Browse and compare popular antidetects


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Very often on the forums there are various questions from users: "Which antidetect is better?", " Which antidetect is better to take for PP/Amazon/Other business". Everyone praises what they have, some just advise this or that product, some are generally against anti-detection and "drown" for dedicated servers, VNC, and so on. In this article, I will try to compare 4 popular antidetects in 2021 by various parameters.

Disclaimer[: This article is only for review purposes, expressing only my honest subjective opinion about these products, which may not coincide with the opinion of other users/authors of the software.

I will divide the comparison into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the practical part, there will be a comparison based on various checkers, various features, and variations of substitutions. In the theoretical part, actually everything else that is not related to checkers. After each part, there will be a brief, summary comparison of anti-detections in the form of a table. I hope that this article will help you learn more about these anti-detections, draw your own conclusions, and find the anti-detection tool that suits you in all or most of the parameters. Of course, some will say that you need a comparison on a specific top shop or in working with a stick or something else. But the comparison data will not be completely objective, as they also depend on a bunch of factors, not including the anti-detection.

We will compare such antidetects as Antidetect 7.1, Cert's Antidetect, Good Job's Antidetect, and Linken Sphere. These anti-detections, in my opinion, are the most popular.

Some will ask, why not on the comparison Vector T13 Browser, AFF Combine, 8 Antidetect from Byte? I will answer: Vector T13 Browser is a free solution, you can test it yourself, AFF Combine is, at the moment, an iron Antidetect, one of a kind, 8 antidetect from Byte, etc. solutions are not available at the moment, they are either much less common, or even in private.

Theoretical part

Brief information about Antidetects
We will start with this point, it is an introductory one, not a comparison, but only a little bit about the products, because perhaps not everyone is familiar with the Antidetects that I described above.

Antidetect 7.1 - posted on the Verified, Exploit forum. The author of the software is Byte. catcher. Its antidetect is probably one of the most popular and most used in 2021. Anti-detection based on the Firefox+Addon browser. At the moment, the author is working on version 8 of the anti-detection based on the chromium browser.

Anti-detect from Cert – posted on the Verified forum in 2014. The author of the software is Dr. Cert, a detector researcher. Anti-detection on the Chromium engine. At the moment, the author actively supports and develops the software.

Anti-detection from Good Job - posted on the Verified forum in 2015. The author of the software is Good Job. Anti-detection based on Firefox. The software is supported. Previously, it was updated stably once a month, but now it's rare.

Linken Sphere - posted on Exploit, Verified and many other forums. Anti-detection based on chromium sources. The software is very actively developed and supported. Among the features that I can highlight: a high-quality website and extensive product documentation, payment and renewal is automated. On the Verified forum, a deposit of $ 2500, on maza $ 2000, on sphere is one of the main products for training. In addition, the developers are completely open to customers, which is confirmed by the support of several telegram chats with more than 1000 participants.

The Price of the software
The price of software is a very important parameter for all users, after they read the topic with a description of the anti-detection, its features, and user reviews on the product. If the anti-detect doesn't have a price, but has a subscription fee, then [for the product price, we will consider the minimum possible price for which you can get access to the product (usually a month). The price of the product is an important factor in the purchase of an anti-detectant. For me, the most important thing is that the price matches the quality of the product. I also want to clarify that the price is also one of the factors of product prevalence: usually, the lower the price, the more users who can afford to buy the product, therefore, the more people use the product. I would also like to clarify the price, that the higher you see the price, the "brain" has a better idea of it, that there is a mega-super-duper cool solution that is simply mega-unique and for such a price, penetration everywhere and always will be under 99.9%, but in fact it is not.
Clarification: we take prices without discounts!

Price of Antidetect 7.1 - the Official product price is now $ 100 (Correction: monthly payment). Here I would like to say that the official price is too high, as for me, although there is version 7.3, but there is nothing new at all that would be worth paying attention to.

The price of anti-Detect from Cert is $ 5000. It is the most expensive antidetect. I won't say that, as for me, it costs$ 5000, but the fact that this gives it a lower prevalence, which is a plus, is 100%.

