Business - 7 manipulation mechanisms


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Salute, carders, cognitive perception of ourselves and other people prevents us from giving an objective assessment of what is happening. The world around us is perceived through the prism of our own beliefs and self-indulgence.

Do you think about how you make decisions? What are they based on: logic, emotions, or psychological attitudes?
95% of businessmen fail in the first 1-2. 5 years, believing that they know their consumer and can get them to buy their product. Thought: "I know how my customer thinks" is the main mistake of a novice businessman.
In fact, the buyer himself does not know how he thinks.
That is why large companies employ several marketers to sell their products.
Internet marketers who have learned the features of cognitive perception have developed several mechanisms that can "turn on" hidden behavioral mechanisms.

Here are 7 mechanisms that can change human behavior.
  • Gift-touch
  • Confirmation of intentions
  • Crowd effect
  • Authoritarianism
  • Deficit
  • More-less
  • The highlight

Let's take a closer look at these mechanisms.

The essence of this mechanism can be expressed in one short phrase: I am for you – you are for me.
Some hidden mechanism laid down by nature encourages a person to render a reciprocal service to a selfless gift. Many people say in such cases: "I just don't want to be proper."
Followers of Buddhism were the first to understand this mechanism. People in bright orange clothes are constantly handing out something: flowers, cupcakes, books, and then asking for donations. If you've been given a favor, you're also trying to do something nice for that person.

How to apply it?
Users should definitely give something useful as a gift. For example, book publishers give you free access to several chapters of a new book on the Internet. If you are selling a product, first give the user a mini-book on how to use or care for this product. A gift can be a ticket, a discount coupon, a product catalog, and so on. After completing the donation act, it is important to immediately ask for a response service, for example, subscribe to the newsletter of useful informational materials, leave your email address, evaluate products, pass a test, or leave a comment about the service.
The one-touch method involves redirecting the user to an offer to buy a product immediately after the gift is presented.
The series of touches technique involves strengthening relationships with a potential client through 3-5-7 touches.

2. Confirmation of intent
The essence of the method: each person is responsible for their words, if once they have confirmed their commitment to the brand in writing, they will not give up their words.
This can be summarized in the following phrase:: "I said I like it, so I like it."

How to apply it?
Using the Gift-touch mechanism, you can force the user to leave an entry in the social profile. Writing on the" wall "in the profile is a kind of "act of intent". So that words do not diverge from deeds, many are willing to pay money even for unnecessary things.

3. The crowd effect
The bottom line: the desire to go with the flow, to be like everyone else — is indestructible in a person, because 1000 people can not make mistakes?!
Each person tries to determine for himself what is the norm in society. Having made up his mind, he tries to follow the generally accepted postulates. The crowd always attracts new participants with its mass. A lot of research has been done on this topic.

How to apply it?
A previously unknown music track with a large number of "likes" is downloaded more often and evaluated positively than the same song with a minimum number of positive reviews.
A product with a large number of comments is purchased more often. Hits, blockbusters, and bestsellers become popular precisely because they were originally declared as such. It has long been noticed that a book has the best sales if its cover says: bestseller.
Now think about how the first print run of a book could have become a bestseller if it had just come out of the printing press.
In online stores, you can often see the following messages: "People who bought this product were also interested in..."; " We recommend...".
Another marketing trick from this series: default settings.
Our subconscious mind tends to assume that the basic settings are the only correct ones. As a rule, these settings ******include the desired installation. For example, insurance or an additional product is automatically added to your shopping cart: a TV table, a soft chair cushion, or mirror cleaner.

4. Credibility
People always listen to the opinion of a reputable expert in a particular field.
Famous people often participate in the filming of an ad. People in lab coats advertising toothpaste are more trustworthy than people in sweaters or sportswear.

How to apply it?
On Twitter, users are more likely to click on links and purchase a product if the tweet belongs to a well-known person. In the store, the comment with the highest number of votes becomes authoritarian. This is why some stores allow guests to rate comments from other users.

