Bringing ideas to life: how to bridge the gap between vision and reality


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Organization of the creative process
A surplus of ideas is just as dangerous as an ideological drought. The habit of jumping from one idea to another distributes energy horizontally, not vertically. As a result, in order to move forward, you have to struggle unnecessarily.

Organization is the main force in generating promising ideas. When you come up with an idea, you should always strive for action. Brainstorming should start with a specific goal.

How to make project management effective
Redefine your management method. Do not use other people's notes, prepare working materials yourself. For each idea, you need to outline the working stages. Everyone should have their own idea of them: when tasks are written in their own hand and supplemented with their own notes, they are more understandable and more likely to be completed.

Don't waste your energy on detailed notes.

When drawing up an action plan, focus on the project as a whole. You can work not only within the walls of the office.

Treat everything as a project so that you do not have to - preparing for the move or buying a new car.

When you think of your activities as projects, you can break them down into primary components.
  1. Work stages are specific actions that slowly move you forward.
  2. Additional materials - project-related handouts, sketches, notes, meeting minutes that you can refer to for help.
  3. Minor tasks are considerations that are not practical at the moment, but may acquire it later. For example, an idea that you want to propose to a client when the required budget is available.
The project method translates ideas and reflections into the plane of active actions.

Working stages
  • The working stage should be formulated clearly and concisely, starting with a verb.
  • Always record work steps.
  • The ownerless working stage will never be passed. Each work step must be owned or assigned to someone.
  • Treat the management of work stages depending on their types. There are three types of stages: delegated, future and pending.
  • Encourage a culture of action.
  • Give yourself pleasure. "Attractive things work better." The color of the folders, the quality of the paper, and other irrelevant things can actually increase your productivity.

Secondary tasks
  • Find a place for secondary tasks.
  • Create a ritual dedicated to secondary tasks. Review your secondary tasks folder regularly. Set aside a day for a monthly "Minor Task Review".

Additional materials
They need to be preserved, not idolized.
  • An excess of materials interferes with active action.
  • Use the chronological principle of storage (if important, save, make notes and create an archive).

Application of the design method
  • Separate work steps from email.
  • When you need to act, work gets in the way of your personal life. The attitude to work steps should not depend on the context. The priorities are different, but they are managed within the same system.
  • Work steps must be accepted and understood by those tasked with performing them.
  • Don't do all tasks at the same time. But you can easily focus on multiple projects as long as the work steps in them are articulated and organized.

Save information and catch up
Remember that during any discussion you generate ideas, and those ideas will disappear if they are not broken down into work steps.
  • After selecting the most important information, outline the work steps. Immediately do something that does not require much effort and time.
  • Work steps should be recorded sequentially and tied to the project and specific dates.
  • Place the secondary tasks in a separate folder, indicating the name of the project on it.
  • Reduce additional materials as much as possible.
Prioritize and allocate your strength correctly. Priorities are Emergency, High, Medium, Low, and Zero. Remember, the order in which you put projects will allow the team to properly allocate their creative energy and show you exactly which work steps to start with.

Find a balance between the urgent and the important
  • Keep two lists: urgent and important.
  • Select the five most significant projects.
  • Determine an “area of special focus” for each day.
  • Don't waste time on things that are not in your control. If a task needs to be completed urgently, don't worry, but break it down into work steps and challenge yourself. Once you've done your best to solve the problem, admit that the rest is out of your control.
  • Don't hoard urgent matters.
  • Create a “responsibility grid”.
  • Find a time when no one bothers you.
Don't be afraid to "kill" ideas. If you can learn to jump into action faster, you will benefit from learning about new opportunities. But being willing to deal with "raw" ideas will only help if you have the willpower to give it up if necessary.