Price Anti-detect from Good Job – $ 2250 - Full Version, Lite - $ 550. The Lite version differs from the Full version in that it is not possible to edit various profile parameters and change them manually. in fact, the Lite version is intended for use purely with the purchase of configs.

The price Of Linken Sphere is $ 100. Here I would like to clarify that with this option, there is no access to a paid config shop, and you can either generate profiles yourself or use free ones. To access config shop, to buy configs, you need to take at least 6 months for $ 500. Also, there are individual discounts when purchasing a large number of licenses by teams.

Subscription fee
The subscription fee is the amount that you need to pay monthly to use the product. For the user, this turns out to be a kind of leasing, i.e. either you pay and use it, or you don't pay and can't use it until you pay. Some products may not have it. The advantages of the subscription fee (if any) are that the author of the software is interested in its development and support, otherwise, if the product slides, the number of customers will decrease.

Anti-detection 7.1 - 100$ per month. But! This product can not be attributed to the subscription fee plus, because the author does not update it, but is busy with a new product-Antidetect 8.

Anti-detection from Certthere is no subscription fee.

Anti-detect from Good Job – $ 200 per month Full Version, $ 65 - Lite Version. Let me clarify that the plus from the subscription fee worked before, now the author seems to have "forgotten" about it, I hope he will read this and correct himself:) There are also "vacations", i.e. for a year you can take 45 days a year, for which you can not pay, a kind of vacation.

Linken Sphere – $ 100 per month.

Payment for updates
The upgrade fee is that the product user has to pay for each new software update. Unlike the subscription fee, the advantage is that the user can use the software, even if they do not pay for a new update. Just select the version that they paid for)
Also, a plus of the subscription fee can be considered that the author is interested in its development, the release of new and high-quality updates. Usually, software has either a subscription fee, an update fee, or nothing at all.

Anti-detection 7.1 - is missing.

Anti-detection from Cert - present. Average price of updates 100-200$. Actually, the updates are definitely worth it, after the release of the update, the patency of all, judging by the reviews, increases dramatically. Let me clarify that if you skip the updates, and then immediately take only the latest version, it will not work. You will need to pay for all released updates, which I think is correct.

No anti-detection from Good Job.

Linken Sphere – is missing.

Frequency of release of updates, "globality" of updates
The frequency of updates shows how much the software author/his team is interested in developing their product. the more updates, the better it is for users, because AF systems are constantly evolving, new detectors appear or the ability to "burn" old solutions to bypass them. Also do not forget about the "global" updates, you can release a small update that will fix the old bugs, improve stability of the software to make minor changes to a product, that will not affect the throughput and success Viva, and it is possible to produce a "global" change, it's not often that will be new solutions in the field of instances of detection, a new substitution, change old, which is very to the and Rinaldo can affect throughput and success Viva.

Anti-detect 7.1 – missing items. Updates as such are not even worth waiting for, the author is busy developing 8 anti-Detection. But recently there was a "non-global" update 7.3 and, most likely, the last one.

Anti-detect from Cert- updates occur both once every 1-1. 5 months and once every 3 months. Updates don't happen very often, but most of them are global and increase traffic well after the release.

Anti-detect from Good Job – previously, there were updates, on average, once a month. Most of them are quite global, and traffic was growing. About six months ago, the problem started and only one update was released in half a year, which increased the stability of the anti-detection (not a global update)

Linken Sphere – there are an average of 2-4 updates per month. Roughly speaking, 50% of them are "global updates" that affect traffic in a positive way, and 50% are "non-global" updates that take into account the wishes of customers and are primarily aimed at improving usability. It is worth noting that due to the fact that anti-detection is a product of deep development, even those updates that do not directly affect the anti-detection are sometimes very interesting. For Example, "Preheater".

Price of configs, type of sale of configs, selection
Configs make it easier to work with any anti-detection, because they allow you not to bother with parameter settings, which significantly speeds up your work time. These parameters are especially important for those who drive a lot and often hit in the same shop, or who have a job built, for example, with one top shop or, for example, drives a stick and not an SS. For such work options, it is important to be able to make different selections by OC type and Browser.
Clarification: we charge prices for configs without discounts!