5. Deficit
Psychological effect: "I will leave, and I will not get anything, others will take it."
The word "deficit" is well known to all natives of the former Soviet Union. In the USSR, almost everything that was of any value was swept off the shelves: from soap to televisions. And it does not matter that the size is not yours, you do not smoke, you do not have children – you must take it!
A shortage of goods in the land of Soviets is the dream of a Western marketer. In the United States, a study was conducted that confirmed the hackneyed truth: less is always more valuable. Water in half-liter bottles is bought more often. A pack of two crackers is taken more often than a pack of ten.
Of course, the buyer finds a whole range of excuses for himself that are not related to the psychological effect, for example, "it's more convenient for me to use a small package", "I don't need more".
It is not known who first came up with the idea of creating an artificial deficit. But the most successful example of creating artificial hype is well known: Dietary supplements of Karl Rehnborg. It was Rehnborg who used an artificial shortage to distribute goods that no one needed at that time – this was a truly brilliant move.

How to apply it?
Musicians and artists periodically give the last concert in their career or arrange a sale of paintings on the occasion of the end of their creative career, and then continue their activities until the next closing.
The latest concert tickets always sell faster and better than the first ones. Closed beta testing of the product attracts more users. The last three items in the catalog are more likely to be purchased.
We inherited this mechanism from our distant ancestors, when food scarcity was the main cause of high mortality.
Closing sales are the most effective way to attract a lot of customers and sell the product.

6. More is less
"Everything is known by comparison," Friedrich Nietzsche argued.
Most people can not adequately assess the cost of the product, which is why they compare with the available offers, choosing the best price-performance ratio.

How to apply it?
In the restaurant business, there is such a thing as an "anchor dish". The price of an anchor dish is always too high, and other items are perceived as relatively inexpensive compared to it.
Internet service providers often use several package offers when selling services; one of them has a very high price and includes a lot of services that are not needed by the average user.
When selling a product, you can offer the buyer several options: just a product, a product with lifetime service, a product complete with an additional product, consultation or home visit of a specialist and service for 5 years.

7. Zest
The human brain always seeks to optimize the resources spent on information processing. We pay less attention to familiar things, objects, and events happening around us. The eye stops at the brightest element of the environment, and we notice unusual and unusual things best of all.

How to apply it?
A bright button with an unusual shape will attract more attention and ensure a high level of sales.
Experts say that a bright big order button raises the level of sales – this is a true and incorrect statement at the same time. This conclusion was made due to the lack of knowledge and skills for a more detailed, in-depth study of the issue by specialists.
The bright red button doesn't work by itself, it works because it is a bright spot on the general background, that is, an irritant. If large red buttons are installed on all sites – the effect of annoyance will subside, and sales will fall.
The most successful sellers use interesting, bright design elements on their websites: buttons, order forms, product card design, etc. Periodic design changes have a positive effect on sales. But you only need to change individual elements.
The highlight can be anything: an unusual design, a non-standard offer, a promotion, a contest, a call, a slogan, a gift.

Each method is good in its own way and contains a lot of features. For each type of business, you need to test certain elements: change the price, the number of products, and the essence of offers. In the end, the perfect formula for your business will be established through trial and error.

If you put your theoretical knowledge into practice, you will get positive results, and then you will be able to feel like a real architect of persuasion.

Carding 4 Carders

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What is our reality: how multilevel manipulation works​


Instead of an introduction - a parable.

Prince and Magician.

Once upon a time there was a prince who believed in everything but three things in which he did not believe. He didn't believe in princesses, he didn't believe in islands, and he didn't believe in God. The prince's father, the king, told him that such things do not exist in the world. Thus, in his father's domain there were no princesses, no islands, and no signs of God; and the prince believed his father.
But then one day the prince escaped from the palace and ended up in another country. And in this country he could see the islands from any part of the coast, and on these islands strange, causing excitement in the blood, creatures, which he did not have the heart to name. While he was busy looking for a boat, a man in evening dress approached him.
- Are these real islands? asked the young prince. - Were the sleeves of his jacket rolled up? The prince remembered that the sleeves had been rolled up. The king smiled. - This is the usual clothes of a magician, you were deceived. Then the prince returned to another country, went to the same bank and again met a man in evening dress. “The king, my father, has told me who you are,” the prince told him indignantly. “Last time you deceived me, but this time it will not work. Now I know that these are not real islands and not real princesses, because you yourself are just a magician. The man on the shore smiled in response:
“Of course, these are real islands,” the man in the evening dress answered him.
- And these strange, exciting creatures?
- These are the most real, the most authentic princesses.
- Then God must also exist! the prince exclaimed.
“I am God,” the man in evening dress answered him and bowed.

