good hard worker with straight arms who can assemble a jet engine from a vacuum cleaner.

You are nobody, you are a dummy ... But you are a very pretentious dummy. You come to the forum, create 100,500 stupid topics that are deleted, and your reputation is lowered to the level of the bottom of the Mariana Trench. You do not despair with creating a topic asking for a job. After all, you are "ready to work and plow all day and sleep next to the phone." And you are very offended when you are sent to rest in the south.

Targeted pro-level carder plankton portrait.

So over the past year, as you were a dummy, you stayed with her, but you pumped a number of the most important skills in this life. You have mastered a number of basic skills and techniques, jerk off a stick, pinch on the sly, lead an active life on the forum, look for a topic that will enrich you and generally behave like the master of life. Your monthly income ranges from $ 500-1000 net (with a 12-hour working day) in particularly fortunate cases. And this is your only reason for pride and mixing in the shit of those who are below you in terms of income. Since your earnings are not higher (and often lower) than the average for the country in which you live, you have to actively advertise yourself.
  1. Screenshots from $ 30 ebay
  2. Praising yourself to your beloved.
  3. Shit flows, to evil reviews at your own expense.
  4. It is imperative to say that you work 2-3 hours a day and do what you want in this life.
So, did you recognize yourself?

I think yes, for we all started out in the same way to a greater or lesser extent. But anonymous ... do you like this future or do you really want something more? If you understand that the situation in which you find yourself is a complete ass, and that your whole life comes down to self-deception about how cool and independent you are, then it needs to be changed. Are you not afraid to face your fears? Are you a fighter?

It should be noted that not a single person will say that he is a failure in life. All losers say the same thing, “I don’t need much,” “I am a modest person,” “I devote time to my family.” Then the question is, which @ # $ did you go to carding? They would have learned to be a good doctor with golden hands and would benefit people. And we would have lived modestly for ourselves.

Therefore, let's think about a simple fact ...

If you do not have your own good apartment, car and the things you need such as clothes and normal / delicious food (material goods), you cannot normally support your family, you cannot devote time to self-development (spiritual goods) and self-realization (mental goods) - everything simply. You are a bummer and a failure. You are a plankton who is blindly and uselessly living his life, quietly whining and podrachivaya on the sidelines at those who find the strength and become a champion.

Is it a shame? But does this resentment, a sense of truth and a desire to change the course of events? If so, read on. It will be even tougher.

So the truth is very simple. Success in carding is measured by money. Only money and monthly net income. Point. All your other achievements are # $% nya!

Now let's estimate. Personally, I think a carder is a successful carder who raises at least a thousand dollars a week clean! Let's be clear again. Clean is clean. This is when you received money and spent it on your own needs. Not that we got 1000 and merged 800 into work. Work material is a waste. All that remains after spending on work is your net income. Expansion is a waste. Net income is what is left after spending on expansion. Do you understand now?

From Zero to Hero. A faq to do something?

First of all, plug your self-conceit into your belt, wipe yourself with a sense of self-importance and forget about self-pity. In short, you need to remember one simple postulate - you are alone on the warpath in a world that is still unknown to you. And nobody owes you here. One in a thousand achieves success. Your task is to be among them.
  • Step one. We are carefully studying the forum.
  • Step two. We go through training (for example, at VVH - excellent information is given out in portions, in the desired sequence).
  • Step three. We are actively working hard and preparing for great difficulties (in general, as elsewhere).

We communicate with smart people, filter our contacts in jabber, analyze errors. In general, at the very initial stage, you do not have so many options for work:
  1. Thing is a bruised stick / cardboard / shops / middle / drive-in. It's all here, here and there.
  2. For those who need real money -> the same stick, only you will learn how to drain money from it.

The cornerstone of your success is the people you work with.

In a thing, this is a huge number of intermediaries, drops / drop drivers, who will receive and send your goods to you. For newbies, I recommend taking a hit ratio of 0.5. That is, be prepared that your every second package will be stolen. This is far from the case, but you will not indulge yourself with unnecessary hopes and calculations.