Meeting efficiency
  • Don't hold meetings just because today is Monday.
  • End the meeting with an overview of the tasks that have been fixed.
  • Cancel unnecessary appointments and meetings.
  • Conduct stand-up meetings.
  • Don't call meetings because of your own insecurities. True leaders always wonder why a meeting is being held, and they always take into account the exceptional value of time.
  • Don't stick to round numbers when scheduling meetings.
Long live the limitations! Remember, restrictions are our seatbelt.

Don't be afraid of change. While remaining open to change, we must still make sure that it occurs at the right time and has a specific purpose. Order and regularity are the mechanisms that help you cope with any change.

Progress breeds progress. Progress motivates us. Display the signs of progress. For example, create a wall "Done" and place on it a kind of reports on completed projects: pages from notebooks with actions marked in them, index cards with changes made to them. We all need to see positive movement and growth in order to feel confident on our creative journeys.

The visual organization of space is an advertisement addressed to oneself. The ability of a creative person to self-organize is not gifted to him by nature. On the contrary, it needs to be developed using various methods of visual stimulation.

By involving other people in your projects, you take responsibility for the result and for the fact that the business you started will be completed. Success will depend on how well you use the efforts of others.

How to use the potential of others? It is difficult to carry out a project alone. Decide who you are: a dreamer, a performer or a gradualist. Find a partner to complement you.

Share ideas generously
Any project run by a single person is usually doomed to failure. If the project cannot attract the team, then something is wrong with it. Working together to develop ideas greatly increases their chances of gaining strength and ultimately being realized.

Benefit From Feedback
Use letters with the headings "Start", "Stop" and "Continue". Feedback is required. You must not only accept, but seek it yourself.

The benefit that can be derived from feedback directly depends on how transparent your projects are. If you give other people some access to your life, they will find what they need in it. A little more openness will not only not hurt you, but it will also help you use the potential of others to your advantage.

Working with like-minded people
  • There should be no more than fifteen like-minded people.
  • Establish a strict schedule of meetings.
  • Get together often and report back to each other.
  • Pick a leader.
  • Expand your circle with the internet.
Look for competitors. Competition strikes where it hurts and encourages action. Look for competitors and be grateful to them.

Submit your project
When you publicly announce that you are willing to take the risk to fulfill your plan, you accumulate the so-called benefits of informed choice. These include the willingness of others to share some of this risk with you by supporting your projects. And also, having declared publicly about the project, you will not be able to back down, because you have taken responsibility.

Coworking or why it is convenient to work together
The people around you - not necessarily your boss - create an atmosphere of mutual responsibility and respect. In their presence, there is no desire to be exchanged for trifles, but I also want to do business. Another benefit of coworking is the variety of skills.

Intuition helps you find the right incentives. Work in other people's fields and learn from your mistakes.

How to promote yourself correctly
Only someone who recognizes your qualifications and respects your interests will help you access the resources you need. If no one knows what you are doing and what you want to achieve, this will not happen.

"Freelancers should spend half of their time on work and half of their time on their own promotion." Creative people are determined to actively “sell” themselves and their brands.

When deciding to start a self-promotion campaign, do the following:
  • identify your strengths and everything that sets you apart from the rest;
  • tell others about your merits.

Tune in to the desired frequency to enthrall others
You need to develop the ability to "tune in" to other people and help them "tune in" to you. This interaction can be fruitful if you know exactly who you are dealing with, what inspires them, and what causes them to fear.

It's easier to tune in to other people if you focus on the mutual benefits of communication. Determine what your audience needs, what you hope to get from it.

Convince those who do not share your ideas that you are right. Sound pragmatism will help you to implement ideas. Share ideas not only with those who are on the same wavelength with you, but also with skeptics who are averse to risk. This will help you avoid "ideological intoxication."

Another method is to pause between the decision to act and the actual action.

Don't play alone. Remember that people who work for you are not only interested in money - they dream of creative growth. Therefore, you must be a skillful mentor to your team members. It is your responsibility to involve them in whatever interests them, even if you go beyond your immediate tasks.

