Boomerang law: everyone will be rewarded what they deserve


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“What you sow, you reap”, “As it comes around, so it will respond”, “What a hello - this is the answer”. We hear these proverbs and sayings since childhood. Their main task is to instill in us a sense of responsibility for our words and deeds and to make it clear that everything in this world comes back like a boomerang.

This pattern was revealed by our distant ancestors and gave it a completely logical name - "boomerang law".

What does this law mean? Does it actually work? And what needs to be done to make the boomerang return only with good intentions? We will talk about this today.

What is the boomerang law?​

Boomerang is a throwing weapon of Australian and some other tribes in the form of a curved club, returning back to the person who threw it.

The boomerang law is based on the idea of justice. According to him, all actions committed by someone sooner or later return to him, just like a boomerang to its owner.

Everyone in this world receives a directly proportional response to their actions: if you have done a good thing, you will receive gratitude from the world; if you have acted meanly, the response will be negative.

Our life is full of boomerangs that come back to us as a result of our behavior. Every day we speak hundreds of words and do dozens of actions that in the future will lead us to one or another consequence. This can be an accidentally thrown offensive word or deliberate help to a work colleague. The quantity and quality of such words and actions determines the character and further destiny of a person.

The boomerang law has two nuances:
  • the response from the world occurs with a time delay (from several days to several years);
  • not always a boomerang in the form of certain events arrives from the side in which it was launched.
The idea of justice is embedded in our minds from early childhood. Fairy tales of many peoples of the world are built on the principle "everyone is given what he deserves." They teach us to do good and good deeds in relation to the world and other people. Well, the well-known proverbs and sayings that we mentioned at the beginning of the article reflect the essence of the boomerang law as accurately as possible.

In Buddhism, there is a concept of karma - the totality of actions performed by a person and their consequences, which determines the fate and character in a new reincarnation. Buddhists believe that the fewer sins a person commits, the more successful and happy his next life will be. Sinners, on the other hand, are reborn into lower forms of life and even inanimate objects.

The boomerang law also partially includes the law of causation, which says that every act done in the present has logical consequences in the future.

For example, if a person is overweight, then, most likely, in the past, he preferred lying on the couch and eating junk food for a long time to a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

Few people think that artists, painters, athletes and many other famous people who became famous for their talents and skills, in fact, in the past, invested their time, financial, moral and physical resources in constant development and training. They did not go to the bar every night with friends, but sat with books or worked out for days in gyms to become who they are.

Whatever names we use, the essence of this law boils down to one simple thought: everything that we have in the present is a consequence of our actions in the past.

In fact, the boomerang law has a completely logical explanation. When a person treats the world with goodness, does good deeds and generally thinks positively, he notices exceptionally good actions towards himself and sees opportunities for growth and development in everything. Every situation in his life, even the most negative, is perceived by him as an experience and a great lesson for the future. The focus of such a person's attention is drawn exclusively to the positive.

In addition, optimistic people rarely limit themselves to good intentions directed only in one direction. Typically, this way of thinking is tightly integrated into their lives, and they begin to do good deeds under any circumstances. Such a person simply cannot remain unnoticed. In this case, the reward always finds its hero.

People who broadcast hatred of the world, on the contrary, are focused exclusively on the negative moments that happen to them. There can be no question of any good signs, since they believe that nothing good ever happens to them.

Like attracts like. If a person is full of anger, he simply cannot physically communicate with people who think positively, just as a person with bright thoughts will not attract negative people into his environment. Accordingly, all the events that happen to them are the result not only of their actions, but also of the environment.

What to do with the boomerang law?​

Often we want to blame the world, fate and the people around us for unfair treatment. It may seem to us that we worked so hard and hard, treated everyone with warmth and love, but at the same time received an undeserved and ungrateful attitude in return. But nothing in life just happens. Once faced with unpleasant consequences, analyze what actions in the past led you to what you have now.

True, as a rule, it is very unpleasant, but admitting your mistakes is the first and most important step on the path to correction.

