$Buying 5-6 figure installs for a whitehat project, no rats/bots/logging/bot killing$


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First off as the title states, this is for an entirely whitehat project, and does not involve rats, banking bots (zeus/spyeye), keyloggers, or botkillers that could make the bot unstable in any way. My project works on a plugin type basis not an exe.

Full details will be available to those interested, you can inspect and crawl through the binary if you wish to ensure that there is nothing malicious as part of the plugin. It's a non malicious, non obtrusive, non crashing plugin that has a key play in a project I'm working on.

This is a perfect oppurtunity to make a large amount of easy cash by installing my plugin on your bots. Seeing as it will have 0% affect on the bots, and is can be disabled at the pc users discretion. nothing here is going steal or kill your bots in any way, and I can prove it naturally of course.

Payment will be made via LR, no gaypal allowed.
Not looking to purchase under 1000 installs at a time.
Very interested in a long term business plan with someone with a weekly install turnaround in return for continual reimbursement.
If you have a good exploit pack, something non public, even 0day, we can talk further, I can push a large amount of traffic

If you have what I'm requesting and you'd like to know more, and you're not a sk1d, timewaster, or try hard scammer, then get in touch with me!

Payment for large amounts of bots will be handled by some sort of escrow service, please don't waste my time or yours if you're here for some small change ripping.

I don't want my contact info plastered over the next, you can PM me, and I'll be in touch shortly, I support, msn, yahoo icq, jabber, and skype.

Thanks for your time