In working with money - it's all the same, but it will be people who will accept your money and pay you your part. There are very few such people and 90% will throw you. I'm not going to advertise for anyone here (although there could be your advertisement for only 10 euros), so I'll just tell you how to protect yourself:
  1. Reputation on the forum (registration period is more than 3 months + reputation of at least 50 units).
  2. Deposit.
  3. Own theme with reviews. Reviews should also be from people with a reputation.
True, you will find that there are practically no such people. Look for something to say. He who seeks will always find. In any case, the problem has been dumped, and the problem of gulfs is the golden equation for money. When you learn how to fill in money and they will be cashed out for you, you will begin to go on vacation to the Canary Islands.

Reasonable question, but dick then everything is so complicated?

Let's refer to the title of the article. Because you are surrounded by plankton that can't fucking do. Who only sincerely believes that he knows how to do something. Who, in the end, realizes that he is a piece of poop on a stick and throws it, disappearing into the blue distances. There are 98% of such. Well, professionals don't need you.

The second reasonable question is, what is there to do ???

Search! Look for people like you. People who want to become champions. There are few of them, but they are. They are always there. And in fact there are many of them. You just have to be kinder to each other. You are both newbies and it will take a long time before you learn how to do your job clean and tidy.

It will take some time and clothing items will start to sell in larger quantities, and fillers will turn to more complex systems like GW, Skrill and others. This is not a quick process, but it is irreversible if you are serious about what you decide to do.

Don't expect quick money and success. As elsewhere - what came quickly, quickly went away. Everyone who goes into carding thinks that it will enrich them. And only a few who have at least some amount of brain achieve success.
  • You start from scratch - stick, drive, shops, training.
  • Several months to run in the material
  • A gradual search for partners and useful connections.
  • Keep your nose downwind at all times.
  • Explore new and more challenging topics.
This is the path to success. No clever schemes and classified materials. Brain + mind + good manners + focus + slowness.

All that was above applies to fairly sober beginners, who understood where and what they are climbing into, and how to get through the "zone of tubulence" as quickly and safely as possible. However, such a minority, therefore ...

Now we will consider a clinical case ...

Hello, my name is Vasya. I am from a deep village / middle city / metropolis. It just so happened that I really, really, really want money, but I don’t want to work at the plant for a number of reasons. Please help me. I have a lot of loans, no money, nothing to eat. I can’t do anything, I don’t want to study now, because I need money right now. I need a job with a stable income, good bonuses and high prospects. I am very hardworking and hardy until the first difficulty. I believe that I can conquer mountains and space, although in my life the most difficult thing I did was dare to register on the carder forum. There is no need to talk about the plant and the loader - I am an exceptionally exceptional person! You do not know anything about me and do not understand what value I represent for the entire Universe. And if you write me things that I don't want to hear,

Did you recognize yourself? Appeals and crying voices. Everyone has their own exceptional problems, and everyone thinks that he is too exceptional and his problems / difficulties are such that they can be solved only if you immediately get a large amount of money and a high stable income. In no time, of course!

If one day you have a knock in your head, you re-read the article and realized that this is about you, then half the job is done. Now your task is to crawl out of the swamp. Believe it or not, there are no super-secret schemes in nature here either.

We have a situation:
  • No money left
  • No work
  • No skills
Step one:
  1. We are looking for work offline, even 2. Hard / medium manual labor has not been canceled.
  2. Do you live in Muhosransk? Copywriting, custom website development, resale, mediation. Anything that helps you earn a pretty penny WITHOUT investment. This does not apply to carding.
  3. We are looking for work on forums like serchi. There are enough different proposals.
Don't want to look for a job? Only whine that nothing is working, there is not enough money, everything is bad, it doesn’t work, and in general you need someone to raise and promote you? Well, I can only be glad that you will soon die of hunger and the gene pool of planet Earth will become cleaner.

So, you have a job and some pretty penny drips. Now you can look towards carding.

Step two:
  1. We save up for training.
  2. Or, at our own peril and risk, we are looking for paid education (sometimes there are simply gorgeous options).
  3. We study on our own - the same section about the PayPal. From there, they will soon start typing information for manuals ...
Well, then I can only advise you to be patient and prepare for future difficulties and victories. Remember carding is a business. Everything that is applicable for business is applicable for carding. All agree that less than 1% of the population may be businessmen. In carding, everything is the same as.

  • I do not take as a student
  • I do not take on the team
  • I don't answer stupid questions
  • And in general, I myself have no money
PPS I allow all articles to be shared, while maintaining the authorship.