Below is a list of questions that you can ask to conduct a small analysis of the reasons that influenced a particular situation:
  1. What result do I have in the present?
  2. What in this result suits me and what does not suit me?
  3. What would I like to change?
  4. What actions, thoughts and beliefs led me to this result?
  5. If I could go back, what would I change in my actions, thoughts and beliefs to achieve the desired result?
  6. What can I do today so that this situation does not happen again?
By honestly answering these questions, you will receive a checklist that will help you systematically, step by step, correct those moments that do not suit you, and avoid their repetition in the future.

Make it a rule to do this analysis every time you face unpleasant consequences. At first, it may be difficult for you to independently analyze your thoughts and actions. The human brain really does not like to waste time on long and, as it seems to him, useless self-reflection. His task is to save as much energy as possible to solve problems related to the main goal of the body - survival. But the secret of all successful and happy people lies precisely in this: they make introspection as a habit.

If you find it difficult to work through these moments alone, seek help from friends who will definitely help you get the right answers to all questions and draw the right conclusions. If you are embarrassed to go for advice from loved ones, contact a qualified psychologist who will absolutely objectively look at your situation and help you reach the required level of awareness.

How to get only positive boomerangs?​

As we noted earlier, our reality is an absolutely logical and natural consequence of our actions in the past.

Having spent your entire adult life on quarrels with neighbors or endless showdowns with relatives, it is foolish to hope that one day you will become everyone's favorite.

You should also not be surprised that your colleagues are constantly discussing you and your life, if you spent all your working time, instead of hone your professionalism, discussing the latest gossip in the department.

Therefore, if you want to come to the desired result in a few years, you need to start changing today.

Here are some guidelines to make this difficult task easier:

Change your mindset​

As Albert Einstein said: "No problem can be solved at the level of consciousness at which it was created." This means that it is impossible, guided by the old algorithms of actions, to come to new results.

To fix the situation, change your thinking and attitude towards it. Don't be afraid to open up new horizons and think differently. Imagine, for example, how a person would behave in your place who possesses qualities of character that you still lack.

Try and experiment until you get the results you want. Flexibility of thinking is one of the most important qualities of successful people.

Surround yourself with the right people​

Once you change your mindset, start changing your environment as well. As a rule, this happens involuntarily: people who are not ready to share your new values and principles remain in the past, while new like-minded people, on the contrary, come into your life.

Surrounding yourself with people with the correct and necessary attitudes and views on the world around you, you will not only change your life for the better, but also draw on a lot of new ideas and be inspired for new achievements.

Don't be afraid of responsibility​

No one in this world, except yourself, is responsible for what happens in your life. Realizing and accepting this fact, you can improve it qualitatively.

No one is to blame for what is happening to you. But don't go to extremes. You should not engage in self-criticism and assume that you are not capable of anything. Think of every failure as an opportunity to become stronger and better through quality reflection.

Get inspired by other examples​

The world is rich in stories about people who have become happy thanks to their good deeds, bright intentions and pure thoughts. Make the most of your opportunities and seek to learn their views. Meet them, read their stories and biographies, watch the right films, and read good literature. Your brain needs the right food. If you "feed" him with quality information, it will significantly increase the level of your awareness and, as a result, your life.

Be sincere​

Sincere impulses to do good deeds are always visible. It is worth doing them not for fear of punishment or the opportunity to receive a reward, but just like that, from the heart. Only when such a way of thinking becomes a way of life will change not be long in coming.


The ability to be aware of their actions, establish a cause-and-effect relationship and take responsibility for their actions - these are the skills that allow people to become successful and get rid of many problems.

This does not mean that you can never make mistakes. On the contrary, it is thanks to our mistakes that we become more experienced and wiser in order to avoid failures in the future.

An intelligent person, he will not trample on the same rake. Having experienced the boomerang law at least once, he will not blame the world for injustice, but will learn this lesson by drawing the right conclusions.