Browser automation: what is it and what is it for?


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Users who work a lot on the network often have to perform similar actions. Below, we'll show you how Dolphin{anty} can help you automate many of these actions so that you can spend time doing more useful work.

What is browser automation ?​

Browser automation is a feature that helps you set up processes so that they work with minimal involvement from you.

For example, this applies to:
  • uploading account data to the browser,
  • launch and delete ads,
  • analyzing comments,
  • working with a proxy,
  • sort and search for the right accounts,
  • view your accounts,
  • testing interfaces,

For automation, you can use:
  • special browsers. For example, some anti-detect browsers are also suitable for automating some processes;
  • ad auto-fill programs are software that is designed to work with ads and analytics on the web. Usually, each program is created to work with a specific site. For example, with TikTok, Instagram, Google, or Facebook;
  • browser extensions.
What exactly is useful for such programs, we will analyze on the example of Dolphin products.

How automation works in Dolphin{anty}​

Dolphin{anty} is an anti-detection browser that changes users. Digital fingerprints are configured for each individual browser profile.

A browser profile is like a separate browser inside a browser. Depending on the selected pricing plan, you can create the desired number of profiles.

For example, this is the list of browser profiles on completely free tariff from Dolphin{anty}:

During operation, each created profile opens in a separate tab. This allows you to work with dozens or hundreds of accounts simultaneously from the same browser.

In addition, Dolphin{anty} has many additional features that can speed up or automate your work. We'll talk about these features below.

Why do I need browser automation?​

There are two key reasons:
  • Save time
Ordinary actions take up a lot of time. For example, if an arbitrageur needs to transfer hundreds of accounts from one browser to another, it may take several hours.

By automating a number of standard actions, you can use the available time to complete tasks that are impossible without your participation.
  • Avoiding errors
When performing typical actions, it is easy to make a mistake. For example, if you need to copy data from multiple accounts to a specific browser, it may accidentally mix up windows or keyboard shortcuts during the migration process.

Unlike humans, algorithms don't make mistakes. For example, by starting automatic account loading, you can be sure that everything will be done correctly.

What specialists can help automate actions in the browser?​

Automation of actions is useful for all digital specialists. For example:

  • Arbitrageurs
When transferring accounts, uploading cookies or proxies.

  • For marketers
To quickly search for accounts, view advanced statistics on ad metrics, or analyze comments.

  • Forkworkers
To bypass the bookmakers ' restrictions on the number of accounts and quickly upload new accounts to the browser.

  • To Farmers
To create accounts for the required geos and upload them automatically to your customers.

  • For developers
For safe testing of interfaces.

How Dolphin{anty} can simplify your work 👏

We have compiled the main features of the Dolphin{anty} browser, which, based on user feedback, help to significantly speed up your work:

✅ View all accounts in one browser

Since the anti-detection browser changes the digital fingerprint in each individual browser profile, you can work from one browser with dozens or hundreds of accounts at once. This means that users don't need to buy separate devices to work with different accounts at the same time.

✅ Installing extensions

You can add extensions to Dolphin{anty}, which can then be configured for individual types of browser profiles, or for all of them at once. Extensions can be downloaded from stores or from your device.

✅ Speed up profile navigation

Up to each browser profile, you can add:
  • Profile type. Facebook, TikTok, Google, or Crypto. If you need the profile for other purposes, you can choose none. Selecting the profile type helps you find the profiles you need faster from the general list. This is especially useful if you work with different sites.
  • Statuses. In statuses, you can specify any useful information about the profile status. For example, "new", "in progress", "on review" , etc. By marking statuses, you can quickly find the right profiles while working.
  • Tags. This is an additional way to divide profiles into specific groups. For example, if you work in a team, you can specify which users work on a particular account. If you need a browser to work with betting, for example, you can specify which bookmaker you need an account for.

Home Pages

In Dolphin{anty}, you can set start pages for a specific category of accounts or for all of them at once. You can create such sitelinks that will be pinned to the top of a specific profile. This will help you open the necessary pages faster, depending on the type of profile you are using.

✅ Mass import of accounts

If you use purchased accounts, they can be downloaded en masse to the browser in just a couple of clicks.

Automation via third-party services

Dolphin{anty} can be automated using Puppeteer, Playwright, Selenium, and so on. For example, this way you can automatically view pages, test interfaces, and so on. To do this, run the browser with the DevTools Protocol enabled. how to do this.

✅ Updating mobile proxies

From the anti-detection interface, you can update mobile proxies in one click. To do this, when saving the proxy in the browser, you need to insert a special link that the seller issued during the sale.

Integration with other Dolphin products​

In addition to the browser's anti-detection feature, Dolphin has two other products:Autocorrect for Facebook and beta version of Autocorrect for TikTok. You can use them to:
  • automatically run ads on hundreds of accounts;
  • manage accounts and ad groups, including launching and creating copies of ads;
  • view advanced ad statistics from a single browser window;
  • automatic comment moderation: delete or hide unnecessary comments according to the rules you set.
All Dolphin products are suitable for both individual and team work. In particular, for team work, you can give team members different levels of access, so that you can then track the progress of each participant.