The young prince hurried to his home with all his might.
“So you are back,” the king-father greeted him.
“And I saw the islands, I saw the princesses and I saw God,” the prince remarked to him reproachfully.

The king replied adamantly:
“In fact, there are no islands, no princesses, no God.
- But I saw them!
- Tell me, what was God wearing?
- He was in evening dress.

- You yourself are deceived, my boy. Your father's kingdom has many islands and princesses. But your father has brought you under his spell, and you cannot see them.

In thought, the prince returned to his home. When he saw his father, he looked him straight in the eye.
- Father, is it true that you are not a real king, but only a magician?
- Yes, my son, I'm just a magician.
- So the man on the shore was God?
“The man on the shore is another magician.
“I must know the truth, the truth that lies behind magic!
“There is no truth behind magic,” said the king.

The prince became very sad. He said "I will kill myself." With the help of magic, the king caused death. Death stood in the doorway and beckoned the prince with signs.
The prince shuddered. He remembered about the beautiful, but not real princesses and about the fake, but beautiful islands.
“What to do,” he said. I can handle it.
- Here, my son, - said the king, - here you also begin to become a magician.
John Fowles

Manipulation can be divided into "low-level" and "high-level".
Now, low-level manipulation is what we mean when we say "make it do". It is low-level, because it is carried out at the lower logical levels. All sorts of gypsy tricks, when people understand that they are being manipulated, but cannot resist, as well as banal blackmail and insistence, are included here. As a rule, in the case of this manipulation, a person knows what they want from him, but does not want it himself.

As a result of high-level manipulation, a person does what you need on his own initiative. He may want it, think that it is necessary, or achieve his goals in this way, it does not matter at all. It is important that if you try to stop him, he will tell you not to interfere with him and will continue his work. Because he has reasons or goals to do it, and he BELIEVES in them.

The nature of high-level manipulation is to create for a person a "reality" that he believes in. And it doesn't have to be a completely different reality. It is enough to create just a few key details that will define the rest of the "reality". How is this possible? I'll tell you now.

Due to the fact that a person does not have eyes on the back of his head, the following rule applies to him: a person sees what he is looking at. That is, he chooses what to see by turning his head, or something else :). And at the same time, as studies have shown, a person, perceiving the world around him, receives only 20% of information from the outside, and builds 80% from memory.
The question arises. What determines where a person is looking, and what information does he fill in the missing 80%? Should he (or rather, we :)) have some guiding criteria and attention filters?

They are. These are our unconscious goals, values and beliefs. Unconscious goals, that is, our desires and interests, direct our attention in our daily movement. The work of this mechanism is especially noticeable in supermarkets and shopping centers, and it is extremely funny to observe how people struggle between unconscious goals and conscious ones. The outcome is different.
Conscious goals exist thanks to beliefs, by virtue of which we know what is right and what is wrong, and how to act, and how not.

Beliefs direct our attention in the same way as desires with interests, only through a conscious path. And they also help to complete 80% of the picture of the world. Conviction in something, this is the knowledge that "this is so", and it is quite logical to finish building from what you know, and not to invent.
If we are convinced that our colleague is a fake, we will know that all his behavior is a fake, and, accordingly, we will see this in his every action. Naturally, each person does something for himself, but if you notice in a person only the aforementioned actions, then the conviction that he is an addict will very quickly establish itself.
And so it is with all beliefs.

Values are our "beacons" in life. What we attach the most importance to. If you do not take into account small values, like favorite gifts, then they are usually common among people of the same culture. Life, love, recognition, material well-being, happiness tend to be appreciated by everyone, but to varying degrees. And this difference in the hierarchies of values among people creates a feeling of a difference in their values in general (the effect of completing construction), and, as a consequence, in the perception of people. Therefore, people often turn out to be different from what we think.

So, back to high-level manipulation. To create the "reality" that we need for a person, it is enough to change his filters of attention, so that he simply begins to look and notice other things in his environment, and build "reality" on the basis of other beliefs. And all that is needed for this is to "promote" new interests and desires to him, focusing on his own values, and to build in him several convictions. But in most cases, in order to get the desired result, it is enough to change a few of his beliefs. All of this you can learn.