Antidetect 7.1 - on the carding forum, the config costs $ 1. They are not sold in one hand. In the official store for$ 3. Sold in one hand. Selection by OC type, browser, and Flash presence/absence.

Anti-detect from Cert - config costs $ 2. Configs are sold in 1 hand. Selection by OC type and browser. There are some unusual configs (Xbox, Playstation, Blackberry, etc.). frequent addition of configs.

Antidetect from Good Job – 300 free configs per week (not in one hand, which go naturally) plus the ability to buy configs (go in one hand) . The config price is 0.09$ random. $ 1.29 with a sample. You can select configs based on the database, OC, browser, and screen resolution.

Linken Sphere – extensive database of free built-in configs (for all users, choice by Browser and OC). Paid configs the price is $ 3. Photoshop is available for those who have purchased an extension PRO or higher. Configs are sold in one hand. Selection is possible by OC type or browser. presence/absence of WebGL. It is worth noting the frequent addition of fresh configs.

Usability, and the usability of the product
Usability and convenience are important parameters in anti-detection. in addition to the fact that the main task of anti – detection is to enable the AF systems of shops, most anti-detection tools allow you to reduce the time required to perform an action (for Example, by driving it into a shop), thereby saving time and nerves. Usability is a more subjective parameter and, most likely, it is different for everyone, but in General-in each anti-detection, you can identify chips that increase usability.

Anti-detect 7.1 - in terms of stability and convenience, just like a regular Firefox Portable browser. Browsers are not tied to hardware, it is possible to open and enter where it is convenient, instant change of WebRTC in the Browser, the ability to track IP changes. But, each browser takes +-100 mg. You need to generate the browser every time. To change some parameters, you need to edit the config code manually.

Anti-detection from Cert - user-friendly product, stable operation without bugs, the ability to quickly change the config on the fly, " mix " fonts with one click, auto-fill fields. Quickly change the configuration resolution and language. There is a profile generator (configs)

Antidetect from Good Job - they are attached to the hardware, and it is similar to the antidetect from Cert in terms of ease of operation. In the browser itself, you can quickly clear the history, make a quick configuration selection using previously set parameters, create and load a save (cookies, history).

Linken Sphere – I can say with confidence that for me this is the most convenient product to use. There is no hardware binding, auto-updates, it is possible to use software on Linux, MAC, stable operation without bugs, you can use it on different computers if necessary, the ability to use a bunch of sessions at the same time, and therefore it's like driving in a bunch of virtual machines at once, and at the same time, the ability to make a copy of the session with new prints in three clicks, imitation of manual input, automatic site warming, the ability to automatically "check ip" and configure timezone, Geolocation, Language and WebRTC automatically. All this really saves time when driving. Simulates data entry during typing for the lazy. The ability to conveniently and quickly add and change plugins, http headers, fonts, and windows. navigator parameters. This browser has a lot of features, all of them are quite difficult to fit within the article, so if anyone is interested, you can read the documentation on the official website.

Anti-Detect Support
After purchasing any antidetect in 99.9%, there are any questions about the product and its proper use. The work of anti-detection support is very stressful due to various factors, especially due to complete beginners, stupid questions, and complete unwillingness to figure it out yourself. Nevertheless, support is very important for everyone, as it can help you properly configure the product, view and give tips on how to use it, evaluate what you can do wrong in the software settings, and so on.

Anti-detection 7.1 – on the forum and in the personal account I answer questions about the product, mostly I volunteer. If the official version is available, then there is support on the product's website and support that will answer all your questions and look at the Team if necessary. Taking into account the fact that I used to contact support often in my time, I would rate its work perfectly.

Anti-detect from Cert- product support is provided by the author himself, plus support. Cert and support promptly answer all questions related to the product and in General with anti-detection, often online, ignoring questions was not noticed. Support is provided in jabber + TeamViwer (if necessary). I would rate the level of user support as excellent.

Anti-detect from Good Job - product support is carried out by tickets. If necessary, the TeamViewer software can help . Previously, there was support in jabber. Online access is frequent, but there were times when you might not get through. Personally, I didn't get through at the time of the review.

