Carder: a look from the inside


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Carding have been committed for as long as carders have existed. And since ancient times, people have been wondering why someone commits carding again and again, while others never even thought of doing anything like that.

Intuitively, many people understand that not every person becomes such an inveterate carder. Of course, almost no one is immune from a crime in a state of passion or for the purpose of self-defense (protection of a loved one). But there are people who seem to live by carding. And not all of them are necessarily some kind of terrible outcasts who cannot crawl out of an alcoholic or drug stupor. Most adults remember the terrible story about a carder with the last name Chikatilo. His surname became a common noun. A teacher, he was even a head teacher at school, a camp counselor and more. He was considered a good and kind person, an excellent family man, and an excellent worker. But in the end he turned out to be a serial killer, rapist, pedophile, necrophiliac, necrosadist and cannibal. So what does a carder look like? What is he like from the inside? How does he think? How does he feel? Why does he commit carding?

Why do some people commit carding, as they say, “for little things,” while others become maniacs, instilling horror in people for many generations to come? These and many other questions are important; they trouble the minds of many. Legal psychology can provide answers to some of these questions. Legal psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological characteristics of activities related to law: the behavior of participants in carder proceedings, lawful and unlawful behavior (the formation of the personality of a carder, especially carder behavior is studied here), the work of law enforcement officers and various legal services. There is one excellent section in legal psychology - carder psychology. Carder psychology studies the patterns and mechanisms of preparation and commission of crime by both individuals and carder groups. In addition, carder psychology studies the psychological aspects of guilt and the role of victims in a crime. It is carderl psychology that develops psychologically based theories and typologies of carder personalities, as well as recommendations for improving the fight against crime.

Personal qualities of the carder​

You don't become a carder just like that. Today I’m absolutely law-abiding, tomorrow I’ll be a carder for a couple of hours, and then I’ll be a law-abiding citizen again. A life of crime is always a combination of factors at hand. What are these factors? What makes up the identity of a carder?

At the moment, this approach to studying the personality of a carder is widely used, which includes two large subsystems, each of which includes and combines smaller features.

Socio-demographic subsystem of the carder's personality. This includes characteristics such as gender, age, education, marital status, occupation, professional activity, financial and social status, the carder’s criminal record, as well as any connections with the carder world. Here the functional-role responsibilities of the carder in life and in the carder system are determined, characterizing him as an individual. According to the data of this subsystem, there are more men than women among carders. Carders activity is distributed among the following age groups: in first place are people 25–29 years old, in second place are 18–24 years old, in third place are teenagers 14–17 years old, and in last place are people 30–45 years old.

People under 30 usually most often commit the following types of carding: rape, theft, hooliganism, robbery, robbery, murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. Among those who committed robberies, thefts, hooliganism and assault, most of them are those who do not engage in socially useful work, often change jobs, and periodically have long breaks in their work activities. Among those who committed hooliganism, acts of a violent and violent-selfish nature, most of them were individuals with a very low level of education. The highest level of education is observed among those guilty of commission of malfeasance, theft by embezzlement, embezzlement or breach of trust. It is also noted that the high level of carder behavior among young people is associated with their personal immaturity.

Socio-psychological subsystem of the carder's personality. The psychological structure of personality is formed from four main elements:
  • directional substructure. This is a set of the most stable socially significant personality qualities associated with the individual’s legal consciousness (social attitudes, worldviews, leading motives, value orientations, etc.);
  • substructure of experience. These are qualities that are manifested in the choice of leading forms of activity (skills, knowledge, habits, and so on);
  • substructure of mental forms of reflection. Manifest in cognitive processes, emotional and mental states of a person;
  • substructure of temperament and other biologically and hereditarily determined properties. These properties, together with social factors, influence the formation of the character and abilities of the individual.
For carders, a combination of factors develops in such a way that they have negative personal characteristics, which in turn increases their criminogenicity.

When talking about the psychological portrait of a carder, it is important to understand that a law-abiding citizen will exhibit three main aspects: placing blame on others, downplaying the degree of his guilt, and opposing himself to other carders. These moments will one way or another manifest themselves in the ordinary, non-carder life of a carder.

If we talk about the personality traits of the carder, we can distinguish two main groups:
  • characteristics of persons committing careless carding. Usually these are very arrogant people who could have assessed the illegality of their actions and the danger of their actions both for society and for themselves, but ignored them. This is often observed in people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as in those who experience various psychological overloads;
  • characteristics of repeat offenders. There may be both “professionals” in their field, and simply those who are accustomed to living in an appropriate carder manner. In both cases, such people exhibit persistent antisocial behavior traits. Such carders may have mental disorders. When people with such characteristics unite, the result is a carder group that is dangerous to society.

