Breaking through information about a person (look up)


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A little introduction:
All services for punching are in the public domain, I myself once came across such a topic, and thus I learned. But it’s not only about the services, but also about the ability to use them. I will tell you about all the intricacies that I know. Many "punchers" find information in this way, making money on it.
Before punching, prepare an open notebook, close all unnecessary browser tabs, in other words, create a comfortable workplace for yourself.

For clarity, a random phone number and fictitious data were used.

Search by phone number:
And so, we have one source - the phone number +1
The phone number should only be in this format, changing the variables +1 and +4, no spaces, brackets, hyphens, periods.
The first services that we will use are and
Yes, it is search engines, they can give a lot of information: VKontakte entries, classmates, ads on flea markets and other resources.

Important clarifications:
- You need to use exactly two search engines (as many as possible), since some links only pop up in one search engine.
- In the search, drive in two number formats (+79651236584 and 89651236584), since the search engines are looking for a full match with the request by the number, and the one we are trying to break through can indicate both +7 and 8

Next, we go to the second resource -
A good service that can give out the address and full name. Most ISPs block it, so turn on vpn. Here we also search by number with different prefixes (+7 and 8).
Also, go to VKontakte separately, use the search, enter the phone with different prefixes. Usually he finds a couple of posts with all sorts of slag, but real data come across as well.

Didn't find anything? Move on. In our phone we write down a number in the phone book, for example, with the name "search", here it is enough to write down simply with the prefix +7. We go one by one to the applications: Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram

Viber and WhatsApp - here you can see the photo that is in the profile, if the number is registered there. We keep it.

Telegram - go to the contacts in the application, look for a "search" contact, go to the profile, copy the Username, which begins with @, save it, delete the contact from the phone and from the telegram itself, now we are looking for the Username itself, and here it will show us that his name and surname are written in the fields. If you do not delete the contact, then it will show you "search". You can also pull out a photo from the telegram, if it is there.

Instagram - go to your profile-options-contacts. Here you can show a profile that is registered to the number. In the profile, you can find a link to vk and other social networks, an additional number, last name and first name, and of course photos.

We punched the number everywhere, the data that we could find: photos, nickname, direct links, full name, additional numbers, etc.
Further, we will analyze the search according to the data that we received.

Everything is simple here. If the photos are from WhatsApp, Instagam, we will not save them. We just take a screenshot of the screen and then ALWAYS crop out all unnecessary, leaving only the photo.

We go back to and and use the photo search. Here we can find direct links to social networks and full name.

The second resource is
I think I've already heard about it, now it requires authorization and there is a restriction on the search. I think you can handle it perfectly, there is nothing complicated here. You can also find social networks.

I will say this, search by photo has a minimal chance of finding information, but still there is a chance, so I always use it when searching.

Full name:
Full name can also be driven into search engines (in the formats full name and full name "city"), infa is sometimes found. If a person is an entrepreneur, he finds his organization, then we are already looking for additional contacts in the organization, such as: the organization's website, groups in social networks, etc.

If could not be found by phone, try to find by full name.

If the name and surname are rare, then a simple VKontakte search helps, the approximate region is always shown in Google by the phone number. If there are too many matches, but you know the city, go to the "Typical" city "group and try using the member search. It helps when you know what a person looks like roughly, for example, if we pulled a photo from the resources above. You can also use the service

Links to social networks and other sites:
It is not uncommon for links to sites or social networks to drop out, but there are situations when the page has already been deleted (for example, VKontakte) or the ads have been removed from sale (at flea markets), then we use the wonderful service

It will show you the saved copies of the pages under the link that it found. For example, a VKontakte page was deleted 5 days ago, and the web archive contains saved copies of the page for the last month. This can be done with any site.

For example, we found a nickname in the telegram.
You can also drive it into search engines, VKontakte, maybe you left a link somewhere, so there is a high probability of finding it.
But first of all use the excellent service
It generates links to all social. Networks with the nickname that you specified, sends a request to each social. Network and immediately shows you the result in the form of a window with a page. Here you can immediately see if there is an error or there is such a page.
And check again

In extreme cases, when I can't find information anywhere, but it is necessary to punch through it, I download various databases. They are not as relevant, but sometimes they help. For example, I need to find a person from my city. I download the database of the MHIF, the traffic police of my city, etc. they are mostly in kronos, the search is convenient. Let infa may not be relevant, but we will already know the old data, from which it is easier to build on.

In even more extreme cases, SI can be used. Come up with a story that requires your full name, call the number and get this data at any cost.
For example:
"Good day. The portal" Nayobka.da "held a random draw by numbers, you were among the winners. And you won "shit in a box" Let me write down the data and send you a gift "

I used this method for personal purposes, it works, and this is the main thing.

In my opinion, I have collected the most relevant services that really help you find information. I used other services, from them the exhaust is almost zero. If a person is active on the Internet, you can collect a good "dossier". In this manual, I considered only searching by phone, without affecting other information, such as: breaking through the traffic police, passport data, debts, criminal record. I think for many, this is superfluous information, which gives practically nothing. And the likelihood of such a breakthrough is small.

When working, use a notebook, write down all the information, any little thing that you find, it helps a lot.