Linken Sphere - product support is provided by support in jabber and telegram. Telegram also has a chat room where both users and support can help and answer questions. On the work of support: often online, often online and answers questions and on weekends, questions are not ignored, "scoring a bolt" was not noticed. TeamViewer is also used, because sometimes it is easier to show than to explain in text for half an hour in toad. I would rate the level of user support as excellent.

Other features, advantages, bonuses, etc.
In this paragraph, I would like to describe what was not included in the rest of the items, briefly describe the various advantages of the product, bonuses, etc.

Antidetect 7.1 - bonuses when buying more than 200 configs on the forum, the browser is not tied to hardware.

Anti-detect from Cert – product discounts, the partner program "Bring two customers, anti-detect for free", discounts on configs with a large replenishment, a built-in config generator with a selection of OC, Browser screen resolution and language.

Anti-detection from Good Job – an injection that makes a copy of the browser for filers and botnet owners, periodic promotions for Full and Lite licenses, discounts on configs, free configs for users, and a built-in config generator for Full license holders.

Linken Sphere - no hardware binding, promotions, bonuses for holidays (for example, black Friday), bonuses when replenishing configshop, discounts when extending more than 6 months (PRO, Premium), free users on the site for users, a free database of configs for users with a selection by OC and browser type, individual discounts when buying a large number of licenses.

Practical part[

Let's move on to the practical part of our review. After much thought about what should be included in the practical part, I decided that it would be best to take a variety of checkers, including popular ones, and see how each anti-detection bypasses the checker. At first I thought to make screenshots of each and config checker, but then I realized, what happens a lot of screenshots (400 than), actually none of them completely and not look, and make as many screenshots this is a very time-consuming and no one's gonna see all these screenshots, so I decided to do everything in a table, plus some interesting screenshots in the notes.
I would like to note that:
First, the table may change as new versions of the AD are released. This table is 100% up-to-date at the time of writing.

Secondly, this table is not a "panacea" for the practical part of the anti-detection, it is just as one option for practical verification. The most ideal test is in practice in the drive-ins. But this option is not quite suitable for testing in the article, because it adds too many other "variables" in addition to the system: different AF systems with different settings, the quality of socks/tunnels, the approach to the shop, and other factors. In checkers, only one factor is checked. Successful completion of all checkers also does not guarantee that the penetration rate will be N-th times higher compared to any other product, since, as I pointed out above, there are many other factors, and the product prevalence is no less important, because in carding, the fewer people use any topic, any product, the more likely it is to live longer, because there are no fools sitting on the other side of the store, and every year AF systems are rapidly developing.

Explanation of Checkers
I would like to explain in more detail about some interesting checkers on the case, simply and clearly, so that every novice or experienced user, after reading the explanation, can understand why this checker is necessary.

Checkers – these checkers allow you to check WebGL Version 1.2 parameters more "in-depth". ideally, for all parameters, get the value" PASS", which means that the parameter is successfully passed (, the FAIL value, on the contrary, is undesirable ( An exception is if the system does not support WebGL Version 2 or WebGL in General. – this checker allows you to determine by pressing the "Test Button!" button whether it was a click or a touch. Naturally, on all mobile devices with a touch screen, touch will be displayed when the button is pressed. – this checker allows you to determine the operation of the gyroscope on your smartphone. The gyroscope in a phone is a small part in touch-screen phones and tablets that senses the device's deviations in space. The gyroscope in mobile is somewhat similar to the "Assembly level" in construction. About the checker: if the accelerometer and gyroscope values are zero, then there is no gyroscope/it is not emulated. If the values are available, they change with any action, then the gyroscope is there/it is emulated. For comparison, you can open the checker in a regular browser on your computer and on your smartphone. - in our test, this checker is used to determine whether replacing the canvas in the browser changes the rendering of its "image". Simply put, even when replacing the canvas, the image should remain the same as on a regular browser - without substitution. It should not contain any inscriptions, "noises, and it should not change beyond recognition. (Screenshot: On the screenshot, I put together 3 images. The top – what would be the substitution of the canvas. The bottom two are variations of what a canvas image might look like when it is replaced. – in our case, we are interested in the Signature parameter, or rather its value (value) Screenshot: To pass the checker, this parameter must be different on different configs.