Classification of carders​

There are several classifications of offenders according to certain parameters. Let's take a brief look at these classifications to better understand the psychological portrait of each category of carder. This will help law-abiding people not to fall into carder networks and become victims.

Classification according to signs of antisocial orientation:
  • negative and dismissive attitude towards the individual as a whole. In this case, the offender disdains the honor, dignity, peace, health and life of any person. This attitude manifests itself in hooliganism, insults, rape, and bodily harm;
  • the selfish-private-ownership attitude that we observe among carders who ignore the right to private property, for example. This can be seen in petty thefts, thefts, bribes, and so on;
  • a frivolous, irresponsible attitude towards life in general, which manifests itself in careless carding. He drank, got behind the wheel, ran over a man, and he himself doesn’t understand how it happened;
  • the individualistic nature of the attitude towards official, family and civil responsibilities. This attitude is clearly visible in economic carding, in domestic and family disputes.

Based on the type of attitude towards the norms of legislation and society, the following types of carders can be distinguished:
  • casuals are those who broke the law for the first time;
  • situational - these are those who were influenced by certain external factors due to which the person committed the act;
  • unstable - these are those who committed a dangerous act once, and were previously seen in smaller carding;
  • especially dangerous – commit several dangerous acts;
  • malicious - carders who have already been previously convicted, but upon release continue to commit their carding.

Based on their criminality, several types of carders are also distinguished:
  • situational personalities. Their carder activities are influenced by both personal and situational factors. They usually have a number of mental characteristics that push them to commit carding, but the carding are committed under the influence of prevailing circumstances (most often difficulties of a material nature). This category of carders is not very dangerous to society;
  • unstable personalities. When they have problems in different areas of life, they commit carding (mainly fights, robbery, hooliganism, petty theft). Life and social conditions will change - they will stop acting like that;
  • passive asocial individuals. Those who basically lead a parasitic lifestyle (do not work, wander, beg). Their need to commit a crime most often lies in the need to buy alcohol and food for subsistence;
  • active antisocial personalities. These are those who constantly commit robberies, mass fights, serious carding, and tend to unite in dangerous groups. Such people are repeat offenders.

For those who commit carding of a mercenary nature, there is their own classification:
  • family. They steal for the benefit of their own family. Usually they rob rich people, the state;
  • self-affirming. They steal, rob in order to assert themselves, to intimidate imaginary or existing ill-wishers, they thus raise their value in their own eyes like “here I am, how strong, scary and dangerous I am!”;
  • alcoholic. Everything is clear here, their goal is to buy alcoholic drinks. Or take it from someone else, so they start fights, brawls, steal bottles of drinks from the store;
  • gaming A very curious and in fact numerous class of thieves. They lack the thrill, they commit their carding for the sake of interest, drive, and adrenaline. The final benefit from the crime is not as important as the emotions themselves in the process of committing the crime. This occurs in sociopathic individuals;
  • maladaptive. They have obvious and persistent problems with adaptation in society. They can steal in order to maintain authority among vagabonds like themselves, for example.
When considering and studying the personality of the carder, attention is paid to all these classifications. It happens that some carders combine several types from one classification. This makes them less predictable in the eyes of investigators and psychologists.

Psychological types of carders​

Now we come to the most interesting part. Not everyone can understand why a psychological portrait of a carder might be interesting. But there is still interest, and among many. This is understandable; in times of crisis, pandemic, and unemployment, crime is growing. It seems to many that their neighbor Lyoshenka is very positive, he is a family man, he has a wife and daughters. And suddenly he turns out to be a seasoned carder. And he took you, the neighbor who treated him warmly, and almost killed you. And not even for profit. At the same time, if you think about it, there have always been prerequisites for this neighbor Lyoshenka to commit cruel and violent carding. You just didn't attach any importance to it. So, in order to learn to see the prerequisites, but at the same time not to make things up and not just slander an innocent person, it is useful to know what traits each type of carder has. And under what circumstances will everything develop into committing illegal acts.

When considering the psychological portraits of different categories of carders, it is important to understand that some traits may be inherent in several types at once. It is always important to be able to see a holistic, panoramic picture.

