Bypassing YouTube ad blocking: a new method

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YouTube imposes ads, but Windows Phone does not respond.

Google recently started preventing users who use ad blockers from viewing videos on its YouTube platform. However, the community is actively looking for ways to circumvent this restriction.

One of the users of the social network X, known by the nickname @endermanch, shared an interesting method to bypass the intrusive pop-up window designed to stop the use of ad blockers on YouTube.

The essence of the method is that when viewing videos in the Chrome browser, you can switch the "user-agent" parameter — this is an HTTP header that defines the type of device, browser version, and operating system that the user uses. Interesting fact: even Google itself offers tools for switching the parameter.

So, using such a tool, including the one created by Google, you can change the "user agent" parameter to the value "Windows Phone". As a result, the pop-up window that warns you about using the ad blocker disappears, and you can enjoy watching videos without advertising inserts. It should be noted that Google may close this vulnerability in the future, but for now it's a great way to honor the memory of Windows Phone.

Of course, this method only applies to users of the free version of YouTube. Subscribers of a paid YouTube Premium subscription do not face such restrictions.