Notes/Explanation with anti-detect and checkers
Anti-detect 7.1
1) About the substitution of windows. navigator, screen, plugins I want to clarify that there is also the ability to add, edit, change parameters in the config through its files, but this is not so convenient, and you need at least a little fumble in the code.
2) there is a minus sign About WebGL substitution, but here I would like to explain this: there is no WebGL substitution in version 7.1, but the anti-detection "drags" that WebGL from the system. This means that WebGL 1(WebGL 2 is not supported by the FF browser versions in the container) will work and pass webgl 1 checkers successfully, but it will always be the same, i.e. without substitution.
3) About the substitution of Media Devices – it simply does not exist, so the checker itself will contain N/A.
4) About spoofing WebRTC using these checkers: and In the first checker, when you click the "Gather candidates" button, nothing stupidly happens. In the second checker, this window (Screen: stupidly isn't displayed at all, as if it doesn't exist.
5) About the substitution of Fonts – despite the fact that the css file responsible for fonts is in each config, substitution does not work.
6) Flash Substitution-physically, Flash can be done in each config, plus plugin in windows. plugins, but Flash will only be displayed on FF configs, and on others it will show that it is disabled, although it is there.
7) About the checker "", I would like to say that the substitution "goes" on FF purely due to the fact that the anti-detection itself is based on Firefox Portable, in which Addon is sewn.
8) About the checker "" and the "Signature" parameter, this parameter is simply not replaced and is the same on all configs.
9) About Touch Emulation (Checker: this emulation is available in every Firefox, and although it successfully passes the check, this merit is not due to the author of the anti-detection.

Anti-detect from Cert
1) About the substitution of windows. navigator, screen, plugins I would like to clarify that there is also the ability to edit, add, change parameters, but right in the browser itself, very fast and convenient, but everything also goes in the code, so you need to at least a little fumble in this.
2) as the substitution WebGL will clarify why put in configs Win7 Chrome, FF, IE, Safari MAC: first, due to the fact that only WebGL Report is replaced by the Hash, and secondly, there is no substitution WebGL 2, thirdly, there are the options that are displayed as blank (Screen:
Where I put ++ - in those types of configs, there is no support for WebGL 2 at all, at least in those mobile devices on Android and Iphone that I checked.
3) About the substitution of Media Devices – in the checker just costs N/A.
4) About spoofing WebRTC using these checkers: and identical to 7.1 anti-detection.
5) About the checker – actually, when using this checker, nothing happens, the fingerprint is not made, so it is impossible to check the parameters, i.e. the checker does not work on this anti-detection.
6) About the substitution of fonts I liked the substitution – you can mix fonts in just two clicks.
7) About the checker "" - in this checker, the anti-detect returns the required parameter as unknown on all configs. But just on the Safari browser and the real device gives the unknown parameter.
8) About the checker " /" the checker shows a picture like this (Screenshot: You can see what the image should look like by opening this checker from any regular browser, whether it's a mobile device or a computer.
9) About the checker "" and the "Signature" parameter, this parameter is simply not replaced and is the same on all configs.

Anti-detection from Good Job
1) the First thing I would like to clarify, which turned out to be very strange for me, I didn't see any Mac and IOS configs at all. There are only FF, Chrome, IE, Android configs.
2) As for WebGL substitution, I will clarify that it is generally blocked here, i.e. it is not present.
3) About the substitution of WebRTC-substitution is available, but it did not want to work at all, I do not know that it was a bug, glitch or something else, but the substitution of WebRTC did not want to work in any way. Unfortunately, the support team didn't respond like that, so I put a minus sign.
4) About Font substitution, history repeats, substitution is available, I change fonts, restart the browser, and the font print does not change.
5) About the checker "", identical to anti-Detection 7.1, substitution "goes" on FF purely due to the fact that the anti-detection itself is based on Firefox with an Addon.
6) About the checker "" and the "Signature" parameter, this parameter is simply not replaced and is the same on all configs.
7) About Touch Emulation (Checker: this emulation is available in every Firefox, and although it successfully passes the check, this merit is not due to the author of the anti-detection.