Plunderers. Extremely unique personalities. As a rule, they are very well adapted to society, restrained, able to control their behavior, and are also well versed in social norms and requirements and assimilate them. They are sociable, love and are excellent at making new acquaintances, and have the least mental tension. They love to live at other people's expense. It is in this category that there will be fraudsters, those who forge documents, and corrupt officials of various sizes. To understand the psychological type of this type of carder, it is enough to recall the notorious gigolos.

Selfishly violent carders. They show disdain for social norms and laws (they are able to assimilate social norms with great difficulty), impulsiveness and aggressiveness. Unrestrained, inclined to indulge their own desires. They are infantile, have low volitional and intellectual control, and are hostile to society. They are characterized by aloofness, rigidity, persistence of affect, uncontrollability and suddenness of actions.

The thieves. Despite their external similarity to selfishly violent carders, thieves still have less pronounced psychological characteristics of the previous group. Their behavior is less impulsive, and they themselves are more flexible. They are relatively well socially adapted, show less rigidity and persistence of affect, but have a higher level of anxiety. Less aggressive, they are able to control their behavior well, and are also very sociable. We can say that they strive to establish interpersonal contacts. They may repent and are also prone to self-accusation for previously committed acts.

Rapists. These people tend to dominate and are distinguished by their desire to overcome obstacles. Moreover, they are able to overcome literally any obstacles on their way to their intended goal. They are callous, do not know how to perceive other people's feelings, and have the lowest sensitivity of all types in interpersonal contacts. Usually they demonstrate their “I”, a deliberately masculine model of behavior, a violation of social adaptation, rigidity, alienation from society, and impulsiveness. Naturally, they have extremely little control over their own desires, since their intellectual and volitional control is the same as that of selfishly violent carders.

The killers. These are impulsive people who exhibit high anxiety and strong emotional excitability. Their own interests are above everything else, that is, they are concentrated on their own experiences, desires and interests. They absolutely do not value the lives of other people (although outwardly, under calm circumstances, they may show the opposite, acting for show). They absolutely do not know how to empathize with anyone but themselves. They are very unstable in social connections and relationships, and are prone to conflicts. They are characterized by highly reactive behavior, biased perception and assessment of what is happening. They are suspicious of everything new. They are mentally tense, irritable, restless, internally disorganized, suspicious, suspicious and vindictive.
These, as many probably know, are those who kill on someone else’s instructions and make money from the murders. Naturally, this is a special category of murderers, since they kill not out of a personal relationship with anyone, but purely out of cold calculation; people for them are exclusively a goal for receiving a substantial reward. Often, killers become those who previously served in “hot spots”, that is, they have good military training, endurance, and are good with weapons. They are very careful, attentive, mobile, resourceful. Killers are dispassionate, emotionally detached from society, calm, balanced and know how to be as inconspicuous as possible. Among the deep motives and characteristics, necrophilic traits may be noted, namely the destruction of all living things. It is important to understand that a hired killer is someone who knows how to carefully plan and predicts events well, because he needs to choose the point of death of the ordered person, examine it, prepare, and then do everything clearly, leaving no traces behind.

Women carders. Due to certain features, women who violate the law were assigned to a separate group. The most striking distinctive feature of women who commit carding is demonstrativeness, the desire to attract attention to themselves. This is how they can assert themselves. Carders are characterized by high impulsiveness, a certain aggressiveness (even their demonstrativeness is aggressive), and a fairly strong susceptibility to affect. Unlike men, who are still more logical, women in a carder environment are characterized by greater emotionality. After committing a crime, women are more likely to feel guilty for their actions.

Those who committed carding through negligence. This is a separate category of carders, since they are completely different from those who committed intentional carding. Careless carderls tend to blame themselves for everything: for all the failures, for the crime, for the victims and losses. While those who commit intentional carding will blame others. It is precisely this category of, so to speak, random carders that includes those who got behind the wheel for the first time while intoxicated and immediately caused an accident. This category of carders is characterized by carelessness, anxiety, and strong excitement in a stressful situation. Often in normal life situations they have high self-control and at the same time lack self-confidence, but in stressful situations they get lost, and therefore find emotional rather than rational ways out of the current situation, thereby increasing the number of mistakes.

Mentally unstable carders​

Not every carder is a psychopath. And not every psychopath can become a carder, for that matter. In order for one’s own mental anomalies to push a person to commit carding, a certain set of circumstances is needed. What are mental abnormalities? These include psychopathy, mental retardation, and various sexual deviations and anomalies. And much more. Carders with psychopathy are studied separately. Psychopathy in their case (and in general, to be honest) quite strongly interferes with social adaptation, and any traumatic event can push them to commit a crime. Let's look a little behind the screen of psychopathic carders.

