Californian notifies cryptocurrency thief of claim with transaction


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An American from California, who had $100,000 stolen from his Coinbase wallet in 2021, summoned the alleged robber to court by attaching a message to a small transaction to his address. As journalist Brian Krebs reports, this case has become a precedent at the federal level, although something similar has already happened in lower courts.

The victim of the criminals, medical worker Ryan Dellone, lost his cryptocurrency savings in December 2021 after his account was hacked on the Coinbase platform (which was also sued for ignoring obvious signs of an impending theft). Apparently, he was a victim of SIM card swapping. Dellone brought experts into the investigation to track cryptocurrency flows, who were able to figure out the path of the stolen crypt right down to the specific address where it remains motionless to this day.

As it turned out, this address appears in a federal investigation into an entire group that was engaged in the theft of cryptocurrency. It is unknown whether the account belongs to the criminals themselves or whether the funds were confiscated by the state.

Court hearings in the United States proceed much faster if the plaintiff’s party manages to notify the defendant of the proceedings that have begun against him. In addition, this will help to understand who controls the account with the money stolen from Dellone. His lawyers were able to convince a federal judge to grant notice through the transaction. 100 dollars were sent to the account, attaching a note with the following content to the transfer: “OSERVICE – SUMMONS, COMPLAINT U.S. Dist. E.D. Cal. LINK:"

It contains an indication of the proceedings being conducted in a California court, as well as a link to the statement of claim. According to lawyers cited by Krebs, the tactics chosen by the lawyers could force the government to disclose information about the case or explain to the judge why the plaintiff will not be able to return the stolen funds without delay.