Linken Sphere
1) Regarding the substitution of windows. navigator, screen, plugins, I will clarify that + - is due to the fact that the number of parameters for editing is limited. Not all of them, there are much more editing options in anti-Detect 7.1 and anti-Detect from Cert, and you can add or remove the parameter manually. But according to the parameters that are available, I would highlight the convenience of editing: changing the values is very easy and understandable, you do not need to delve into the config code, it is very convenient to add plugins.
2) About WebGL substitution, substitution is both WebGL 1 and WebGL 2, it is possible to manually specify the values of almost every WebGL parameter, but there is no physical substitution of WebGL, so on the checker there is no "drawing" (Screenshot: Therefore, despite the fact that the anti-detection passes all WebGL checkers successfully, but there is no physical WebGL, it is fair to put ++-.
3) What else is very pleased and what can be highlighted: the fact that there is a gyroscope emulation and touch emulation (Screenshot:, the ability to manually configure the list of fonts, and the fact that it was technically possible to check for all checkers, i.e. all checkers work.
4) As for the substitution of Java, I will clarify that it is not completely available at all, unfortunately. Although, it is fair to note that like Flash, this technology is currently outdated and therefore is increasingly absent in regular browsers, or is not active by default.
5) About the checker "" - the anti-detection is successful on Chrome, FF, IE, but on other types of config, the checker shows a discrepancy.

This brings the 2021 anti-detect review to an end. I hope my article was interesting and useful to you. In my opinion, each antidetect is good in its own way, and each product will have its own buyer. I wish all successful carding 2021, and the authors of these anti-detect solutions success in developing their product, and we look forward to new and interesting solutions in the field of detectors.[/B]


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We collect antidetect browser from regular Firefox

Today is a great day for pumping your own anonymity with the help of 6 interesting plugins:

1. CyDec Platform AntiFingerprint

( A plugin for the Firefox browser that allows you to replace top prints individually or all together. Has a pleasant appearance and intuitive control. You will not bypass a serious anti-fraud system, but for an ordinary one it will be enough.

2. Spoof Timezone

( A simple but useful plugin for changing the time zone in each individual browser profile. After all, the fact that many sites track the device's time zone to identify a user is no longer a secret to anyone.

3. Trace

( A plugin that turns your regular browser into an almost complete antidetect system. Convenient intuitive interface.

4. Change geolocation

( Geolocation plugin. Nothing more.

5. Language switch

( Many people know how important it is to control the language when emulating a user. The Language switch plugin allows you to do this.

6. Ghostery

( This is a well-known extension that must be mentioned. Blocks ads, disables tracking tools, and even slightly speeds up website loading.

That's all! With such a level of browser anonymity, even a mother's own will not recognize. However, you shouldn't rely on just a few plugins. Have a head, and I wish you good luck✌️


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Hello, carders!

Antidetect - a program that allows you to simulate any system (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc.) and any browser (Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.)

I think you already know about NOX, but antic has much more features. For example, when working through NOX, you don't have the option to change the system, you only have Androin.
With antic, everything is much more interesting, there are shops that give better with IOS, some just give a f*** with Windows, everything is very individual and requires tests.
As for tests, it is with antic that you will save time. For example, there is a shop, you need to check which system it works best from, the easiest solution is to check it all through antic, while you still save money, since configs are not expensive.

Configs (configurations) for antic. What's it?
A config is a set of java script files generated or taken by a special method from browsers. Configs are usually divided into the main popular OS (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, MAC OS) and browsers (Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome).

Some tips for using it.
You don't need to use mobile configs, as sites will be displayed for mobile versions. Periodically change the configs. It is desirable that the config differs from your actual OS.

You need to use a good antique, public antique is complete nonsense, good antique is quite expensive, a beginner definitely should not spend money on it, but you should not be with public antique either.
In short, at the beginning of the journey, you can in principle not bother with this, in time you will see for yourself whether you need it or not.
I'm not saying goodbye.