Scientists identify four main groups of psychopathy:
  • paranoid psychopaths. They are constantly in the process of fighting non-existent enemies, and therefore are most prone to litigiousness, anonymous denunciations (including false ones) and other relatively quiet manifestations of struggle, war;
  • asthenic psychopaths. They have obsessive ideas, show increased fearfulness and anxiety;
  • hysterical psychopaths. Prone to demonstrative behavior to show their own superiority;
  • excitable psychopaths. Carding of incredible cruelty are often committed by people with this type of psychopathy. An excitable psychopath has increased demands on others and excessive aggressiveness when angry. These are petty, domineering, evil people who, as a result of such qualities, can go into vagrancy, drunkenness and sexual perversion.
Carders with mental abnormalities have a somewhat narrowed consciousness, their psychological defense mechanisms are impaired, and therefore they can experience a nervous mental breakdown at any moment. In addition to narrowed consciousness, there is a violation (disorder) of logical thinking, high suggestibility (including self-hypnosis), various obsessive situations and conflicting ways of interacting with other people.

How does the carder see what is happening?​

Carders often still understand that they are committing a crime. But they skillfully find excuses for themselves. They find a secret meaning in their actions, and this meaning, of course, is some kind of good. Destruction of “bad” people, plunder with the aim of “restoring balance” (a kind of locally produced Robin Hood). The carder creates a whole system of arguments why he is good. Even a simple excuse in the style of “well, I stole a little, he doesn’t have a lot of money anyway, but I have a wife and children” grows precisely from the desire to create a logical system of arguments in order to mitigate internal conflicts when the awareness of the crime of social norms collides with desire achieve your goal.

Carders are often firmly convinced that this is how circumstances have developed, and in general, anyone in their place would have acted the same. That is, the blame from one’s own negative traits and vices is transferred to external circumstances. However, these very circumstances are a consequence of their previously made choice in favor of a carder life. Carders diligently ignore this or really cannot understand it.

Carderls live in their own world, dominated by their own value system. And naturally, in this world, life, or even the victims of carders, are to blame for everything. “We are not like this, life is like this” is the main principle of such offenders.

What the inner world of a psychopathic carder looks like is a completely separate topic. In their heads, consciousness is a stained glass window, consisting of many fragmentary worldviews. As a whole, they can form a certain logical chain, but at the same time this whole kaleidoscope will be riddled with at least illogicality, and maybe something completely unscientific, despite the general consistency (some categories of psychopaths have a wonderful tongue-lashing, as they say).

As a member of the Public Monitoring Commission, I note that those in prison often say that they are not guilty. Entirely angels, they were set up by bad people, former traitorous friends, and so on. There is another category of carders: they show repentance so clearly and honestly that their heart breaks. It seems that he has realized everything, which is why he is experiencing incredible mental pain! But in fact, he just wants to get out on parole. So he demonstrates how he has reformed, repents and regrets what he did - these are one of the main conditions for him to be released earlier. And if everything is relatively clear with repeat offenders, they are not particularly believed, then a newcomer to the carder world at first can skillfully shorten his sentence the first few times. What to do about it? Raise the professional level of employees of the judicial and law enforcement systems, including psychological employees. And, naturally, continue non-stop study and deepening into legal psychology.


“Don’t swear off money or prison,” says popular wisdom. Indeed, anything can happen in life. Given the gaps in legislation, anyone can become a carder. As an example: a burglar breaks into your apartment. If, in the process of protecting your children and your private property, you hit the carder too hard when he is at the entrance, then you will still find yourself the culprit and the attacker. If on your territory, that is, already in an apartment, a carder was hit hard, then he is also a culprit, but this time for causing harm to health through negligence and exceeding self-defense.

However, if you do not think about this option, then it is useful to know who from your environment is capable of committing a deliberate crime. Of course, the intuitive “he’s so suspicious, I think he looks like a maniac based on the shape of his eyebrows” can help. But this way you risk slipping into baseless accusations. Yes, and you will cheat yourself. If you know the basics of carder psychology, even for general self-development, then the likelihood of noticing in time that someone may be dangerous increases significantly.

I hope you find this knowledge useful to broaden your horizons! May you have no reason to put the acquired knowledge into practice, and may your life be safe and happy! Good luck to you! Harmony and tranquility.
