Bulgarian police arrest Instakilla hacker


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The ZDNet edition, with reference to the Bulgarian law enforcers, reports on the arrest of the Instakilla hacker (real name was not disclosed). The suspect is accused of hacking, extortion and selling information stolen from companies on the Internet. During the searches in Plovdiv, the hacker seized several computers, smartphones, flash drives, as well as an unnamed amount of cryptocurrency.

Instakilla has been active since about 2017, although it only gained widespread prominence last year. So, in the summer of 2019, it was Instakilla that leaked information stolen from the National Tax Administration of Bulgaria to the network, although it did not directly participate in the hacking itself.


In the fall of that year, a hacker compromised the official Comodo forums and then claimed responsibility for breaking into a number of Italian and Dutch forums for sex workers (prostitution is legal in these countries).

This year, Instakilla has been linked to a major hack on the Stalker Online forums, from where it stole over 1.2 million user posts, which it then put up for sale on a hacker forum. On the same forum, the attacker had something like his own "store" where he sold data stolen from companies (including two unnamed Bulgarian organizations, a local hosting provider and an e-mail service). And as a result, Instakilla was banned from this forum for fraud.


As it is easy to understand from the incidents listed above, Instakilla mainly preferred to hack the vulnerable vBulletin forums, from where it stole databases. Also, the criminal had his own website, where he offered his hacking services to everyone.

It is now known that Instakilla was detained by the authorities for 72 hours.