Leadership and creativity

The old reward system: how to get around it
When starting a project, you need to do the following.
  • Give up the traditional reward system. As you break the habit of short-term rewards, try to get rid of the desire to constantly receive external evidence of your success.
  • Create a system of progressively growing rewards and incentives. You must be creative to come up with your own set of rewards and incentives that will support you throughout your creative exploration.
  • Do not neglect moral encouragement.
Motivate employees through play. The game makes it easier to collaborate and attract people. Play is the most important tool for a leader. By betting on play and pleasure, a person is able to both generate ideas and bring them to life. This is where his inherent desire for entertainment helps.

Engage professionals in your searches
Building a team of talented enthusiasts is one of the most significant challenges leaders face. Effective managers will try to assess the potential team member's ability to take the lead. Enthusiasts energize the entire team.

Help employees improve their professionalism
Flexibility helps increase productivity. Three rules for building a creative process.
  1. When the brain is tired, it does not work well.
  2. Ideas come when they come.
  3. Compulsion makes you hate your job.
Rather than looking to the clock, members of creative teams need to build trust. Evaluate work by the result, not by the time spent at work. Employees are empowered to decide when and where to work on common tasks.

People like it when their opinions are respected and they represent a certain degree of independence. The success of working offline depends on how accurately the goals are formulated and how regularly they are updated and adjusted.

When in doubt about a team, pay attention to its attitude.
  • Are you using the right incentives?
  • Does each team member understand the task at hand?
  • Are they able to solve it?
In such situations, it is helpful to hold ten-minute stand-up meetings or post a to-do list for everyone to see.

Do not seek agreement at any cost
The project manager can compromise on a number of details, but must stand firm when it comes to matters of principle.

From the very first day, the leader has the task of captivating the team, arousing a sincere desire to participate in the implementation of the plan.

The project manager must be able to persistently and consistently motivate the team so that they come up with ideas and strive to bring them to life, take care of the growth of their employees and be attentive to their creativity.

Copyright, or who owns the idea
To excite, to charge people with your idea is only the first stage in the transfer of ownership. The second and much more challenging step is empowering group members to push the idea forward on their own, instead of meticulously controlling their every move. The manager must admit that it is more profitable to give up part of his right to an idea than to endlessly convince employees that he is right.

Leaders speak last
Creativity involves engagement. Instead of showing how much more experienced and important you are, shut up and let everyone in your team speak. Before stating anything, ask questions and listen carefully to the answers.

The sooner you begin to understand yourself, the more balanced and sound your judgments will be.

Don't be afraid of uncertainty. Patience helps us avoid reckless decisions that are driven by emotion. You need to use your time wisely and not try to act too quickly.

Failure serves the cause
If things don't go according to plan, try to answer the questions.
  • What external circumstances can explain the failure?
  • What factors have jeopardized your plans?
Avoid dreamy narcissism. Dreamy narcissism is a leader's mistaken belief that he is the exception to the rule.

Consider yourself an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are not the ones with better ideas. These are people who agree to jump off a cliff without hesitation. What matters most is your ability to keep moving and push your ideas forward, step by step.

Become a dissenter. You must earn trust when others question your abilities. The only true path to something new is not marked on the map. Let the pressure build up on you, you must not go off course.

The concept of countdown is simple: how would you manage your energy, knowing the exact date of the end of your life?

We each have our own deadline, but we are clearly not burdened with a countdown. The ticking clock should make you start implementing your ideas. When there are opportunities, they need to be used, because time is melting, it becomes less and less.


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For me personally, it is this vision of life that helps me achieve my goals in the shortest possible way, quickly and painlessly. It is this analogy that saves you from making more and more mistakes when you can find your mistakes in time, quickly fix everything and, returning to the "White Strip", continue your path to the goal, walking along it easily and comfortably. ?

You won't find this in any book. This is MY PERSONAL revelation! ? Take it, use it, achieve your plan quickly and do not feel the burden of delusion, failure, disappointment ... ?